Debt friendly companies in the hands of the company

 Loans costs, depreciation calculations

    Do not fall into the trap of these tax treaties
    As reflected in the account of the receipt of money from the founder
    The company receives loans of founders. Driving?
    The debate about individual income tax from the compensation, rent and loan
    Contributions to material assistance at birth and benefits from interest-free loans

Friendly companies can not collect debts with each other, and using them as a way to increase the income tax on profits. There are three popular ways to use the debt-friendly companies.
Method number 1
Include accounts receivable in reserve duty at the counter

When mutual debts, both sides can write off expenses

Tax officials need to set off mutual debts

Friendly companies, which have a reciprocal debt for goods or works, it is advantageous to repay them temporarily. Then the amount of arrears can be included in the allowance for doubtful accounts.

Recognize the debt may be questionable when the counterparty did not return the money in time, and the debt is not secured by anything (a pledge, surety or bank guarantee). Other requirements of the Tax Code no. In particular, there are no conditions that take into account the reserve is possible only when there is no oncoming debt. Just consider and judge (decree of the Presidium of the RF from 19.03.13 ? 13598/12).

Tax measures of security. According to tax, if a collision can not create a debt reserve. After all, the company may set off debts unilaterally. And these debts are not considered to be questionable (letter from the Federal Tax Service of Russia 16.01.12 ? ED-4-3 / 269 @). Create a reserve tax allowed only to the difference between accounts receivable and kreditorki.

To secure costs in contracts should prescribe that the unilateral set-off of debt is not allowed. But if that does not convince the tax authorities, the costs will defend in court.
Method number 2
To write off accounts receivable in the partial repayment of the debt

You can write off the remainder of the debt ahead of time

It is necessary to confirm that the debtor does not recognize the debt

After three years since the emergence of the debt can be written off as expenses as hopeless. But only on condition that the limitation period was not interrupted (Art. 203 of the Civil Code). At the same time, you can take into account the costs, even if in the last three years, the counterparty partially repay the debt. After all, the term is interrupted if the debtor filed a lawsuit or their actions recognized debt. A payment of the debt does not mean that the contractor agrees with the entire amount. That is, the partial repayment do not interrupt the limitation period.

Tax measures of security. It is safer not to take from the debtor a letter to say that he agrees with all the debt. And not to sign bilateral reconciliation statements in which the contractor recognizes the entire debt. However, despite these precautions, the tax authorities may find that partial payments interrupt the limitation period. So, it should be considered again after each repayment of the debt.

But if a dispute arises, it can be solved in the court or the Federal Tax Service. According to the judges, voluntary payment by the buyer of the debt does not mean that it recognizes the rest of the debt (the decision of the Federal Arbitration Court of the Moscow District of 17.06.13 ? A40-112981 / 12-99-580).
Method number 3
List an advance to write off as bad debt

It is possible to consider in advance the full amount of costs

Before writing off the debt it is necessary to go to court

If the group of companies is that which is scheduled to close, then use it for the next way to save. Before the liquidation of her contract and an advance list. The amount of this advance, the company transferred to third organizations (such as the repayment of its debts to another company of the holding). But in connection with the liquidation of the Contractor can not fulfill the deal. He has no assets, and return the advance he can not.

For debt collection customer goes to court and then to the bailiffs. Once the assets have no artist, police officer makes a decision about the termination of the enforcement proceedings in connection with the inability to recover the debt. On the basis of this document can be considered bad debt and write it off to expenses. With debt relief on the basis of a police officer and the Treasury agree (letter dated 06.03.13 ? 03-03-06 / 1/6752).

Tax measures of security. Safer that the debtor has sent an advance debt repayment of the real, not phony. At the same time the risks are not excluded. Officials believe that unreturned advances can not be included in expenses (letter from the Ministry of Finance 01.08.11 ? 03-03-06 / 1/441). But if the tax authorities denied in spending, they can defend in court. Judges believe that recognition of the debt is not necessarily bad, that it arose from the sale of goods (Decree of the Federal Arbitration Court of the Moscow District of 19.03.12 ? A40-75954 / 11-115-241)

Mortgage today - financial slavery or the winning ticket?

One of the most important financial topics today remains a mortgage.
This is a great decision to change their living conditions in a very short period of time.
It is important to understand that the financial dependence of the bank may not be oppressive on the psyche of bondage, but a real opportunity to get what you've always dreamed of.

To little to dispel the clouds in search of the truth and understand what can be civilized "smart" mortgages, today Let us examine the main points that you should consider the simple inhabitant.

The most basic condition - it is, of course, your "liquidity". This refers to the amount of payment on the mortgage, which you can pay your monthly credit. The vast majority of banks will be able to give you a "good" if their mortgages will not exceed 50% of the net total income declared by you and the confirmed bank. (Submit your revenue to the bank in various ways, not necessarily documented, but it is - a topic for another conversation).
Net income in this case - the amount earned during the month of money for less mandatory (where they get away from) payments - apartment rent, taxes, payments on other loans. Moreover, payments on other loans banks can be considered "as is" and can - with a coefficient.

The important point! Psychologically 50% per month will still create some discomfort. Therefore, the system will calculate the loan repayment, starting from 40%. The difference in the 10% - of our comfort zone, when to pay more than 40% - infringe upon yourself in something, and less - just do not make sense.

For how long to take a mortgage?

Banks offer stretch "fun" for 25 years, some even do not stint on the 30.
The most popular among Muscovites is a 15-year loan term, but most borrowers pay the entire amount in advance.

Following the rules of a "smart" mortgage today repayment period over 10 years - this is a frightening reality.
Firstly, in 30 years you overpay 270% and 10 years will cost you in the "funny" 72%. Do not believe? Then we use the loan calculator. Substitute: loan size, for example, 5 million, the interest rate, for example, 12% per annum and will change the credit terms and see what happens.

Yes, for 30 years, you will give the bank is almost three times more money than have!

But if you take a loan for 10 years, a payment on the loan will be too large, or loan size is too small.
Therefore, the main rule of "smart mortgage" can be formulated as follows: loan need to take a long time: the very 25 - 30 years, and the need to repay the loan as soon as possible, preferably within 10 years, repaying the loan early.

Second, today the mortgage for you is necessary and urgent, and at the end of the contract period everything can change - requests, preferences, life situation, etc.
Therefore, it is better to improve the living conditions gradually taking every time "all possible burden": less flat, but the payment for which you will not only do what "work for the bank."

Why should you pay on the loan ahead of schedule?
Let's start small - 7 years. With an average annual rate of 12% interest on the loan overpayment will be 48% for the 10-year loan - 72% of the principal amount. It is advisable to arrange a mortgage today at a more modest property to pay off the loan ahead of schedule, and a maximum of 7 years to find a more suitable option.

Again, not the fact that half the term of the mortgage payments on the contract for 30 years, in your life, nothing will change.
Guided by the rule "from smaller to larger" we just outright kill two birds - does not impinge on the psychological health and average the costs.

The optimal rate for the loan, what is it?
It is understood that the smaller the better. But the stakes "in Europe" can wait for years, but because it makes sense to talk about what can now. Today, the mortgage provided by various credit programs with different rates (from 11.5 to "barrage" of 25% per annum) ... For some programs the rate of 13% seems too high, and for some of that, which we can only dream of.

If we're talking about getting a loan secured by the purchased apartments in the secondary market, the rates start from 12.5 - 13% per annum in rubles.
When lending to new buildings, taking into account the state. Support rates could be between 11.5 - 12%, and in some cases, taking into account the subsidy rate developers - 7 - 8% and even 1% per annum. (However, such low rates are usually within 1 - 2 of the first years of credit use, and then become higher).
When applying for a loan to buy a house to the ground - the best rates start at 14.25% per annum.

Where have the finances, there are always risks, so it happened. In case of force majeure should have surplus funds.

Let's say that you have excellent business and things are going great. But it is today. Mortgage (for some time) - a constant, and business affairs may stop going great, so you need to protect yourself.
This will require an amount of 3-6 monthly income to "wait", "to endure" to find new work and so forth.
This does not mean that the money must be based on "dead weight." The easiest way to place a deposit (not in the bank where to pay the mortgage) with interest that maintain the balance with respect to inflation and good humor you and your family.

