Signature with respect to e-mail doesn’t refer to your personal signature that you put on your cheques. An e-mail signature refers to your name, e-mail address, phone numbers, web site URL and other contact details that you want to add. You can also create multiple signatures to use them for different purposes like for office, for friends and family.
Generally when you e-mail to someone, it does not have any signature. But if you want to send e-mail with signature than you should use the following methods.
Generally when you e-mail to someone, it does not have any signature. But if you want to send e-mail with signature than you should use the following methods.
Set Up Your Gmail Signature
In gmail you can insert signature at the beginning and end of the message by following the steps given below:
- To enable signature, goto the Gmail navigation bar wthich is at the top and Select “Settings”.
- Now select the Labs category.
- In lab category goto “Canned Responses” and select Enable.
- After this goto “Inserting images” and select Enable.
- Now save these changes.
- To create a signature goto “Compose Mail” .
- In plane text write your name, email , phone no, and other detail(like your website url or any link etc ).
- You can also insert images in signature.
- To save the signature goto “Canned Responses” which is shown at the right side of “ Attach a file” and click “new canned Responses”
- Write the “name” of the signature and save it.
- Now to use the signature compose new mail and from the canned responses select the signature that you have saved.
- You can insert this signature before and after the message.
Set Up Your Yahoo! Mail Signature
In Yahoo! Mail you can insert signature by following the steps given below :
- To enable signature, goto Yahoo! Mail navigation bar and select “Mail Options “
- Go to the “Signature” category.
- In “Signature “ enter the desired signature in the text field.
- Make sure that “Show a signature on all outgoing messages” is selected.
- Enter the desired email signature
- Click Save Changes.
Set Up Your Windows Live Hotmail Signature
In Windows Live Hotmail you can insert signature by following the steps given below:
- Goto the Windows Live Hotmail toolbar and select “Options | More Options”… (or just Options).
- Click “Personal e-mail signature” which is under Customize your mail
- Here enter the desired signature.
- You can add any formatting in you signature or images.
- Click Save.
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