There is a strong opinion that the apartment, taken out a mortgage, does not belong to the borrower and the bank, and, in the case of "force majeure" circumstances, the latter may ask the borrower to vacate living space. However, contrary to this popular belief, any bank can confirm that the borrower receives full ownership of the purchased housing, and only some of these rights are to some extent limited by the loan agreement entered into or the laws of Russian Federation.

If we consider the issue from a legal point of view, in this case, the answer given by one: the owner of "square meters" is only one person - the buyer. And as the borrower and the buyer appears, it means that he will be the owner and property. But, as mentioned above, the rights of the owner of apartment can be put into the framework, because the Federal Registration Service in parallel with registration rights records and security of real estate. In connection with this, the owner of the mortgage apartment can not sell it or exchanged for another without the permission of the bank. Apart from this restriction are taking place and others which are usually found in the agreement concluded with the bank.

Can the bank to sell the mortgage apartment?

Unfortunately, perhaps, but only if the borrower is unable to repay the debt on the mortgage. Experience has shown that many people taking mortgage apartments, faced with further payment, although at first they firmly believe that they could pull such a burden. Of course, they are malicious defaulters is not as desired, but the fact remains, however, banks have to take suitable measures.

After careful consideration of the loan agreement, we can see that the bank has every right to terminate the concluded agreement, if you type a specific number of missed payments. Sometimes a three monthly non-repayment, the bank put the "bullet" in collaboration with the borrower, but often he does not use this right, allowing a person who has taken a loan to fix the situation. However, if the borrower does not repay the debt within six months, the bank filed a lawsuit to foreclose on the mortgaged property.

There are also situations where a key role is not the absence of monthly payments plays in termination of the contract, and other violations committed in defiance of the mortgage agreement, but, fortunately, they are quite small. Most likely, the biggest reason can serve as a crude forgery, displaying information about the purchased property or the borrower's identity.

whether the borrower has the right to sell the mortgage apartment?

According to the agreement, can, but the banks to this are, to put it mildly negative, as their main benefits consist in getting interest that the borrower to overpay for the duration of the mortgage contract. And in this case, the bank lost profits, so the sale of the mortgage apartment and the early repayment of the loan does not appeal to him.

But sometimes the bank is interested in the sale of mortgage housing, if the borrower wants to move to a more comfortable dwelling house or apartment with more usable area. In this case, it takes a mortgage flats sold by the borrower, with the consent of the bank, and is followed by a new loan agreement, which involves the purchase of another mortgage housing, made out in a pledge. the debt balance of the loan the borrower is still obligated to pay out of the proceeds from the sale of the first apartment.

When changing conditions of the loan?

As mentioned above, the solvency of the borrower may falter due to various reasons, but in this case, he has a way out, which will allow him to avoid the stigma of dodgers and even to their advantage to get out of this situation. This yield is called the refinancing of the loan, which is to receive a new loan to pay off the old one, but on more favorable terms.

If the bank gives you the go-ahead, then the borrower can spend refinancing operation, without changing it. Sometimes, however, the lender does not agree to such a move, which makes the buyer of real estate mortgage to seek help from other banking institutions. As practice has shown, the second option is often a profitable first, because the conditions for obtaining and repayment of the loan from another lender may be more beneficial.

Safe and comfortable mortgage: is it possible?

Yes, probably, and all thanks to the insurance. Under current law, a mortgage borrower is obligated to insure the collateral from its loss or damage. And if the property is destroyed or comes into full uninhabitable, its customer has the right to rely on the payment of the credit balance of the loan at the expense of the insurance indemnity.

Every borrower knows that his ability to work and life may be in danger, so it is advisable to carry out insurance on these two criteria, to thereby secure and family comfortable and safe mortgage.
Many families settled down in the new apartments, often think how quickly pay off the mortgage and start to make large payments than foreseen mortgage agreement.

We encourage you to read our material on the mortgage and mortgage lending in the Krasnodar.

Previously, most of the banks sought to artificially slow down the repayment of the mortgage, but after the decision of the Arbitration Court on the issue in favor of the borrowers they use other means.

So in some banks set the bar 300 to $ 600 for early repayment of mortgages. Other banks have established that early payments are possible only five years after the signing of the mortgage contract. There are times when the mortgage contract stipulates the impossibility of early repayment of mortgages at all.

The question arises: Is it profitable to extinguish the mortgage early? The answer is simple - it is profitable, because calculation of payments data show that 10% of the entire period of the payment goes to the expense of the principal, and the rest of the year goes to pay off the interest. It is worth remembering that the less taken a loan from the bank, then the lower the interest payments. Therefore it is necessary to accumulate a large sum and to declare that you wish to prepay part of its debt. You bankers offer to reduce the loan term or monthly payments.

In this case, you must choose the second option. It will earn more money every month and buy the necessary things for the family. At the same time in all the years the borrower is entitled to a refund of income tax on the full value of the loan.
Own a house - the dream of many families. However, not everyone can buy it at a time when it is especially needed, so you have to apply to the banks for mortgage loans.

When making a mortgage have both positive and negative sides. One of the positives is that taking out a mortgage, housing can be purchased at this moment, without waiting for housing prices will rise again. This drop in the ruble exchange rate is always playing on the borrower's hand if it is, of course, I took a mortgage in Russian rubles. It is worth remembering that at any moment can turn to another bank to refinance their mortgages. If the borrower lost a job, the bank provides deferred payment up to three months.

The downside of mortgage is that buying a house with the help of a loan, you become its owner with a number of restrictions. Your accommodation can not sell, donate or exchange. These restrictions will remain until full repayment of the mortgage.

Thus he repay the mortgage process is long and quite difficult because of the high interest rates. The total amount paid may be twice the real value of the apartment. Also still need to pay the compulsory insurance. In case you are not able to pay the mortgage, your home auctioned.