HMLA reduced rates! Long live the HMLA!

Question: "How to lower rates will be reflected in the mortgage market"?
In answering this question, it makes sense to talk about the different time intervals.

If we consider the time interval 2 - 3 months, the mortgage market is not affected almost nothing.
It will be easy-lung revival of demand, not more.
For mortgage lending needs stability: a stable job, a stable salary and confidence in the future.
Such confidence among citizens - less than a year ago, and even more expensive products.
In order to in such a situation the population worried about obtaining a mortgage, mortgage rates should be low.

What do we know of the news?
With loan rates start at 10.3% per annum. But for whom such rates?
For socially important categories of citizens.
List of categories rather extensive: teachers, doctors, workers of military-industrial complex, scientists, public authorities and others.
But: 10.3% per annum - is if the borrower has a down payment of more than 50% of the purchase price and the loan is less than 1.5 million.
In Moscow, where the price of one-bedroom apartments start at 5 million and above, half a million, which is called "nothing."
If the borrower's first payment less than 50% - the rate of 11.4% per annum.
If the loan is more than 1.5 million, for the same socially important categories of citizens - the interest rate increases in proportion to the excess amount, but not more than 12% per annum.
That is, speaking of Moscow, in most cases, we talk about the rate on loans to 12% per annum.
Although here we are talking about quite serious limitations.
The fact that AHML considers such income borrowers who are confirmed by a certificate in Form 2-PIT.

Now imagine: Moscow.
The cost of one-bedroom apartments start at 5 million.

For example, 1 million the borrower has, and it is necessary to obtain a loan of 4 million.
To obtain such a loan in AHML, a period of 20 - 30 years old, you need to have an income of about 120 thousand!
Again, the income must be fully confirmed by a certificate on Form 2-PIT (for "socially important categories of citizens" - especially).
Something tells me that with "socially significant categories of citizens," we are talking about relatively small amounts of loans and more often than not in Moscow.

We go further: in addition to socially significant categories of citizens are those who in these categories does not apply. For them, the rates on loans - 13 - 13.5% per annum.
Today it is - in the "corridor of interest rates" on the verge of the lowest.
But anyway it is quite high rates.

If you look at the average rate of the loan, the rate at which a balance of supply and demand is at about 12% per annum. Such rate on mortgage loans has been over the last few years.
Lowering the (average) rates below 12% led to an increase in demand and rising - to the lower demand.
But this - the average rate when the best deals - by 10, and the worst - 14 - 15%, and receives an average of 12%.

Now the average rate on mortgage loans above 12% per annum.
With a higher rate, the demand - less than the supply. That is, the proposed level of rates is not enough to reach the level of demand last year.

In HMLA a strong position in the region, which shows a relatively small number of banks, mortgage loans for its own programs.

In Moscow, the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, many banks have always been banks, which have the best deals than in AHML, and therefore, the share of loans issued by AHML, was relatively small.
And this is connected not only with the rates. HMLA loans do not directly issue: only through authorized organizations.
Loans are issued HMLA money must comply with the standards serious enough. For example, in the apartments, which are issued under the guarantee of loans should not be replanning (none at all), the borrower's income must be supported by 2-PIT.
Also on the "standards of AHML made relatively small ratio of" payment / income ", that is, HMLA believe that the borrower can repay the debt spend less of their income than they find in other banks.
But because of a combination of factors, the proportion of AHML in the markets of Moscow, the Moscow region, St. Petersburg - quite small.

To visualize the proposal AHML to reduce rates - imagine a dark room and a burning in her match.
The Dark Room - Offer, and a burning match - demand from mortgage holders.
Thanks to the proposal AHML, instead of matches appeared torch: as if the room was a little brighter, but it's still not bright.

Therefore, even though the reduction of interest rates, the supply exceeds the demand of the real estate.
The gradual reduction of interest rates on mortgages and AHML, and other banks - as an attempt to catch up with the train uezzhayuschy.

But look at the situation in the long term.

What HMLA lowers rates - is good. Do not forget that AHML - Government organization 100% of the shares belong to the state AHML.

Therefore, the actions of AHML can be considered as those actions that are of interest to the state. That is, their actions HMLA shows the direction in which you should move to other banks.
So soon we will see a gradual decline in interest rates on loans to other banks, or rather, the continuation of this decline.
And it is - good for the real estate market.

But in my opinion, the reduction of interest rates by banks is too slow. The population there is a feeling that what happened reduction - is not the limit, and that the reduction of interest rates on loans will continue, but because the rate cut is not strong increases in demand.

Potential buyers of apartments - are waiting for further decline in apartment prices and further decline in mortgage rates.

To revive the demand for real estate market, you need to lower your interest rate (and not only for socially significant categories of citizens) to the level of 9% per annum, at least for a few months. (That is, do exactly what they did in 2009, to stop the crisis of the last crisis).

It is funding the developer increased risk for the bank.

Banks actively lend to real estate investors, so they bought an apartment from the developer, becoming participants of shared construction.
But few banks have issued loans for the construction of apartment buildings directly to developers.
Why is this happening?
What are the risks they see banks in financing real estate developers?
What additional risks occur in connection with a possible ban of shared construction? (It turned out to be a topical theme as possible ban of shared construction discussed at the level of the Government of the Russian Federation).

Portal Ask the Expert: What are the risks they see banks in financing the construction?

Dmitry Ovsyannikov, director of "mortgage. RU "marked one of the major risks:" When a bank loans to developers, there is always the risk that the apartment in a newly built house can not find a buyer, for example, due to the fact that the house was poorly located. The developer may go bankrupt and then the unfinished house is on the balance sheet of the bank and the bank will have to think about making it as something completed and sell apartments. "

Also Lyudmila Tsvetkova, CFO of "MIEL-Residential Real Estate" drew parallels between the bank and the developer: "The main risk to the bank's risk is similar to the main developer (in the case of the prohibition of share construction) and is postponing terms of raising funds.
For developers postponed the deadline for receipt of funds from co-investors, which leads to problems with covering credit obligations to the bank. Depending on the size of the building and as defined stages of construction, the deadline for the builder will be extended for one or two years.
That is, only after at least one year since the start of the project, the developer will start to receive the first funds.
This is at best. In more complex situations, the beginning of the cash flow can move away for 2-3 years. "

Ponomarev and Emma Sophia Lebedev identified various possible threats to ban banks in share construction.

According to Emma Ponomareva, director of retail operations "Investtradebank": "The main risk - reducing demand, leading to a drop in revenue of developers and the emergence of complexity to the execution of existing credit obligations."
But Sophia Lebedev, CEO "MIEL Development" sounded different: "Naturally, the main risk for the bank is a credit default due to the deterioration of the situation of the developer and its subsequent possible bankruptcy."

The opinions skyrocket risks for banks, if they are to finance developers, not to give money to end users - real estate investors, shared Dmitry Ovsyannikov: "The more risk seeing the bank in financing of these projects, the higher the interest rate on loans: increased risks laid in a bid. The interest rate on mortgage loans to the population - one, and loan business - different: much higher.
That is, the developer financing, bank, judging by the rate at which the loan issue, sees more risks than financing the final consumer. "

The risks that can result in an advantage Sophia told Lebedev, CEO "Miel New": "Along with the increase in risk for banks will rise and risks for developers are commonplace due to the fact that housing will not be sold.
This risk can lead to withdrawal from the market of a certain part of the developers, the beginning of the process of mergers and acquisitions, and then even to monopolize the market the largest group of developers.
And for the banking sector, this situation may even become an advantage. Have proven, reliable builders reduces the risks of the bank. This is the first. Second - it makes it possible to optimize the internal structure. For example, to produce a reduction of the mortgage department with a simultaneous increase in corporate lending department, including the expansion of state investment analysts, appraisers, etc. specialists.
It may also be developed mutual partnership of the bank and the developer regarding the use of barter. Given the fact that the sale of the apartments in the new bank is easier than to contact individuals and selling second homes (for debt), the credit institution receives on hands quickly turns into an asset. "

Dmitry Charikov, head of the Department for Control over the observance of legality in the sphere of housing construction the Committee of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation expressed his views on the possible situation under the prohibition of share construction, banking and finance: "I believe that the coming redistribution of construction market, and believe that the engagement of banks in initiatives related to the abolition of share building, visible to the naked eye. The most desired option for bankers - to build a vicious cycle where the money leaving the bank for the construction or in the form of mortgages, immediately returned to the bank. But for this, you must first destroy the existing mechanism, which, it seems, and launched. "

Association Akon launches associated with informing the citizens and professional community in the field of housing.On the website of the Association of companies serving the property (Akon) to the end of August this year it is planned to create a special section, which will come all the questions related to the subject, and housing problems. Priority Akon is planning to advise and support the professional community: management companies - members of Akon and related representatives of the market of real estate services. However, consumer issues and not be left without attention. Consultants - experienced lawyers, specialists and experts - will carry out consultations online.

