By Amber Tucker

Haley loved her adopted mom and dad to pieces. However, they were not the people that made her, and she always felt a need to find out who her biological parents were. She had tried for years to find information about her birth parents. Her adoptive parents only knew the name of her mother and where she used to live.

If you are unsure, there are a few things you can do to tell whether or not it is alright to continue on or if you need to have caution. Pay attention to the person. Do they act like they have other things to do? Are they always checking the time or do they always have to leave suddenly?

She wanted to look at them and see if she could find a resemblance. She wanted to know the reasons that she was put up for adoption and she wanted to thank them for giving her the opportunity to have the life that she had led with her beloved adoptive parents. She just couldn't get over the need to talk to them, to see them, to at least know that they were alive and where they were. Haley gave up for a while because she was out of resources and out of leads. However, upon another trip to the adoption agency, she found that there was a new girl working.

When the woman's voice answered, Haley said, "Hi. My name is Haley and I am looking for my birth mother. Did you give a baby girl up for adoption thirty three years ago?" There was a long pause and the woman on the other line began to sob.

Haley couldn't believe that she had finally found her birth mother. Since then, she has gotten to know both her birth mother and half siblings. Her father had passed away some time before that, but Haley was thankful to know the rest of her family. She could never have found the information without using the resources at Record Detective.

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