So take a mortgage is only in the case where there is an urgent need for their housing. It is necessary to be careful when signing a contract with the bank, getting a grasp on all the items of the contract. The most important thing in this business is to increase their own revenues, which will shut down the mortgage faster.
Not all Russian citizens know that they can save quite a significant amount, buying an apartment on the mortgage loan. This savings would be quite legitimate. People used to buy the borrowed funds, can always benefit from the right to receive a tax deduction under the conditions absolutely any program, starting with the purchase of land and ending with the mortgage for the purchase of a small room.

To get the tax deduction for mortgage civilian can go two ways: contact the Tax Inspectorate or to make an inquiry at the place of work. In a first embodiment, the borrower may require the return of taxes for a specific period of time, that he had paid earlier. The most common time of 1 year is calculated.

Simply put, a person receives the full amount back in full for the year during which his salary is deducted monthly income tax. Translated into figures calculation tax deduction when the mortgage is obtained approximately as follows: give 50 000 monthly salary, working citizen loses 6,500 rubles per month on account of his income tax deduction. Consequently, the annual tax deduction will reach 78 000. Naturally, for the family, taking on a mortgage, this amount is quite substantial, so the right to tax deduction must be used without fail.

With regard to the tax deduction for the employer, in this case still have to visit the tax office. The fact that a person needs to get a special tax notice, which confirms its right to property deduction. After that, the citizen must submit documents and notify the accounting department at the place of work. The result of such treatment would be the absence of the monthly deduction of income tax during the year. That is, the employee will receive "net" salary for as long as the act of his right to property deduction.

Such a tax deduction for the payment of the mortgage has the following advantages:
application is considered no more than 30-days;
wage increases significantly;
citizen by submitting an application and provide a package of necessary documents, gets a tax deduction on the expiration of one month.

It's worth knowing that if in the near future is planned to change the workplace, it is necessary to draw the deduction by tax office, that is, going by the above-mentioned first. If this is not done, then the tax notice citizen can only get through the year.

Unfortunately, even if the citizen had to calculate the tax deduction on the mortgage, and, apparently, does not see any problem in getting the property deduction, it may be rejected, the reasons for which are the different factors. For example, he does not get a tax deduction in the event that housing, which it claims, have already been sold or donated.

Also, do not count on the deduction, if the citizen has exercised its right in this regard, since it is provided only once in life. Here it is possible to make a purchase and sale transaction, which took place between relatives, which means that property shall not be deductible.

When a failure, you must first know the cause, as sometimes carelessly Tax inspection processes documents, avoiding mistakes. If the case will be covered in this case, the citizen has to reapply or appeal court. Of course, the judicial process will take time, but it's worth it.
Experience has shown that a key factor in the selection of the mortgage, the interest rate acts. Any bank sets the amount of mortgage interest on an individual basis for each loan, which is issued to the borrower, because it affects the object to be lending, the form in which the confirmed income, the type of market where purchased "square meters" (secondary or primary), the original contribution and, of course, the credit period.

All mortgage loan rates are divided into three types:
The most widely used type of fixed rates, which in any case do not change over time given a mortgage loan.
Second in popularity are floating rates, attach to the average value of the interest rate, which operates in the interbank market. Simply put, mortgages issued in foreign currency, will refer to the interbank exchange of London. Sometimes, however, the rate on the loan in a currency, the euro can be attached to the European interbank rate. And when the mortgage rate is indicated in rubles, it is directly linked with the Moscow interbank market level loans.

Any floating rate mortgage notes specific index, which characterizes the interbank market:
rate related to the stock exchanges in London, there is an indicator of LIBOR, formed on the platform of interest rates, which belong to several major world-class banks. As this indexation rule, mortgage rates are designated as 6% + LIBOR and 7% + LIBOR, etc. With regard to the borrower, it is annually informed your lender about mortgage rates change, and what interest he must pay for the next year.
take a mortgage in rubles MosPrime indexed value and is created only on the basis of the contributions indicated in rubles on the Moscow market. These bets are referred to as MosPrime3M + 5% and + 5% MosPrime6M. It is worth considering that the market of the Russian capital rates are subject to change every three or six months.

There are other rates that are linked to values ??such as the Pibor (Paris Bourse), FIBOR (Frankfurt Stock Exchange), MIBOR (Moscow alternative to LIBOR) and TIBOR (Tokyo Stock Exchange).

    3. The third type of mortgage rates, is characterized as a combination. This bet type involves fixing rates for the first few years of the mortgage loan, and then begins to take effect floating rate.

If the borrower does not know what rate to give preference to, he begins to compare them. However, comparing mortgage rates, you need to consider some important points. For example, if the bank issues a loan at a floating rate, it is usually worth less fixed. However, floating rate trust less than fixed, so in this case, the benefit goes shoulder to shoulder with the risk. And the thing is that variable rate, although it is at the beginning of lower fixed payments, too, can grow.

Currently, fixed rate mortgage is gradually reduced, as far back as 2011, the government encouraged banks to reconsider the value of fixed interest rates and give young teachers, mortgage loans at 8.5% per annum. Naturally, with the social mortgage is expanding every year, but the prices do not stand still, so now all the government forces and banks are applied to ensure that regulate this relationship.
Income Tax Return for housing purchased in the mortgage can be the person who officially work legally and receive wages. If a person works for several official papers, he is entitled to the return of income tax for all places of employment.

It should be noted that this possibility deprived of private entrepreneurs and non-working pensioners. The size of the return of income tax is calculated based on the cost of purchased residential facility and the amount of interest paid under the mortgage agreement with the bank.

This income tax return is possible with only 2 million rubles. This means that if your home is more expensive income tax of 13% will be credited with the amount of 2 million rubles. It is worth noting that the amount of interest for the deduction is not limited.

In order to receive a refund of income tax must be submitted to the tax authorities the appropriate application with the documents, which confirm ownership of the purchased housing, payment checks and receipts, and the mortgage contract.

Your application to the tax authorities should be examined within three months. In the event of a positive review, income tax refund will be credited to your bank account.
Most recently, young families there is another option of repayment mortgage - with the help of maternity capital, and although this amount is not very large, it is enough to close the part of the existing debt.