The official website of ONF provides information that in the past six months the number of citizens on the improvement of residential areas has doubled, and has secured the stable first place among the causes of discontent citizens of the housing sector. Moreover, many citizens complain that the information concerning the housing sector, they do not have enough people have accumulated a lot of questions that they want answers, homeowners need professional advice. At the same time, there is a clear lack of attention to the problems and professional market participants - management companies serving the real estate, contracting organizations.The project Akon is that the site of the Association until the end of August this year will be a special section, which will come all the questions related to housing and threads, including representatives from the professional community. All questions will be answered and experienced lawyers, specialists and experts will carry out consultations in the online mode.According to the press service of the Association, has held preliminary agreements with such portals dedicated to the real estate market as,, �Moscow apartments�, information about placing banners on the link at the top section of the portal of the Association of Consulting , reached an agreement with the Committee for cooperation with the federal authorities in the Federation Council, negotiations are under way with other resources and organizations. In September, as part of the exhibition "Real leaders of 2015", supported by Akon will operate counseling center, where the lawyers of the Association will carry out consultations to visitors and exhibitors.

 How to get the approval of the bank for a loan

Choose banking program with the most favorable interest rates - is half the battle, because the more important to get approval: what's the point in a low interest rate at which the loan will, but do not you?By submitting documents to the bank should take into account several factors:1. Clothing should be neat and match the position. Not in the sense that if you, for example, a house painter, you need to be entered in the bank in paint spattered overalls, but in the sense that it is necessary to dress in a clean and neat clothes, almost like a date.If the bank applies for a loan or cheap slovenly dressed and client states that he works as director general, he could not refuse. Moreover, failure to deliver and can be an ordinary bank manager, without additional consideration of documents.

2. Credit history - is an important factor when deciding whether to grant a loan. Damaged credit history - one of the first reasons for refusal in the loan. And be sure to check her bank when considering loan applications.3. Before taking a decision the bank verifies the client and, if the audit reveals a negative or false information, then this client bank fails. Before applying the questionnaire to the bank to check all the written information, especially phone numbers. Bank employees may prozvanivat work and mobile phone numbers for additional verification. Therefore, the phone numbers that indicate someone has to not only answer, and it is advisable not childish voice: "Mommy is not home."4. Before serving documents and the signing of the questionnaire, ask the bank manager to calculate the monthly payments on the loan. Will you be able to repay this amount every month without delinquency? Remember, too, that the bank takes into account the cost of dependents, usually as the subsistence minimum. If there are current loans and credit cards out of your income just as well be deducted monthly payments on them (and most likely, the payments will be deducted in double size, because to get a loan for which you have to pay 10 thousand rubles, making you need at least 20 thousand).5. If you have assets - real estate, automobile, securities, should specify them in the questionnaire. It characterizes you as a borrower prone to hoarding, which is very welcome, and the banks will be a definite plus when deciding on a loan.The approval procedure - is complex. For approval must take into account all the factors (listed here are just a few), or refer to specialists who are not only pick the best program to help with the approval of the loan, and possibly arrange a discount on the interest rate.

Requirements for the pensioner for a mortgage:1. It is no secret that in retirement, many continue to work for a long time. Accordingly, the first requirement - it is the experience at the same place must be at least 6 months.2. Your income must be sufficient to repay the loan and a comfortable existence.3. As a rule, banks are considering pensioners, if they turn to the bank before the age of 65.Mortgage pensioners
Get a mortgage pensioner difficult, but possible.

Of the benefits: the majority of pensioners, unlike young people in the property already has a property, savings and other assets, which is definitely an advantage for a decision on granting a loan.Of the minuses: a short term loan. Most banks lend to pensioners up to 65 years, and only a small number of banks willing to lend up to 75 years old (at the time of repayment of the loan).Life and health insurance of the borrower-pensioner will cost much more than the young man.If you are retired and you need a loan, then there are two options: either to issue a mortgage on their purchasing power relative who is not a pensioner, or seek help from a specialist who will select the bank with the maximum possible term of the loan, comfortable monthly payments and the best interest rate.

The criminal case on the accident - perhaps one of the most difficult types of legal practice. The driver who has violated the rules of the road and caused harm to the health of another person, and witnesses of the incident are often diverge in the testimony, and they do not always do it on purpose.

Blame can be a normal shock, which, however, very difficult to parse circumstances. The situation is complicated when it is clear that an accident may result in criminal liability. There has anyone got nervous!

Judicial practice in cases of accidents

Perhaps jurisprudence in cases of accidents with consequences of varying severity could not be so rich, if pedestrians and drivers to mutually respect each other. But sometimes you can not avoid hitting not out of malice, but for technical reasons.

The driver, who was responsible for a traffic accident, can expect a few types of liability:

Administrative: if the driver violated traffic rules, or if the vehicle had a fault which led to the accident. For this, you can lose the rights, pay a fine, or fall under administrative arrest for up to 15 days (in the cases provided for in Article 12.27 of the Administrative Code).

Civil: If damage (eg damaged car). In this case, the damage will have to repay.

Criminal: if the damage was caused to people (pedestrians, other drivers, passengers).

However, if the victim has suffered slight damage, then the driver has administrative responsibility. The severity of the injury is determined by an expert during the examination or special investigation.

Criminal liability when an accident occurs in the following cases (Article 264 of the Criminal Code):

Part 1: If the fault of the driver's person was seriously injured, the perpetrator shall be punished by restriction of freedom for up to 3 years or imprisonment for up to 6 months, or - imprisonment for up to 2 years, with deprivation of rights under 3 years. However, the rights can not be collected in this case.

Part 2: If the offender was intoxicated and negligently caused grave damage to human health, he shall be punished by imprisonment and the right to operate a vehicle for up to 3 years.

Part 3: If the victim died, the driver will be imprisonment for up to 5 years and the prohibition to operate a vehicle for up to 3 years.

Part 4: if the perpetrator was in a state of intoxication, which entailed by negligence the death of a person, he will get up to 7 years and deprivation of the rights to three years.

Part 5: if the accident resulted in the death of 2 or more persons, the driver can go to jail for up to 7 years and lose the right to operate a vehicle for up to 3 years.

Part 6: If the driver in this case was under the influence of alcohol, then he faces up to 9 years, with disqualification to three years.

In each case, the Court considers the evidence provided and determine the circumstances of the incident and to decide whether or not to satisfy the claim and what legal standard should apply. However, clarification of all circumstances of the case could drag on for a long time, so that there can be very useful assistance of an experienced attorney.

Help a criminal defense lawyer in an accident

The more experience the lawyer in criminal cases is on the accident, the better he will be able to protect your rights. However, even generalists much better than hope for your own luck. He knows the minimum that need and the accused and the victim in the first place: what you need to say, and that - no. Sometimes this is already enough to party a criminal case on the accident are not aggravated their situation.

