By Angel Dudley

Starting a ministry for children from scratch can be a bigger challenge because one always faces the need to navigate through parental expectations, curriculum selections and hundreds of little and simple to hard questions on how things should work. The main objective after all, is to get a message across while keeping the children entertained and happy. In this article, you will learn of several kids ministry ideas that can help you launch and run a successful program for children in your local church.

You need to keep in mind that there is no one right way to start a children program in your church. This is because what works for the ministry at this time may not work best in future and thus may call for adjustments or change. This makes the church for kids to be a working experiment like most ministry programs.

The first thing you need to do is to gather a leadership team because having the right people from the beginning to the end of your program is very important. You could choose parents, youths at the church who have related with children for sometime, Sunday school teachers or your pastor. These people are important because they will help you in directing the program and in addition make major decisions on the program even before you get started with it.

Deciding the age limit you are going to work with is an important thing to consider. Primarily, you are going to be working with kids and in this sense, those between kindergarten and grade three would be the best option. Other churches have extended the age limit to those doing their elementary education and if yours is one of them, you will still do just fine.

In most cases, selecting the age group that will take part in the ministry program will depend on the opinion of your pastor at church. This is because he understands who will benefit well from the program based on his experience and interaction with different age groups in the church. Always seek the opinion of your pastor on this and never assume that doing it your own way without his consultation is just fine.

Go ahead and establish discipline and safety guidelines for the children. In most cases, you will need to advise children on what to do and what not to do. While most of them may deviate from the set safety and discipline standards, barking at them for mistakes done would only hurt your program and therefore if you are not social and into children and how to understand them, this is a wrong thing for you.

The other idea is the format you will use to deal with children. For instance, you need to be sure whether they will attend part of the entire church sessions together with adults and then be dismissed or have their separate classes from the beginning to the end. If there are classes for kids, you may consider taking them to Sunday school right away without having them attend the main service.

Another most important kids ministry ideas is training volunteers to help you run the program. Do not assume that you can handle it all on your own because in real sense, you cannot. You will need several hands to make sure that things are working out right.

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