Maternal capital is available to all families at the birth of the second and all subsequent children, but it is stored in a pension fund. The question is: How to use these funds to pay off the mortgage, if they are not in the hands of their owners?

This issue can be easily solved if their own or through her husband, contact the Department of Pension Fund with a corresponding declaration of intent to dispose of his mother's money. Such a statement can be sent by mail, but must be attached to it are not original documents, and copies thereof.

The application to the Department of Pension Fund of the intention to dispose of his mother's capital accompanied by the following documents:

- A certificate for maternity capital;
- Certificate of compulsory pension insurance;
- Documents confirming the identity of the mother and all the family members;
- Documents about the place of your residence and the acquisition of property in the mortgage.

In case of a positive review of your application, the separation of the pension fund will send the maternity capital funds in the bank. It is worth noting that now almost all banks take maternity capital funds. However, we must note that these funds are sufficient only to pay interest.

On our website you can request a mortgage, including for maternity capital. This application is not an official request to the bank, and is used for preliminary calculation and formation of the banks offer for you.
Recently, a prerequisite of mortgage lending was his insurance. It is important to note that the property does not need insurance, and direct credit amount if the recipient of money suffer "default".

In broad terms the risk of losing the bank lending the money is big enough. Mortgage insurance has become especially popular because of the unstable situation in the labor market. Risks are associated with banks and personal motives of man.

Importantly, the borrower as the payment of insurance can offer money, but not real estate, which the bank has no significant value. mortgaging real estate - is not the mission of the bank, given that it is sold at a price much lower than the one on which I possess. As a result of the creditor bank incurs losses.

All this led to the popularization of mortgage insurance. Mortgage insurance in this case, allows the bank to secure the deal considerably. The insurance contract is concluded for the entire period of the mortgage lending up to making the last payment of the debt amount. Despite the fact that over time, such as 3-5 years after the loan payments, the risks are reduced considerably, to abandon the mortgage insurance is not possible.

Current mortgage insurance programs include:

� insurance of life and health of the borrower (Co-borrower). This insurance is carried out on cases of death of the borrower for any reason, as well as in case of total or partial disability caused by an accident that led to the disability.

� Insurance of real estate. Insurance is carried out in case of fire, explosion, water damage of property, natural disasters, illegal actions of third parties, including terrorism;

� Insurance risk possible loss of your ownership of real estate (title insurance). Insurance is carried out in the event of loss of borrower ownership of real estate.

Bids mortgage insurance is different, depending on the region and the loan conditions. The standard insurance amount is not less than 110% of the loan amount, it varies every year, as debt repayment. On request, the insured amount can be increased up to the value of real estate in the housing market. Calculation of mortgage insurance is made by the insurance company in each individual case.

In the case of an insured event damages the bank takes place exclusively in the amount of damage and no more than the sum insured.

Moreover, if the insurance premium payment amount substantially exceeds the amount outstanding at the time of payment of the borrower's obligations to the bank under the loan agreement, the remaining part shall be paid to the borrower.

Today rates for comprehensive insurance of mortgages are set individually in each case. The extent of the insurance risk, as well as contributions and other nuances will depend on:

- The age and condition of the borrower
- The general condition of the property (ohm or flat)
- "Legal purity" of the apartment or house

Borrower upon the occurrence of an insured event should contact the insurance company immediately and put in a lender's reputation. Clarify procedure in a given situation can be an insurance company.

In drawing up the contract of mortgage insurance should pay attention to the list of insurance cases for which losses will be reimbursed. Let's look at the most private insurance cases.

Death or disability of the borrower.

With the death of the borrower or the receipt of a disability, the insurance company is obliged to fulfill all obligations for it to repay the mortgage loan and pay interest. Planted apartment in such a case goes to rightful ownership of the borrower or his heirs.

Damage to insured property

In case of damage to the insured property insurance company pays the insurance premium to the borrower. It is worth noting that if the damaged dwelling was insured only for the amount of the mortgage, rather than the full cost, it received the insurance money may not be enough to complete the restoration of housing.

The loss of property or loss of property rights

When there is a physical loss of property or loss of property rights to it, the insurance payment will be the recipient of the bank granted a loan. He will receive from the insurance company the remainder of the debt of the borrower increased by 10 percent. If the borrower is insured housing in its full ownership of it can get between the cost of housing and mortgage.

In practice, it often happens that the mortgage loan is paid off early. In this case, the borrower may prematurely terminate the contract of mortgage insurance, and recover the amount of insurance payments for the unused time.
Mortgage loan or mortgage (from the Greek Hipotheka -. Mortgage, mortgage) - a loan. It is issued on the security of real estate. This loan is most often provided by the bank, at the same time as the creditor can act any other entity.

Mortgage borrower provides its obligation to repay the loan secured by real estate, which is owned by his property rights. With the consent of the lessor subject of the mortgage can be a right to lease property.

In Russia, the "mortgage" means a loan, receive it in the bank for the purchase of real estate. British experts have identified that their word - �mortgage�, which means that the mortgage is only suitable for real estate, here things do not get another purpose. Get a loan to buy cars or household appliances is not possible.

Buying an apartment in the mortgage the most reliable and secure way to purchase housing. In this case, you pay for the apartment directly to the owner, not to third parties (developers or owners of the cooperative).

Before the purchase and sale is the bank conducts a detailed check of the apartment on all legal issues. In addition, for the duration of repayment of mortgage risks of loss of property rights and the borrower's ability to work insured.

Many mortgage programs that exist in the country and significantly improve the range of services offered in the mortgage market. This allows participants to choose for themselves the best options.

By Shirley Hayes

The adoption of various kinds of computers in personal, corporate, and government processes is leading to a new form of crime referred to as cybercrime. Cybercrime is any kind of crime facilitated by computers. Cybercrime is growing at a very fast rate, something that is making it necessary to formulate strategies for combating this new threat. In a bid to combat cybercrime, a new field of study known as computer forensics (CF) has emerged worldwide.