Of course, we understand that in our country a legal culture is much less developed than in the West, where the man throws himself calls "his" lawyer in the most unimaginable situations. So we do not expect that, got in an accident, people immediately find in my notebook the number. However, a criminal lawyer accident may be involved in the process at any stage, whether it is:

    decision to open a criminal case at the very beginning of the investigation;
    peer reviews;

A hundred times wrong the driver who decides to defend himself. Before you give up a lawyer, say, did you know that, by law, a pedestrian generally can not be found guilty of an accident? But the guilty, in the end, there must exist. And how do you think, who they will be? Judicial practice in cases of accidents faced with such situations more than once, and without the help of an experienced lawyer who is rarely able to prove that a collision with a pedestrian could occur, for example due to a technical fault. Of course, in any case, a lawyer will be appointed to the accused, however, whether the culprit be sure that he is in any way interested public defender?

However, not only negligent driver may need legal assistance in a criminal case. The victim is also sometimes difficult to defend their rights. In addition, if you are not satisfied with the decision made by the court, the lawyer will make a statement of claim in the Court of Appeal to appeal, collect all the necessary documents, as well as provide assistance in the organization of various types of expertise.

Needless to say - criminal investigation of accidents are specific and can be very complex. To achieve an equitable solution can be very difficult, so it is important to time apply for legal aid.

The lawyer for an accident in Moscow
 Why you may need the assistance of counsel for the accident

If you own a vehicle, you should always remember that you are solely responsible for their lives and for the lives of the passengers are with you. Being a law-abiding party movement should be everyone, but no one is immune from the emergency. If you are involved in a road accident in Moscow, there is no need to panic and spoil the nerves. Just call your lawyer by accident and it immediately reacts to the incident and will arrive on the scene.

Legal aid lawyer when an accident is necessary because one of the parties is recognized and the victim is often a situation where deemed responsible for an accident victim. To make such accusations should be good and compelling reason, but law enforcement agencies can often be wrong. Through a lawyer of the accident your actions will be re-analyzed and compiled their own documents that are required to provide to the court.
What to do if you are involved in an accident

If you still become a party to an accident, you should immediately call your lawyer, and before the arrival of a lawyer to do the following:

1. Your vehicle must remain at the scene, and all the small details remain on the roadway. If possible, take pictures from different angles incident and attract independent witnesses.

2. If the experts of insurance companies has not yet arrived, and the staff of traffic police officers have made the report of the accident, it is necessary to ask the fullness described damage. Pay special attention to the column "latent defects".

3. As is known to fix the fact of the accident drawn drawn diagram measurements are applied. The conclusion of the experts will be drawn up on the basis of these data, so make sure to indicate the actual numbers.

4. Prior to the arrival of your lawyer does not get involved in a verbal duel with the other participants of the accident. As they say - silence is golden. Your behavior is adequate You only advantage as excessive emotionality may play against you.
How to use the services of a lawyer for an accident

Use the services of a lawyer for an accident in Moscow, you can contact by phone, which are listed on the home page. Experienced lawyers can go to the scene and capture the incident properly. Believe me, if not immediately fix all the little things, it can lead to unfounded accusations in your favor. Do not allow mistakes in the case of an accident, call the lawyer Maxim Shemetova.

How to pay less for the loan?

There are situations in life when due to unforeseen reasons, deteriorating financial condition. As a result, there is no possibility to pay the fixed amount of the loan. In this case, better to go to the bank, rather than wait until it submits a complaint to the court. There are several ways to reduce the mortgage payments.

1. Restructuring

The lender agrees to make concessions, at the request of the borrower. You can ask about how to extend the loan for a long time, as a result, lower your monthly payments. This option is ideal in the event that the bank does not change the% figure throughout the time of the loan.

Also, you can ask for vacation credit. This is an opportunity not to pay the loan for a while. Often, leasing used such a scheme. You can agree only on a percentage of credit, or make an individual payment schedule.

Another type of restructuring - a total or partial repayment of the loan by the bank. This option is used in very rare cases. Most blamed only the penalty interest for the stitching charges.

2. Refinancing (refinancing)

This is an opportunity to take a new loan in his or another bank to pay off the old loan on more favorable terms. First you need to address in its own bank of the proposal, but not everyone wants to spend the bank to refinance their own loans. Then, we must find the right bank with the best conditions. Now a vigorous competition among banking institutions. You can easily find a lender who will agree to such an operation, the main thing that was a good credit history. Having paid off the old loan, the borrower must pay the new, but with a lower percentage.

3. Consolidation

The ability to combine all their loans from different banks in one. The advantage of this option is that it is not necessary to run on all banks to agree on the solution of the debt. Often the interest rate goes down, the borrower is unable to pay all the debts. If possible, you will receive a loan online.

4. Return Banking Commission

You can submit a claim to the bank for a credit account. In fact, the jurisprudence vyznat illegal commission, and if funds were weighty commission, that is, the possibility of their return.

Taking any of the options, it is necessary to consult with an experienced financial expert. And next time, before you get credit, evaluate their cash income, a few steps forward.

5 professions, representatives of which will not give mortgages

Regularly resorting to short-term consumer loans, the majority of Russians do not think that trying to get a large sum from the bank with great maturity, for example, a mortgage may be doomed to failure, despite the sufficient amount of stable earnings. The fact is that every bank there is a list of professions, representatives are not mortgage loans. And in this case we are not talking about illegal activities. So what caused the taboo?

5 professions that are restricted

Any bank taking the decision to issue borrowings, primarily evaluates the borrower's ability to self-extinguish the loan, without collateral and guarantors. The ability to regularly pay a fixed amount of money depends on the stability of earnings and, therefore, at risk, primarily fall into professions that use the piecework wages, as well as those where the work involves the risk to life or have difficulty to confirm income. Therefore, before you apply, make sure that the chance to get a loan really is. To this list include:

1. Individual entrepreneurs. Their chances for a loan is very low, as the bank is unable to verify the adequacy of earnings. Of course, we are talking about the owners of a small business, which is characterized by medium-sized and unstable incomes.

2. Lawyers and notaries. This category also could not confirm income and boast stability.

3. Realtors. Alas, but the representatives of the profession, as well as the previous one, are among the unacceptable. Furthermore, more recently, during the crisis in the property market, the chance to arrange a mortgage from the profession was zero.

4. Military and rescue, racing drivers and trainers because of the high risk of disability and are undesirable borrowers, since the loss of income, even temporarily, entails undesirable consequences for the bank. In the event of a significant increase in overdue loans lender may face a shortage of working capital. This situation is fraught with the inability to make regular expenditure operation, for example, to give the requested amount with the contribution of an individual. Therefore, online mortgages are also not available for them.

5. Judges. This profession fell into disfavor, despite high incomes, because its members enjoy immunity as a consequence, to recover from their debt is not possible.

Of course, the chance to still get a loan, despite the unreliable profession is always there. The situation will improve co-borrower, guarantors, as well as the various property and other assets owned.

Is it profitable to bank financial illiteracy customer?

Every year, our banking system and maintenance causing increasing resentment and mistrust on the part of their clients. On this evidence the reviews submitted by our visitors. Hardly has any sphere of financial activity (except trade binary options) boasts so many angry statements and "curses" These responses suggest potential bank financial institutions that 'clean' banks in our country have gone.

Financially illiterate customers for the benefit of the bank or the problem?

However, if you look at the other side of the coin, you can see that the vast majority of our citizens simply are financially illiterate. This is not to say poor education, but at the same time forces us to reassess the policy of customer awareness of banking institutions. Often, differences starts with the maturity date of the debt.

At such moments the client learns about the conditions of the contract, which he did not even bother to read that sign. Any lawyer in advising on contentious issues in the first place warns: "In any document always read the footnotes in the text, written in small print! Because there will always have to wait for a surprise! "Read the article what are the" Hidden techniques of sales of bank employees. "

The second problem that arises between a bank and its customer is a constant cash withdrawals from credit cards. And the borrower is not plagued by questions: How much credit will be charged interest, as part of the commission of the bank when withdrawing cash and what is the amount of subscription fees for the use of the card. It follows the third problem - the lack of solvency of the borrower. What to do in this case, read the article "How to convince the bank to give a reprieve."

STARTING TO COOPERATE WITH banks or other credit and financial institutions arrange your at least basic knowledge of the principles of those institutions
That is why, before you work with the credit institutions, requires at least a basic set of information about these organizations. Otherwise, it will cost you not only the loss of large sums of money, but a lot of nerves.

