By Essie Osborn

When love blossoms between people of the opposite gender there is a natural tendency to want more of it. This is characterized by couples getting married and living together in a home where they can continue enjoying this great feeling. As they say, it takes two to tango. Being a marriage partner you enjoy being served and get relieved of some tasks that you were previously toiling to achieve alone. However, bad times do come, and some issues may call for a family law attorney New Haven to help solve it.

Nobody should promise you a smooth sail in matrimony. Everyone has a different perception on how to go about the various activities you get involved. Accidents and mistakes do happen but the way you remedy them may not go well with your spouse. Additionally, disagreements may occur on who should do particular work, how and by what time. Such disagreements may escalate to levels where solving them internally is almost impossible.

The couples may decide to settle the case at home by signing the divorce papers if they have come into terms on how to share the assets their own. If that fails, the court process, started by one spouse, may be the last resort. However, the spouses should be well prepared financially to be able to pay their respective lawyers.

Having children around you is a good thing. Losing their sight for prolonged periods or even forever is a painful experience. Parents demean each other, expose their weaknesses and make known their past misdoings. This is done to ensure that the better half is declared unsuitable to be with the children. Having no source of income or being a drunkard can work against you and thus you need a competent lawyer to prove your ability.

Another aspect of divorce is sharing of property. The painful part of this is that you get to share even what you possessed alone before you got married. The assets shared are not only those that are co-owned, but what is individually acquired. An experienced lawyer will help you get what you deserve. However, the court may decide that each spouse gets a half of the whole property.

Death is a dreaded word. It is more fearful if you realize you may face it soon. That may happen if you have a chronic illness or an incurable disease like Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. To well prepare for this, you should, with the help of an experienced lawyer, draft a will. This legal document would save your spouse the misery of trying to distribute your property in the future. However, owing to the unpredictable nature of death, one should write it even while on good health.

In other cases, one may make absurd, and unexpected decisions and a spouse or your children may sue you on the grounds of insanity. It is painful to realize this especially if you are still in good mental health. At such a point, you will need a competent lawyer to battle it out in court for you.

Having nurtured your children well and ensured they are disciplined and respect you, it would be discouraging to be involved in legal tussles with them. This may be because a child wants to get a share of your property and is impatient to wait for you. A child may also accuse you of mistreatment. Take time to get a good lawyer who will challenge the legality of such a case.

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