This field also goes by the name computer forensic science. Albemarle, NC, is home to some of the best experts in this field. Computer forensic science is a branch within the field of digital forensic science. As a field of study, it pertains to all evidence gathered from computing devices and digital storage media. Experts in this field aim to collect, analyze, and report on digital data in a way that is legally admissible. They use data that is stored digitally to prevent and detect crime.

In the current way of life, the application of computer forensic science is almost in all professions. The professions in which this science does not apply are countable. Law enforcement agencies are the earliest bodies to have used CF in their operations. These agencies also remain to be the heaviest user of this science, contributing enormously to developments observed in the field.

Modern computers are increasingly becoming active crime scenes through the action of criminals and law enforcement officers. A computing device can become a crime scene when it was the target of a denial of service or hacking attack. Computers are also important sources of information in criminal investigations. It may hold information about internet history, emails, and documents, which can be useful in a crime such as a murder.

The scope of CF exceeds finding documents, files, and emails on computing devices. It involves the examination of metadata on documents to reveal more information about them, which could prove to be useful in solving a crime. For example, through the use of metadata, it is possible to identify the first date a document appeared or was created on computers. It is also possible to determine the last date the document was printed, edited, and saved beside identifying the user of who undertook all these operations.

More recently, the employment of CF by commercial organizations has been for organizational benefit. There are several different cases in which CF is employed by commercial organizations. These cases include forgeries, industrial espionage, employment disputes, fraud investigations, and intellectual property theft. Internet use in work-places, inappropriate emails in workplaces, regulatory compliance, and bankruptcy investigations are additional cases handled under this field.

Investigation in this field employs several different techniques. These techniques include cross-drive analysis, stochastic forensics, steganography, live analysis, and deleted files. The correlation of information gathered from multiple hard drives is done under cross-drive analysis.

CF examination is a single process that is comprised of six separate steps. These steps include readiness, presentation, review, collection, evaluation, and analysis. The list above is not in a chronological order. Although very crucial, the readiness step is often overlooked. Legal, administrative, and technical are the three broad categories of issues that prevail in this field.

About the Author:

As the statistics in Russia every fourth customer of the bank, get a loan can not repay it. In fact, there are any causes of job losses to start a repair. When difficulties begin with the monthly payments, most borrowers believe that the repayment deferral will help in this situation and close the question. However, it is not so, but rather, only when provided for a small period to delay the customer will return a salary, and enough to increase its size: for a loan by that time will double.

Sami bank employees are advised to immediately refer to them as soon as problems arise. If arrears on the loan is not there, you can get a break on loan payments or reducing the monthly amount, while increasing the crediting period. But we must bear in mind that these benefits can only be 1 time per year.

What documents are required?

In addition to the documents that testify to the difficult circumstances: Help form 2-PIT, birth certificate, proof of illness of a family member, a copy of employment record with a mark of dismissal, etc., - the customer has to bring his plan to a bank solutions problems, indicating the size of the most possible benefits per month, which can not be less than the accrued interest for the loan. Company, familiarized with these securities, shall take a decision usually after 2-7 days - to defer repayment of the loan the client or not. Later formalized agreement to modify the loan agreement, which describes the conditions for granting a deferral.

How is realized the delay on the loan?

Among experts there is a change in credit conditions, entitled "Restructuring the loan." For its implementation, these methods can be applied:

Usually it is given a short respite (usually 1-12 months) to repay the loan principal (in other words, it is a credit vacation), debt that is the client pays only the interest on the current loan. loan costs in this situation increase, but do not need to pay penalties for delay.
Increased life of the loan agreement and, therefore, the repayment period of the loan increases, as the bank wishes, for 1-3 years, that is, the amount of debt divided by the greater number of months. Expenses increased again, but the monthly amount is reduced.
It reduces the amount of interest for a period with further increase to cover the cost of the bank in connection with a permanent reduction in the size of payments.
It should be emphasized that the postponement of payment is specified in the contract only on certain types of loans (education, construction, real estate loan for repair). All other situation where delay in the loan documents is not observed, the decision on granting a delay and change the terms of the contract is managed by only one bank.

One way out of the difficult financial situation - refinancing of the loan, in other words, subject to availability, you can take another loan at low interest rates, and they repay the loan, the former. The customer, therefore, is only recently obtained a loan, but with a lower interest rate.
Among the products in the market of insurance, accident insurance - not the most popular. Based on these statistics, such a policy has approximately 1.5-2% of the Russian citizens. By the way, many of his purchase was a forced measure: when you visit a mass event or when purchasing a passenger ticket. In general, the Russians rarely think about the accident insurance, because we are sure that nothing will happen to them, and if they happen - such a protective measure is unlikely to help them. For comparison, accident insurance is very common in Europe and in the United States.

The position of the Russians on this issue - is wrong, because the natural disaster, the emergence of a disease or a hooligan attack - not a rarity in our time, and prepare for them.

In practice, every person, regardless of age and / or state of health can be insured against accidents both on the short term, for example, at the time of operation, and the long-term, a year or more. It all depends on the purpose of insurance and the program selected.

From what to insure?

Often, people seeking to protect themselves, puzzled need to select risks. Most insurance companies offer a standard set of services. For example, you can protect yourself from lightning strikes, the effects of explosion, otravleniyaZastrahovatsya chemicals and poisonous plants, electric current, malicious attacks, animal bite, falling objects on the insured person, vehicle crash, ingestion of foreign bodies, polio, as well as from different injury, including, obtained in the home and other cases.

But not all accidents can be insurance. Agree, there is a difference between a serious injury, illness or even death and a short period of disability. The incident, which was to be expected, too, will not be deemed an insured event: for example, if a trouble occurs to a person as a result of mental illness, chronic disease, hypertension, or during sports. Compensation also is unlikely to be paid if the personal injury occurred during the riots, strikes or acts of war.

Sometimes though the insurer recognizes the misfortune as an insurance case, but the situation will not pay compensation. This is possible, if at the time of trouble the insured person was in a state of alcohol or drugs or if the policyholder at the time of injury, suicide or attempted to commit illegal actions.