Dynamics of progress
The process of cognition of the banks is uneven, but it's safe to say that people's awareness of the dynamics of gaining a positive turn. Perhaps in the next five years the citizens of our countries will be able to communicate with the bank on an equal footing. Despite the high demand for credit funds, their available funds for bank customers are in no hurry to give deposits.

This is due to the number of negative reviews and rumors about the disposal of the banks finance their customers. Soberly and intelligently evaluate the performance of the banks may be only a few, because of their awareness and understanding of the activities of these financial institutions.
The main users of banking products are citizens aged 18 to 45 years. But among the older generation there is also a percentage of knowledgeable or seeking to understand and use all the benefits of banking services.

Deep knowledge determines the quality of the customer
Upon receipt of customer knowledge question - and whether such a competent customer bank? If you respond immediately, without hesitation, the answer is obvious. Based on the logic of the client bank is profitable such ignorance as to the illiterate can hang client obligations, and then demand their execution. But such an approach by the bank does not apply.
Illiteracy is the borrower's only additional problems for the repayment of the loan, and the illiterate investor at the first news about the instability of the market will run to the cashier of the bank to withdraw their savings. Bank, aimed at long-term cooperation with clients, all such things will not be happy-shuffling.

The night Watch

This in the history of the Russian financial system did not exist. Central Bank raised its key rate in the night and once at 650 basis points - up to 17 percent per annum. It is clear that if he did this afternoon on Monday the economy would not escape the collapse yesterday. And most to the Bank's Russian political scandal. However, that did not happen on Monday, it is now unfold in the coming days.

The night of 15 December 16 will go down in the history of the Russian financial system. December 16th hour of the night on the site of the Central Bank was reported an unprecedented increase in the key rate from 10.5 to 17 percent. It seems that the Board of Directors of the Central Bank has been a difficult evening: the ruble in the exchange trading heavily sank against the dollar and the euro. The US currency rose once per day by 6.27 rubles (up to 64.45 rubles), the single European - at 6.59 (to 78.87).

As a result, this morning we woke up when not in another country, in a completely different financial reality. Most of those who diligently on the eve of "hammer" currency at the exchange, was asleep. In this sense, the regulator counterattack caught them by surprise. Even if some of the ruble "bears" awake inciting balance Monday's glorious battle - they have still not had the opportunity has credited under the old rates for the next day to move the dollar and euro to new records.

The Bank of Russia justifies this decision, "the need to limit significantly increased in recent devaluation and inflation risks." However, this solution has already generates risks of a different kind - the recession, bankruptcies and rising unemployment.

The more feverish ruble - the lower the stock news is the economy. Over the last year the majority of the population visited first warlords, then - geopolitics. Now it is the turn of the "Economists." But precisely because of this rapid "popularization" impartial and unbiased assessment of the situation in the domestic finances can be left out of the equation. The economy in Russia now becomes a function of politics, or rather of political technologies.

That, however, does not negate the monetization of personnel or other radical decisions taken against the backdrop of the financial "popular hangover." But the number of beneficiaries will be as small as the number of those who make money on the stock exchange "Russian roller coaster" as the rest of the hapless investors with special posters convinced that the coming century Russian history, "more important than the stock market."

Central Bank head Elvira Nabiullina is not made to praise. But, to be fair, in its assessment that the pace of 4-5 percent by the fall of the ruble added panic population, it is difficult to doubt. Is that throw one or two percentage points, taking into account the Monday crash, as quoted nabiullinskoe statement was made even last week. Even before the OPEC announced refusal to cut production even at $ 40 per barrel and all domestic "deep economy" rushed to buy foreign currency with a new force.

Simple truth, that the exchange rate - it is a derivative of the oil quotations, no longer repeats just lazy. With the peak in July, the price of black gold has fallen by more than 40 percent. Similarly behaved and the Russian national currency. And the panic of the population has become a reality. Some carried the stock market has recently attracted rubles, others - hard earned. As a result, the latter provided the first very good margins, and allowing creditors to pay, and the loser does not remain. A very "porters shells", at best, remained at his.

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev was probably not entirely accurate in numbers, but in fact not sinned against the truth, when in a recent television interview, recalled the situation 5-6 years ago: "Some of our men ran in the exchangers, of course, to both You can quickly convert rubles into other currencies - dollar, euro. But then there was the strengthening of the ruble, and somewhere about the same 25-30 percent compared to the values ??that were reached at the peak of the weakening of the ruble in 2009, and those who have shifted their savings into dollars into another currency, just lost money " .

Another thing is that, somehow trying to discourage citizens from foreign games, the Prime Minister said, "A" said "B". Referring to the possible loss of buyers of dollars and euros in the strengthening of the ruble, Medvedev did not in any way assure those who are now losing its weakening. For example, owners of ruble deposits simply lose an impressive part of their savings. A mortgage-holders of foreign currency loans is not so much to their debt management Cabinet worried as well as the solvency of the largest Russian companies.

But what about the business that unpredictable devaluation leaves no chance of any adequate planning and that, in order to minimize the hypothetical losses, forced to install is not "Christmas" price tags or even move to "US dollars"?

When such a path are landlords, restaurant owners, car dealers, retailers and the like, it ceases to be solely the problem of "traders" and becomes the new additional percentage point to the inflation rate. And consumers are looking at a price feast even more money stocking units, whose purchasing power had no opportunity to question.

As a result, trying to break the vicious circle, the central bank is doing what he did last night, - raises the key rate by 6.5 percentage points. The cost of loans to the main bank of the country now stands at 17 per cent per annum. This means that more invoices are not only playing with the currency, but also investments in any business, it is far from the course and exchanges.

If devaluation were some benefits in terms of lower costs of exporters and the revival of production, aimed at import substitution, - the high cost of their loans crosses. And the "contribution" of the Central Bank in the coming recession can hardly be overestimated. But the results of the transition to a floating exchange rate would be much less dire, he has attended as a banking regulator and the government to create mechanisms in order to minimize currency risks of domestic business. Without limiting the very raw "national champions".

The mechanism described above has already begun to unwind. In just one day of public federal bonds have lost 10 percent of its value. A corporate debt securities fell more than 8 percent. "This deterioration of the situation of the ruble debt market may be much harder than the acceleration of devaluation of the ruble," - said Deputy General Director of "Pallada" Alexander Baranov.

So it turns out that last night the Central Bank to choose between bad and worse. On the one hand, there was destructive to the financial panic of the population, on the other - the cessation of economic growth and recession. The Central Bank decided to sacrifice economic development. But if he chose in this situation the best option, we will see in the near future.

Raising key rates will also affect the population. In the near future we will not see interest rates on consumer loans below 30 percent. Unemployment, according to experts, can grow up to the spring 10, and in some areas up to 15 percent. But property prices will fall. A 40 percent rating agencies will almost certainly reduce the country's sovereign rating to "junk". However, respondents' "business representatives hope that the key rate to 17 per cent hold for long. And it will be reduced after the fall of the price of oil will stop. The question is, when will it happen?

Credit insurance

On October 1 in Russia come into force amendments to the law on motor insurance. Now, car owners were able to buy policies over the Internet. As planned by legislators, this measure should increase competition between insurance companies and eliminate cases of denial of registration of mandatory policies. However, nearly twice risen in price the service became available. But a growing number of false forms of insurance.
Obuem All Russia

This message, which appeared on the website of the insurance company "Ingosstrakh", looks like an anecdote. But only at first glance. Branch drilldown "Ingosstrakh" in the Novosibirsk Region has launched a pilot project to provide design services in the insurance policy stores its partner - the group of companies "Footwear of Russia". Today, 27 stores in Novosibirsk made insurance policy sales, with customers who can not pay the cost of the policy at the same time in full, on favorable terms given target microloan for a term of two to six months. The cost of micro-loans in the announcement were not disclosed. But the fact that the citizens offer to buy the policy of compulsory motor third party liability in the loan, rather symptomatic.

