BAf�G: Who gets it, basically has ever luck. The monthly sum of money, however, can be too short and therefore not sufficient. A state BAf�G student loan is interest-free, requires of you, but compliance with the standard period of study - and unfortunately can not long be obtained from each.

KfW credit: This is like BAf�G, but with less approval limits and more flexibility. When a student loan during the time at university or technical college to bring financial relief, You can put almost certainly the best for your money. After graduating You must of course also find a way to repay the borrowed money.

Scholarship: The magic bullet. A wide range of different scholarships deserves to be studied! Sorry, no solution to the general public, because you need in any case, good grades and should be involved in politics or social else.

Study Fund: The elegant middle ground next to the royal grant. Study funds are also an alternative to KfW loan. There are no surprises, but a specialized skill and contact pool on top now. However, it can easily happen that you must later repay more than you got, because the repayment is based on your content. However, the high repayment is not the enrichment of the study fund provider, but other students benefit.

Private student loans: you can be strong and cheap, but also impractical and expensive. Please compare exactly in individual cases, because: Private banks want to make to their customers primarily money! The selfless promotion of education is public lenders reserved.

BEYOND also information on loans for students.


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