Insurance payment

Insurance payment is made, as a rule, within the time specified in the contract, and its size is calculated as a percentage of the sum insured and, depending on the severity of the injury and the cost of treating the disease. The more severe the injury and its consequences, the greater will be the amount of insurance compensation. insurance payment amount depends on the insured - at the conclusion of the contract he may determine it's size. But if the amount is large, then the cost of insurance is not cheap.

In any case, you need to think twice: Do you have a high probability of the insured event, and whether it makes sense to pay more for insurance that you can, and do not need.
Mortgage loan - this is a serious and important decision, before the adoption of which is necessary to carefully consider all possible situations. And, despite the fact that mortgages usually take citizens with a stable income, and such situations occur when a citizen took a mortgage and lost their jobs and, consequently, the ability to pay monthly installments. What can we do to those who lost his job as a mortgage to pay and get out of a difficult situation?

Option ?1 - Sell an apartment

If you have a mortgage and lost their jobs - the first solution that comes to mind - to sell the collateral apartment and pay off the loan. However, this solution has its disadvantages - if you do not have another apartment - you'll be on the street without a roof over your head. In addition, the sale of apartments - a complicated process and not always fast, you risk to gain a much smaller amount than is required to repay the debt on the mortgage. Experts do not recommend using this method.

Variant ?2 - hidden problems

We took a mortgage and were laid off at work? You are looking for a new job, and in the meantime miss payments on your mortgage? Do not expect anything good of this decision, it will cause serious consequences up to the trial between you and the bank.

Option ?3 - contact the bank for debt restructuring

This solution is recommended by most experts. If you lost your job and can not pay the monthly fees - you must immediately report it to the bank, are not waiting for the moment when the payment is overdue. In the current economic situation, the bank can go to meet you and to restructure the debt in several ways:
Enlarge term of the loan, and the monthly fee is reduced
To release you from payment of "body" of the debt on the specified time
Thus, if you lost your job and do not know how to pay the mortgage - the most correct solution is to immediately report it to your bank and work out a joint decision on debt restructuring.
credit insurance

Another option is to prevent the situation from the insurance job losses at the mortgage. Such insurance provides that if the borrower loses at work due to the reduction, liquidation of the enterprise and other reasons, the insurance company will pay the mortgage for the borrower for the duration of the search for a new job.

Such insurance requires additional costs at the conclusion of the contract, but can save you from the loss of the apartment in case of job loss. For insurance must be registered with the Employment Center and every month to present an insurance company work record to confirm the absence of your work. When insuring the loan, you eliminate the risk to remain without an apartment and debts, and do not spoil a credit history in case of job loss.
Mortgage insurance involves three types of risk:
Life and health insurance
Insurance Property linings
title insurance.

This applies to the secondary market. In the case of new buildings under construction is insured only the life and health of the borrower. After entering the house in operation and getting the property rights will be added constructive insurance.

Consider the total cost of insurance for example, buying an apartment on the secondary mortgage program VTB24. Customers - a married couple who have the same salary and their income is equivalent to participate in the calculation of the maximum loan amount. The salary of each co-borrower influences in what proportions will be insured life. When parsing an example will be clear what is meant.

This is the real deal: the loan amount is 3 000 000; Apartment panel semnadtsatietazhki 2000. Built without redevelopment; borrowers - a married couple for 35 years each. The interest rate on the mortgage 14%.

We will not go into detail in the calculation of insurance rates and consider the schematic.

The total fare for this transaction came 0.6%:
Life has managed to Rate 0.25%
Tariff constructive 0.25%
The tariff for the project 0.1%
It should be noted that this rate is quite low: not the old house, the young borrowers. On average, the bank insurance rate is at 1%.
Why depend on mortgage insurance rate

As it is written above it is composed of three parts: life, constructive title. If the policyholder is not 35 years old, and 50, the rate of increase. The presence of any serious injuries or illnesses also increase the tariff.

What can increase the cost of insurance linings? The presence of illegitimate redevelopment, the old house, wooden inter-storey ceilings, etc.

The cost of insurance for the project depends on the title documents and legal history of the transition of ownership of this property. If the current document is, for example, fresh inheritance (property of less than three years), the rate will be high.
Calculating the cost of mortgage insurance

Credit sum is multiplied by the approved loan amount and we get the cost of insurance. So make the most of the banks. Some amount is added on to the loan interest for the year. This method of applying VTB24. Here are their payment at the rate of 14%: annual interest rate is added on to the loan 3 000 000 and get the amount of 3.42 million, multiplied by the value of the insurance rate of 20 520 rubles.

In our example, two of the borrower are equally involved income. Each of them will insure your life for 50% of the amount of the loan at the rate of life / health. That is 1 500 000 multiply by 0.25%, and get 3750 the cost of insurance for everyone.

Insurance should be paid once a year for the remainder of the debt.
For a long time the banks do not issue mortgages without guarantors, because the presence of a guarantor - it is a way to protect yourself from credit defaults, it is a guarantee that the loan will be repaid. However, the situation changes and the crisis in the mortgage market makes banks to come up with new tools in the pursuit of customers. At the moment, some Russian banks offer mortgages without sureties, in-mainly large banks - Sberbank, VTB 24, Raiffeisenbank and others Mortgages without guarantors -. Is the risk for the bank, as there is no guarantee that the person who took the mortgage will have a stable job throughout the term of the loan. In addition, a loan - it is usually large sums, estimated in millions of rubles. In order to reduce the risks for a mortgage without guarantors banks set more stringent requirements.
Features of mortgage without guarantors:

As mortgage interest without surety above term loan disbursement and the loan amount is less than in the classic mortgage. Often higher and the amount of insurance.
The Bank carries out a serious test of the borrower, you may require a certificate of no debt on housing and other documents on the discretion of the bank, such as the former owners of the apartment, if any.