The insurance policy for the car owner's insurance capacity from 101 to 120 horsepower with the driving experience at least four years in Novosibirsk will cost 12 thousand 602 rubles. With the average salary in the region of 29 thousand 300 rubles, it's pretty expensive, but the law prohibits manage personal vehicle without insurance. It is not surprising that the insurance company offers a policy to buy on credit - like furniture and other goods nepovsednevnogo demand.

In other regions, the situation is almost similar. In Moscow, a driver with less than four years, managing the same car, and now insures third party liability of 14 thousand 826 rubles. In the Kemerovo region the policy is 16 thousand 900 rubles, in Rostov - 16 thousand 11 rubles. So Novosibirsk trading network "Footwear of Russia" can safely begin exporting its new service - sale of insurance policies on credit - in other regions of Russia. Success is guaranteed.
Falshak cheaply

However, the results did not take long: according to the Central Bank, in the second quarter net profit of insurance companies in Russia increased by 1.4 times and amounted to 27.7 billion rubles. The main driver of the market, according to a survey, it was the segment of compulsory car insurance (CTP). The increase in premiums in the second quarter 2015 amounted to 49.7 per cent. It happened, as acknowledged by the regulator, it is "against the background of a significant increase in the base rate."

And what in Siberia, with which we began? According to all of the Bank of Russia, in the first half of the volume of the insurance market in Siberia and Yakutia regions increased by nearly one and a half percent (an increase over the same period in 2014 - four million rubles). In the Novosibirsk region grew by 7.6 percent. Companies operating in the region, raised 5.78 billion rubles of insurance premiums; the main increase in sales is given insurance policies - in Siberia, it was 2.92 billion rubles.

Market laws are relentless. The emergence of fake policies could be predicted even before it was decided to increase from April of this year, the cost of the compulsory third party liability insurance. According to the Russian Union of Insurers (RSA), in some regions of the country have already gone on sale forms, motorists who purchase the offer price is twice less than the insurance companies.

Despite the many inconsistencies, at first glance it is difficult to distinguish a fake enough. RSA recommends pay attention to the presence of the watermark and serial number, which must be in the original relief. A characteristic feature of fake policies is their almost complete identity of this. For example, when checking their numbers through the official website of the Union corresponds to the number of forms issued by insurance companies do. Corner Stamps identical to the original angular Stamps insurance organizations. A receipt form A-7, which is issued with the purchase of insurance is almost entirely up to the number copies of the receipt, which give the insurers.

However, there are details that give a false policy. For example, the name of "insurance policy compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners" - while this is the word "owners". But it's not that. The problem, experts say, just that the demand for the printed products has generated a rise in price is unaffordable insurance.

Back in March of this year, Kamchatka rating agency, is conducting a survey commissioned by the residents of the province Automobile Union in the region found that buying fake insurance policies in the event of higher prices for insurance are ready for more than 20 percent of the motorists. Similar results were obtained in the course of sociological surveys and in other regions of the country, despite the fact that for a fake insurance policy driver could face criminal prosecution. Here, as the lawyers say, more profitable to do to drive a car without insurance. In this case, the car owner shines just fine.

Do not remove the acuteness of the problem and sell so-called electronic policies. According to the president of the All-Russian Union of Insurers Igor Yurgens, the day of the sale of insurance policies through the internet across Russia acquired a total of 150 people. He stressed that the online-sales is primarily needed in those localities where there are difficulties with the availability of this type of insurance.

Leader in the sale of electronic policies become Rostov region, Krasnodar, Volgograd and Voronezh regions, as well as Moscow. Total system sales of electronic insurance policies already connected 27 insurance companies. However, to receive e-policy is Only those car owners who have already registered in the system of the Russian Union of Auto Insurers - that is, those who have already bought insurance policies. However, its cost no less than conventional paper.

Work with an insurance company: a promising and profitable

Today in Ukraine there are about 250 insurance companies, and many experts believe the insurance business one of the most promising and fastest growing. In this industry you can be fast enough to make a career.

It is very important that many companies are actively recruiting young people with no or minimal experience, because the staff is just not enough. So, if you are a young professional, then you have every chance to get a job in an insurance company.

Insurance is a separate branch of which has its own characteristics to be aware of. In general, insurance is: "Creating of funds that are paid in case of adverse events."

Come in a variety of directions:

    risk insurance
    property insurance
    liability insurance

In Ukraine, the insurance business with started to develop only after independence, but rather at the end of the 90s. Who is the insurance business in Ukraine is developing very rapidly, which can be described as a "boom". Working in the insurance company is becoming more popular.

There are new companies, there is an active inflow of investment from abroad, come to foreign companies. Common steel mergers and acquisitions among players in the market, and all of this involves a lot of money.

If something of that you have, then you can become a good insurance professional and having worked a year and a half at the initial positions and then go to the "big bosses", as companies grow and managers recruited from yesterday's young insurers.

In addition to the necessary professional knowledge (the ability to understand the relevant services and conditions of insurance) agent, as representatives of the business, must necessarily be outgoing personality and stress.

But that's not all. Success in this business depends on the ability to "calculate" the potential client. Experienced agents know: offer their services to all and sundry can not. Instead, the transaction and making profits you can get a good share of negative emotions. Insurance agent - a kind of psychologist. Its main task - to accurately identify customer needs and provide the best solutions to problems.
Who can work in an insurance company?

The most popular are:

    Insurance agent
    Insurance Specialist
    Leaders network of agents
    Top management

Most of these positions can be reduced to a manager in insurance. Or rather, a person who enters into the insurance transaction. Given the growing market actively, now I feel an acute shortage of insurance professionals.

Of course, the work of an insurance company has its own characteristics. First, you need to understand the intricacies of insurance. This is a fairly complex area and space for learning a lot. Secondly, in most cases the work involves insurance professionals actively working with people, so you need to be a bit of a psychologist and be prepared for lots of communication. And third, most likely you will want to sell insurance, which requires sales skills, tenacity and vigor.
Let me teach

Due to staff shortage, many large insurance companies have opened their schools for training insurance agents. What is attractive, training is free of charge. In this company, organized courses, do not impose any obligation on the audience. That is to be trained, and it is useful for a career in related fields, absolutely free of charge.

Education in the school takes no more than a week. On average - three to five days, 4-5 hours a day. Teach in the first place, to understand the insurance, "to understand the product." The obligatory point of the program is to study the regulatory framework for insurance activities, as well as the basics of document management. And taught how to issue contracts to work competently with clients and so on.
Sign in to share

Earnings insurance agent mainly consists of commissions from the sale of insurance products. The amount of remuneration depends on the type of insurance varies from 10% to 25% of the contract sum. For example, the average price for a car insurance policy Hull, worth $ 20,000, is $ 1,500. That is, the agent who sold this type of insurance will receive a minimum of $ 150.

In life insurance, the commission also depends on the duration of the contract and can reach 30-50%. This is despite the fact that life insurance is one of the most expensive products. But to sell such insurance is much more complicated than the policies of popular types of life insurance.

In some companies, there are so-called system of financing agent. This means that, subject to the sales plan insurance agent in addition to the commission still receives a fixed rate - usually from $ 100 to $ 300. As an additional incentive and bonus programs are diverse, encouraging leaders of sales agents and so on.

But in the first month of the novice may not be able to sell a single product. But the free schedule of work of an insurance agent is quite allows him not to go to the principal place of business, and earnings from the agency activities be regarded as an extra.

Insurance agent can be a temporary part-time job and start a career in the insurance business. Development options may be several. Career growth depends on personal ambitions and abilities. An insurance agent can count on a place in the company. And when certain criteria can apply for a managerial position. For example, an insurance agent can count on a place in the sales department (as opposed to agents, staff "salespeople" generally work with corporate clients and conduct transactions in larger amounts).

According to the insurers, the position of the agent - is the ideal starting step for a career in the financial sector. Firstly, because the big companies, especially with foreign capital, like "grow" their own staff. Second, the experience "in the field" to help future managers to better understand market needs and to feel the situation. However, to get to the office staff, the expert will have at least six months to effectively work freelance.

By the way, not necessarily pursue a career all in the same company. A good specialist will be happy not only all the insurance companies, but also banks. After all, there also have departments whose work is connected with insurance.