Often without a mortgage guarantors can only be obtained on the unfinished residential facility, which you can make the right property.
Can be presented and specific requirements for housing, it should be free and ready for occupancy.
Mortgages without guarantors in Sberbank

the country's largest bank provides a tool such as a mortgage without guarantors. For borrowers of the bank following important conditions:
Credit is given for up to 15 years
Loan currency - rubles
Minimum loan amount - 1 million rubles, maximum - 3.5 million rubles
The initial payment is at least 50%
Check out a mortgage without guarantors are Russian citizens between the ages of 21 and 59 years (women up to 54 years) with a continuous length of service on the last job - 1 year.

As we can see, the situation in the mortgage market develops in such a way that many banks make concessions and offer its borrowers to issue a mortgage without guarantors. However, this service has its disadvantages - tougher requirements for borrowers, reducing the term of the loan and the amount of the loan, increasing the interest on the loan, and the initial contribution rises to 50%.
According to statistics, one in five young couple lives in Moscow in a civil marriage. During cohabitation couples usually cashing any joint property. Sometimes it comes and to purchase the apartment - including with a mortgage loan. What problems can occur in people who are in a civil union, says lawyer of "Reskor" Ekaterina Guseva:

- If at the beginning of the mortgage banks flatly refused to provide loans to citizens, not to formalize their relationship in the registry office, but now the issues usually arise: Most lending institutions are willing to give a loan to unofficial spouses.

By law, the fact of cohabitation does not produce legal effects. However, maintaining a common household and joint costs (including mortgage), in fact, almost identical to family relationships. The only "but": the costs of each of the parties should be documented. It should be borne in mind that the Family Code of the Russian Federation establishes the rule that the joint property of spouses arise only after the official registration of marriage. In the case of cohabitants to apply the rule of dividing the spouses' common property, which belonged to a house purchased by one of them under a contract of mortgage, you can not.

Typically, a mortgage requires such important things as the initial payment, confirmation of high salaries, which will pay off the loan, and the presence of a reserve fund in case of force majeure. Naturally, for the family to cope with these risks better than alone. And if one of the spouses will have problems with work or other income, and the second will be able to insure them both. In general, a joint mortgage profitable even that banks are willing to give a loan pair, as well as approve a loan for a larger amount, because mortgages are considered incomes of all co-borrowers. Therefore, we always recommend to make out an apartment in the property of each of civilian spouses in equal shares (or other parts), as well as to act co-borrowers on the mortgage loan. Because one of the civilian spouse may be left with nothing if the loan was issued thoughtlessly.

In addition, the civilian spouse may independently determine which share in the mortgage object property will belong to each of them, which means that this credit program will be more flexible.
So much for the advantages of registration for mortgage cohabiting persons. And what are the risks?
The main danger - a high probability of rupture otnosheniy.V our country breaks at least every second marriage, and this percentage is even higher among civil unions. And because of this, you ask? And the fact that when you make a loan to one of his civilian spouses and the property will remain, and the second will go with anything and everything will not be able to claim. You can certainly try to prove his involvement in the payment of credit through the courts, but it will need strong evidence that is not always so easy to get, especially after the fact. Also remember that cohabitants are not heirs, if not mentioned in the will.

Summarize. A couple living in a civil marriage, must draw up a mortgage only for two, unless, of course, no one wants to risk losing their share. Only need to think together with the bank a mechanism that will bring about the "civilized" divorce - that is, as will be distributed mortgage payments and property itself between former cohabitants in the event of a breakup.

But even better is to think carefully before deciding on a mortgage with those in whom not sure (a). After living in a civil marriage usually means until we are together, and we'll see. So is it worth the risk and enter into long-term relationships with those with whom you are not willing to spend the rest of life?

Under current law, the concept of "common-law husband" does not exist. In the event of separation you will be virtually impossible to get anything as housing rights are issued to people who legally do not have any relation to you, then there is a roommate or his mother.

So it is better to design a mortgage register a marriage or civil husband to sign a loan agreement for a specified amount of your participation in the payment of the initial contribution. A participation in a loan payment may be provided by the contract. Can insure and execution of payments. Make money on their own behalf to repay the loan. Unless, of course, under the agreement with the bank provides such a method of making. If not, you will need to transfer money from his account to the account of her husband, and he will have to pay the bank.

protection method in the future - an action on the loan at the amount of the loan, and payments on a claim of unjust enrichment. But note that the limitation period only three years, and the mortgage loan term, usually from 7 to 15 years. So it is better all the same marriage.
If you can not repay the loan, it is better to study in advance the likely impacts and develop a plan of action. If the borrower is behaving correctly, then the non-payment of the loan - this is not a disaster for him. On the other hand, is often more profitable to give up huge monthly payments and wait for the court. During the trial, the amount owed will be fixed, and the interest will no longer accrue. About the repayment schedule of this amount will need to negotiate with the bailiffs, who are almost always willing to compromise (if you properly prepare for this step).

We begin with a refutation of the "horror stories" that the bank's employees and collectors like to talk to borrowers who find themselves in a difficult situation. So, what can not be afraid of what will not be, if you do not pay a loan to the bank:

You do not will break his legs, not cut out a kidney, do not steal your children. At the beginning of 2016 we do not know a single case when the threat of physical violence on the part of banks or collectors were executed (at least for Moscow).
You will not go to jail, do not give a suspended sentence is not sent to public works. Non-payment of the loan to the bank - it is not a crime, and when they talk about "the court for non-payment of credit", we mean not prosecuting.
Social services do not take away your children, your relatives will not be responsible for your debt (if only they were not guarantors). Loan default - it is a matter purely financial and he only concerns you and the bank.

Of course, if you do not pay the loan, there will be unpleasant moments, but everything can be prepared in advance. Our experience shows that the most effective option - it is immediately seek the assistance of a credit lawyer. At a minimum, you need to consult on the phone, but it is better to come to a lawyer for personal reception to bring the loan agreement and other documents. Only familiarized with all the materials, the specialist will be able to objectively evaluate the features of your particular situation. If for some reason you want to protect your own interests, you need to pre-examine every question that will face. All relationships with the bank after the formation of delinquency on the loan can be divided into three stages:

01. Pre-trial stage: you expect the psychological pressure and threats from the bank and collectors. To guard against this, it is necessary to fix in writing a "sneeze" and complain to law enforcement authorities.Pre-trial stage: you expect the psychological pressure and threats from the bank and collectors. To guard against this, it is necessary to fix in writing a "sneeze" and complain to law enforcement authorities.

02. Court on the loan: the bank has the right to demand the money through the courts. In this way you have a trial lasting several months. As a result, the court will make a decision and fix the amount of the debt.

03. Post-trial stage, if you just do not pay the full amount fixed in the court's decision to join the cause of the bailiffs. Usually, this means the removal of valuable property and withholding part of the salary.

Depending on how well you behave in each of these steps can take quite painlessly, or vice versa - to cost you a lot of effort and nerves. Let us consider each step separately and list the basic rules that will greatly facilitate the life of the borrower. It is important to understand that each situation has its own quirks, which are determined by not only the features of the loan agreement, but the specifics of a particular region of Russia. As the behavior of collectors, as well as the position of the judges will be significantly different for Moscow, for example, to Khabarovsk or Grozny. If we are talking about a large amount of money, we strongly recommend not only to read the general advice, but also to appeal to the local lawyer who is familiar with the practice in your area.
Thus, the trial of the loan passed without your participation. Most likely, of the decision, you will learn in a few months, when you will be contacted by the bailiff to demand money. Is it possible to reverse the decision if the court has passed without you? Yes, the law provides such an opportunity, but in contrast to the usual judicial process requires more complex steps, and you will have virtually no margin for error. If you properly prepare a document or file a they are not in the instance, or skip designated law terms - to rectify the situation after that even an expert can not.

In order not to miss this opportunity, the best solution - immediately contact the credit lawyer. Believe me, at this point really requires the involvement of a professional who is familiar not only with the letter of the law, but also established practice in your area. At a minimum, you need to consult a lawyer on the phone, but it is better to come to a personal welcome. If for some reason you decide to act on its own, you need to perform these steps.

01. The first thing to learn from the bailiff's name and address of the court, which deals with your business, as well as the number of the case. If the court about the last you have learned from another source (for example, you were sent by mail solution), it is necessary to find out the same information - the name of the court and the case number.

02. Then you need to come to court and ask for the case file for review; better pre-call to the office, to clarify the visiting hours and other details. Having received the case, you need to take pictures of all his sheets, so you can study them at home in a relaxed atmosphere (or later pass a lawyer).

03. In studying the case materials necessary to pay attention to the name of the final document of the trial - "default judgment" or simply a "solution". The judge may use any of the two procedures, and if you're not a lawyer, then the difference can only be set on the title of the document. Depending on whether there is the word "correspondence" in the title of this document, you will need to take a completely different steps.

04. If the decision is referred to as "correspondence", then you need to apply to the Court of First Instance an application for default judgment set aside. This statement should not just ask for the cancellation, but also list specific reasons why you do not agree with the decision. If the court satisfies this statement to begin a second trial on the loan, but with your participation.

05. If the word "correspondence" in the original decision is no, then you need to use another procedure - appellate review. In this case, you have to apply to a higher level - the Court of Appeal. An appeal will only take one meeting, and immediately makes a determination - to leave the previous decision in force, or reduce the amount of payment.

It should be understood that at each step there are many nuances and to understand all the details can only be a professional lawyer. For example, if missed deadline of a document, in some cases this problem is fatal, and in others - missed deadline can without difficulty to recover. In order to properly prepare the documents, in addition to the letter of the law is necessary to know the current practice.

Many nuances are different in different regions of Russia, so it is important not to rely on general recommendations on the internet and talk to a lawyer practicing in your city. Specialized professionals can provide information not only about the peculiarities of the region as a whole, but even of each district court. If you are in Moscow or the Moscow region, you can ask us for telephone advice, but the most effective option - it is, of course, come to the personal reception of a credit lawyer.
If the bank filed a lawsuit and is seeking to recover the unpaid loan to the borrower, the defendant (the borrower) must be notified prior to the first meeting. Notification of the defendant - it is the duty of the court; period of notice and other details are described in detail in the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, but in practice not all legal requirements are met. Even if the court will send timely agenda, failure can occur during delivery by mail. There are cases, such as when the agenda reaches the addressee only a few months after the completion of the trial.

Quite often, the cause of non-agenda is a confusion with the address. Typical sources of problems - discrepancy between the address of the actual residence address registration, change of address registration, etc. Given the high load none of the court staff will not check the relevance of the borrower's address, which was granted by the bank (for example, an address can be specified on a copy of the credit agreement, attached to the suit). In short, the borrower does not need to be hoped that it will certainly be informed of the beginning of the trial.

If you do not know about the upcoming process (or if you ignore the resulting agenda), the Court of the loan will take place without your participation. From the point of view of the law, the court without the presence of the defendant - this is perfectly normal and does not contradict anything. In the same way as an ordinary court of debt on the loan, the process will consist of 3-4 sessions over several months. If the defendant does not appear, one or two times it may be grounds for postponement, but the final result will not be affected - the court will make a decision anyway.
Follow-up to the moment when the bank sued for non-payment of the loan, the CPC clearly defined - the Civil Procedure Code. However, the terms of these steps in practice may differ significantly from the fixed-in-law, and especially clearly manifested in the overloaded courts of Moscow. In the regions, the load on the courts usually smaller, so there GIC terms is more or less respected. If you want to know the real forecast, you need to contact a lawyer, who has a practice in your area.

If we talk specifically about Moscow, the ordinary court for non-payment of the loan lasts from 3 to 9 months. If your interests will be represented by a professional lawyer, he will be able both to reduce and to extend this, depending on what tasks you face. For example, when our customers put a maximum goal to tighten litigation, we are increasing the length of about one and a half years. During this time, our clients have time to correct financial position or simply redistribute the movable and immovable property "right" way.