Tasks underwriter for an insurance company


Underwriter describes, evaluates and classifies the risk. Underwriter - a person whose signature is to literally worth millions.

Underwriter - a specialist in the field of insurance. Literally, "underwriter" means "signature on the risk." Underwriter describes, evaluates and classifies the risk, forms the insurance portfolio.

The duties of the underwriter enters Sight on behalf of the insurer's insurance contracts, acceptance for insurance (reinsurance) offered insurance risks, qualification of risk in taking on the insurance of a particular object or person, the determination of tariff rates and the specific conditions of the insurance contract, drawing conclusions about the possibility (or impossibility) conclusion of the contract of insurance under certain conditions, the formation of an insurance (reinsurance) portfolio.

Underwriter shall have the knowledge to assess the risks of personal and property insurance, know the principles of the insurance portfolio, legal aspects of insurance, financial stability of the insurance organization, budgeting, insurance reserves, reinsurance underwriting, claims handling. Underwriter - a person whose signature is to literally worth millions.

Qualifications - higher legal education.

Underwriter not only enters into transactions on the primary sale of securities of the issuer, but also participates in the preparation of the issuer, and accompanies the process of registration of the issue in the Securities Commission. However, the main task of the underwriter, of course, is the placement of securities among pre unspecified persons.

Depending on the market situation and the characteristics of the issuer, with the underwriter may be concluded two types of agreements:

    "Firm commitment� (Firm Commitment), which is a commitment to buy back the underwriter of the securities of the Issuer that will not be sold to third parties;
    �Best effort� (Best Efforts Agreement), contains no obligation to buy back unsold underwriter of the securities.

In a literal translation from angl.anderrayter - "the undersigned". Guarantor, surety, taking on a commitment to place a certain number of newly issued shares, bonds, and securities by buying them for subsequent sale to investors. The insurance - a person authorized by the insurance company to take all kinds of risks. Underwriter is responsible for the formation of the insurance portfolio. Two or more underwriters often form a syndicate, when placing the guarantor of the securities issue.

Insurance agent - seller "drugs from fear"

Today, the agent - the main person of any insurance company. Rare client comes to insurance companies alone, it is necessary to find and motivate.

This is what these experts are engaged, by which sold more than half of policyholders.

It so happened that many insurance agents associated with the employees once the only one of its kind Gosstrakh. In fact, the profession is much older - even before the support of the authorities engaged in insurance merchants, for whom this was a side business. Insurance at the state level introduced in our country in 1921, and it is by no means compulsory.

Experts point out that the company, and ordinary citizens, have recently become increasingly turn to the insurance company. Of course, the role played by the fact that banks do not issue a mortgage without insurance, and to safely get behind the wheel of your car insurance policy is required. Accordingly, this leads to an increase in the number of agents and their relevance in the marketplace.

In our country, this profession is not listed as high as in the West, where it is among the three most prestigious, but it is growing in popularity among Russian citizens.
A solid arsenal

In principle, the work of the representative of the insurer's obligation resembles a sales manager. The difference of one thing: "product" agent can not be touched, it offers people the peace of mind that if their lives trouble happens, they do not lose all at once.

What exactly does this fellow? First of all he is looking for customers everywhere: attends companies and activities where there is a chance to meet with potential customers, nazvanivaet those whose phones procured, meets with them personally, tells about the programs, answers questions, gives reason convinces. The best result of these meetings - the conclusion of an insurance contract. But this function "guardian angel" is not limited. If the "worst case", he fulfills the obligations of the company, for example, assesses the damage caused to the victim. Its task is also to work with disaffected than ever insured. But even if nothing has happened, "the drug dealer from fear" still should not forget about the client, put a fat point in the relationship with the person, after payment of the premiums - a good agent is communicating with his client.

In parallel, an employee self-develops: exploring new programs and products, their pros and cons, insurance conditions, the pitfalls. The more he knows, the higher the quality. Baggage must be a very, very decent. The arsenal should include knowledge of the legal framework, the basics of marketing, psychology and etiquette. It is useful, and the ability to analyze the situation well to remember numbers.
Universal chance

Insurance agents are not born, they become. In principle, the organization is ready to take virtually all comers. Immediately determine whether the applicant would be a good employee, you can not - only time will tell. To some extent help to tests that are newcomers, but they do not provide an absolute guarantee. So the chance to have any sufficiently educated person.

A diploma is in this area, employers usually do not require, although a number of universities have the Department of Insurance. But higher or secondary special education in the field of psychology, pedagogy, economics (by and large almost any field) does not prevent, as well as have experience dealing with people.

Typically, employers themselves are preparing agents "for themselves", and do so for the most part free of charge. Activities may last a month or two, however, and after the end of a good company does not throw an employee to fend for themselves: in a few months carried out an internship "in the field", in other words, the newcomer is attached curator, who will check the correctness of the contract, and help to understand the complexity of the program, give an adequate response to the client too hypochondriac. Due to short course errors at first doing enough.

What is taught future (correct to call them potential) agents? Literally all the details: what are the insurance products and how they differ (emphasis is on major programs, which account for the largest number of policyholders) as provided an opportunity to the client how to talk to them, how to catch what they need, how to offer one or the other service as to conclude an agreement ...

Companies often provide training and knowledgeable staff, agents, team leaders. In these sessions, students master the subtleties of working with more complex products and reputable customers. For example, if the Cubs have to deal with insurance contracts vehicles, buildings, household goods, the competence of experienced employees include voluntary medical insurance, auto insurance, life insurance.
To get into the stream

During training and internships himself freshly worker, and specialists with experience will recognize the agent obtained from the beginner or not. Screenings occurs precisely at first. Who is most often become an insurance agent? In 75% of cases, a person with higher education, sociable, competent, hardworking, proactive, patient, easy-going, responsible, energetic, aspiring to make a career. Age it is typically 25-37 years. Agents can be people who have to work in a particular area, and former students (this business is a good start as a professional). Formerly considered a purely female profession, and although today the fairer sex among insurance agents still more, about one-third of them are men.

What else makes it possible to succeed in this field? Knowledge of "audience": how much income families are potential policyholders, some property owned, which may fear. Important appearance and employee: it must inspire confidence, desire to communicate with him. But this is not the most important thing. Among the primary concern of knowledge in the field of psychology - the agent must be able to influence people. Among the required qualities and skills have to talk, persuade, argue, argue, organize information. In addition, organization is needed, because in most cases, insurance agents work independently, are not included in the staff of the company and plan their activities themselves. It is desirable to have and stress, because when denying the first, second and third time, it is important not broke, do not think like you on what does not fit. Among other things necessary (and it is not even discussed!) Is great to know your "product". If a representative of the insurance company will float permanently stray and peek into the crib, consumers are unlikely to trust him.

Sami clients consider most important as an agent of a pronounced interest in their problems, professionalism and speed of competitive selection of the program and registration policy. But the impatient attempt to have his own, excessive aggressiveness, and familiarity with the uncertainty in the responses, not knowing all the details of the programs offered, for errors in the policy and evasion of the responses will stand "experts" bad service. Although a novice in the field of security can be understood - in a few weeks of classes, even if they wanted to he could not reach the level of an experienced professional. He does not have time to recover, as he has thrown into the breach (in this case, the campaign for the client) with a stack clamped in his hand and a power of attorney from the policies of the organization. At first, he just scared to turn to a probable customer, refusal to hear scary, to say or write something wrong. Only warms the soul understanding not gods pots.

In the eyes of the ideal employer insurance agent - sociable, responsible, well-balanced young employee respectable appearance. He is able to quickly ingratiate himself a stranger, diversified, has for some education in addition to 11 years of schooling. Among the required qualities employers often called the result-oriented, ability to work in a team.

Most active light rapid career growth. Initially, newcomers improve their skills, and, accordingly, increasing their salaries. "Green" agent knows only unpretentious food, working under the direction of the curator and the most sought after on compulsory car insurance usually does not fuss. Therefore, it gets a little bit in the first few months, because the workers live off the commission, but they are small, and the customers are not every day: the dense, then empty.

At this stage, you need to thoroughly investigate other insurance products and gain customer base. Then you can skim the cream - to offer "their" customers new programs to renew contracts. Usually, on the formation of leaves a year, plus or minus a few months. Many companies alter native, starting work at several employers, and offer customers a single policy from the company "A", the second has a different risk - from the organization of the "B". Experienced insurance brokers often receive large sums in this way, we are talking about a few thousand dollars a month. If they are quite happy with a free flight, they are developing in this direction. And you want more - you can enter into the company-insurer, to become a manager and consultant in charge of a particular project or a group of employees. Further - more should seek the post of head of the insurance agency, and in the future more united firms. This is a direct road to the "tops".
Potentsiany income

Today, the Declaration by the insurance agent about hiring figures income from 500 to 2000 dollars. In general, the representative of the insurer typically receives 10-20% of the transaction amount. However, the super agent, with the surplus, can be counted on the fingers.

In some companies are starting to pay salary and transferred them to the commission only after some time, when a person acquires a more or less decent experience. A number of insurers, depending on the knowledge and the experience of employees assigns a category, which determine the scope of authority and specialist functions.
What is the beauty of the profession of insurance agent?

Firstly, even if you are not accustomed to the company, it will learn not to be afraid of people and communicate normally with them. Second, master the art of sales. Third, you do not need to sit all day in the office - free schedule. Of course, for the Conservatives, who are used to and from work, rather, it is a disadvantage, but unorganized people such work teaches self-discipline. In any case, at first, beginners are advised to come to the service every day and learn, learn, learn from colleagues. As a guaranteed salary of the agent in many cases still is not available, no one will blame for the lack of signed contracts - it's a private matter. Typically, employees themselves are trying to make as many transactions, knowing that the wolf legs are fed. Fourth, you can become an agent, having any education, and in almost any age. Fifth, this work itself is a good school of life as taught to understand people.

At the same time the bread "guardian angel" gets hard. Beginners (however, more experienced, too) do not just have to deal with failure. Contact with customers at all difficult - clients across different and not always pleasant. Besides constantly have to adapt to the insurer, for example to meet him in the evening after work or at the weekend, take the time to come. Some candidates scares and lack of a stable salary, in this case, there is a sense the first few months to find an additional source of income.

In general, studies show that the ratio of the profession of insurance agent has recently become more positive. Experts in this field are in demand by companies and a piece of bread and butter.

Insurance details

The insurance business was developed in the early 90s. Then employees of insurance companies were universal: to enter into contracts, estimated the value of the objects and the risks involved in payments. Today in this area there is a clear division of labor.

In general, any insurance company employees can be divided into two major groups: the front office (those who have direct contact with customers) and back-office. The first group - it's employees selling units and experts on the settlement of damages. What do the first - is understandable, but the latter work with clients already after the insured event occurred. For back-office are both universal representatives of professions (secretaries, IT-service employees, accountants, etc.) And insurance (underwriters, experts in actuarial calculations). Universals in the article will not speak, it will be only for those whose profession is an integral part of the insurance business.
Sellers in the State and outside the State.

The first step that begins the career ladder many successful professionals in insurance, - the position of an insurance agent. This worker self-seeking customers and sells policies for different types of insurance. Task agent complex and simple at the same time - to sell insurance to me, your neighbor, that is individual. The most difficult first is where and how to find a client. After all, no one will call you and say: "Insure me, please!" So most novice insurance agents first realized through relatives, friends and acquaintances. And just in time the agent (or Sales Manager) formed its own client portfolio.

The agents are not employees of the company. Nevertheless, the developed network of agents - is something on which to build a business of any insurance company. Income derived by a manager, the entire sum of the percent of sales policies. Many in the profession of insurance agent draws a flexible schedule and the fact that sales can be practiced without departing from the basic studies and work. But there is a flip side: the lack of a stable income (how much you sell - so you get). According to the observations of recruiters, earnings agent at the end of the first year is US $ 800-1000. After two or three years, have extensive customer base, such a specialist can count already 2000-3000 USD. Per month or more. Although there are people who believe this craft exclusively extra earnings, thus receive no more than 300-500 USD. Per month. But those who take up the matter seriously and achieves some success, soon become regular employees of the company and have themselves trained sales agents.

The main groups of professionals working in the State of the average insurance company are different levels of sellers, underwriters, methodology (product managers), activists, experts on the settlement of losses, the evaluators (not represented in all companies). Tell me more about each of these professions.

The driving force of any business - sellers. The insurance firms they employ other workers. No sales - no field for the assessment of insurance risks, there is nothing to reinsure and deal with the settlement of losses, too, is not necessary. Sales professionals typically work with corporate clients, at least - with individuals (usually retail - a field of activity of agents). Established vendors as opposed to freelancers have a fixed salary (1000 USD. And above), all the rest - a percentage of signed contracts. Experienced workers income is several times the amount of salary. Naturally, people who work in the field of sales, should be active and communicative, that is not a requirement for specialist back office.

Underwriter (in translation from English - the signature of a risk) - one of the key professions in insurance. The specialist undertakes any kind of insurance contracts, guaranteeing financial compensation. It forms a portfolio (risk selection produces), generates conditions of insurance, defines and justifies the size of own deduction and tariff policy, chooses reinsurance protection, which allows to transfer a maximum risk for minimum money. On average, each underwriter receives several billion dollars a year liability.

Formal attitude to risk assessment can result in the most adverse effects. After all, insurance is in any other industry, a minor error or omission may lead to the collapse of the company. Therefore it is important that in this area working professionals. It is estimated to grow a good underwriter, the company takes three to four years.

The average salary of an underwriter for a large company - 1500-2000 dollars.
Main Product

The main purpose of any insurance company - quality customer service, which is possible only in the interaction of all divisions. To attract customers, the seller needed products and prices that the market will be most advantageous to be different from others.

Creating new products - the patrimony of product managers. After analyzing customer needs and capabilities of the company, they are preparing proposals for new products and their promotion. And their tools serves the entire company. For example, the development of tariffs on insurance trends is impossible without mutual cooperation, product managers and underwriters. In promoting the product on the market manager to help experts in the field of advertising and public relations, in the preparation of special training for the sellers - Service HR. Product Manager is the initiator of all these processes from the inception of the idea to release a product to market. He keeps abreast of sales, tracking how much a new venture for the company profitable.

The salary data of employees varies from 1,000 to 2,000 dollars.
Continuous losses

Thus, the sale is perfect, the risks assessed. If during the term of the policy or contract an insurance case, experts on the scene to settle the losses (in some companies, referred to as experts). The accident crushed the car, the neighbors poured on top of the insured apartment - with these and other problems, experts will understand it. They will inspect the damaged property, make an act that the insured event did take place, will help the client to issue the documents required for payment.

Some large insurance companies feature of experts on the settlement of damages is versatility: they not only work at the scene, make an assessment of damage involved in receiving and analyzing documents, but also participate in the examination taken at the insurance of, the development of new programs, tariff adjustments, etc. .

Insurance event - for any kind of company verification capabilities. On how competently and efficiently it will be resolved it depends on whether the client will appeal to this organization in the next time, or prefer another firm. Well, most of staff involved in such an important issue, in addition to the excellent knowledge of the business, you must have nerves of steel and a truly angelic patience. Otherwise, try to explain to the person who drove the car an hour ago, what papers he needed to collect to get paid.

Depending on the level of remuneration professional loss adjustment ranges from 900 to 1500 dollars.
"Actuarial" question

Another insurance profession - an actuary or expert in actuarial calculations.

Actuarial calculations - calculations of tariffs on any type of insurance, methods of mathematical statistics. Using them is determined by the share of each insurer in the creation of an insurance fund, which is a kind of reserve, from which customers pay compensation. By and large, this work is focused on the future of the insurance company. Specialty actuary originated in the XVIII century with the development of insurance business.

Now, about the salary. Actuarial least in the labor market of 1000-1500 USD. It is worth noting also that the activities of almost all professionals except for actuaries, also divided by type of insurance.

Professional requirements for employees of insurance companies, are standard. However, with the arrival of foreign insurers in the market, more and more increasing demand for qualified specialists who speak English. But they in our country, unfortunately, not enough.
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