The above terms as the court takes on the loan - this is only approximate guidelines. More accurately predict the duration can be only after reading all the details of a particular situation. For example, the speed of the courts depends on the season: in January-February, cases are markedly slower than in November and December, when the judges need to close the maximum number of cases before the New Year. The average for Moscow "plug" for each stage of the trial for non-payment of the loan is provided in the following table:

Step number in the trial phase duration
1  The bank filed a lawsuit in court "zero" point of the trial
2  The Court held a preliminary meeting from 1 to 6 weeks
3  The court held a major meeting (hearing on the merits) One meeting - from 2 to 6 weeks, usually      takes two to three meetings. Thus, the hearing occupies substantially total of 4 to 18 weeks.
4 Borrower (or his lawyer) was the court's decision and filed an appeal from 2 to 4 weeks
5 The appeal is considered by the appellate court from 3 to 8 weeks
6 Bank received the appeal from the determination of 1 to 4 weeks
TOTAL of 11 to 40 weeks

If you need a more accurate estimate for the timing of the trial, we recommend that you contact our lawyers for advice on the phone. Even a short conversation often helps to get an answer to the key issues and avoid typical mistakes. However, if your situation has reached the Court, or you expect to trial in the near future, we strongly recommend that you go to a lawyer's personal reception. Trust our experience, only a professional lawyer can confront in court the bank's lawyers, who not only knows all the details of the laws, but sometimes personally familiar with court staff.
If your debt is large enough, and you can not negotiate with the bank about its restructuring, it will almost certainly end the matter by the court. How much considered big enough to go to court - this question depends essentially on the concrete bank of Russia and the region. For example, in Moscow by the court usually end those loans for which the total debt (including interest and penalties) exceeds 50-100 thousand rubles.

As for the Bank of maturities in the court, there is no certainty there is, and can only talk about the exemplary orientations. As mortgage banks typically sue relatively quickly, after an average of 3-6 months after the formation of the debt. By car loans is longer, usually in the range of 4-12 months after the borrower stopped paying. Naturally, if the debtor is trying to establish a dialogue with the bank or make any payments to these terms may significantly increase. In rare cases, the bank can simply "forget" about the debt for many months, until the expiration of the period of the loan.

For simple consumer credit spread on terms even more than for mortgages and car loans. How many bank sues for nonpayment of the loan - this is determined by many factors: the size of the debt, the bank's characteristics, peculiarities of the reservoir, the behavior of the borrower, etc. Large banks (for example, the Savings Bank) appeal to the court quickly - literally within 3-5 months after the borrower stopped paying. Banks less, especially if they are actively using the collectors go to court much more slowly - in six months, a year or even more.

Here are a few examples, typical for Moscow; for other regions of the data, of course, can not be true. Suppose you have a loan in the Moscow Credit Bank, the balance owed 300 thousand rubles, you stopped paying, and no longer comes in contact with either the bank or the collector - in this case, wait for going to court about six months. If in the same initial situation somehow communicate with the bank and periodically answer calls collectors (promising to pay everything, everything, but later), the maturity period of the court may increase up to a half or two years.
First of all it is necessary to explain what is meant by "win" or "lose" Court of overdue loans. If you took out a loan, but had not paid it in accordance with the terms of the contract, the court will confirm the almost inevitable that you owe the bank a certain amount. Exceptions to this rule are extremely rare (for example, when the statute of limitations has passed on the loan), and for them it is better not to hope. The difference between the "win" and "lose" is what it will indicate the amount of the judge in his decision.

As a general rule, until the case comes before the court decision, the bank has time to count the borrower astronomical interest and penalties for violation of payment schedule. Sometimes the interest and penalties for late several times higher than the full amount of the loan issued by the bank initially. If your hand is not competent objection, it is likely that the full amount together with interest and penalties the court will record in its decision. If you bring a credit lawyer who will prepare the necessary documents and protect your interests in court proceedings, the total amount in the judge's decision may be reduced by several times.

Credit lawyer can quickly evaluate the prospects of your business and give concrete estimates on how much you can claim to reduce the bank's requirements. You can call our experts right now and get a brief consultation by phone. However, for a more detailed analysis, we recommend you to come to a personal welcome, taking with him all the available documents (loan agreement, payment schedule, bank statement, etc.) Believe me, if the issue of credit came to the court, without the help of a specialist you do not manage, and attorney's fees will pay for themselves several times.

Thus, the court ruled that you have to pay the bank a certain amount of money. Is it possible to challenge the court's decision on a loan or avoid its implementation? Unfortunately, at this point, room for maneuver is already almost gone. Technically, you can appeal, but, in practice, it will not change anything and the decision of the "first" of the court will remain in force. The appeal is only useful if for some reason you want to legally buy time (so you can win up to two months). In addition, through the court, you can get a small installments - usually 3-4 months, not more.

Gain time should be used to collect the necessary sum or at least part of it. If you have no money, but there is a car, appliances or electronics, it is best to sell them independently. Otherwise, they will still be seized by bailiffs and sold - but much cheaper. After the court's decision on non-payment of a loan made, we do not recommend you to "rewrite" the apartment, machinery and other property to relatives and friends. Firstly, such transactions may be challenged, and secondly, you can be charged in the criminal - fraud.

If you can not pay the full amount even after the sale of the property, prepare for new challenges. Most likely, the bailiff service "will communicate" with your employer. As a result, a portion of your salary will be withheld and transferred to the account of your obligations. In addition to financial troubles this will inevitably create difficulties in relations with colleagues and management. In other words, if the court ruled against you, you will face serious problems, and correct the situation will no longer be. To avoid this, you need to seek professional help immediately, as soon as you hear about the court with the bank.

The court with the bank loan (as any other civil court) takes place in two stages: first a preliminary hearing, then the main. In this case in the main proceedings can take place several court sessions. More specifically, the meeting can be transported, if not complied with all the conditions for starting the process. Thus, you or your lawyer will need the credit to go to the court 3-4 times or more. The duration of each session depends on many factors and can vary over a very wide range - from 10-20 minutes to several hours.

So, the first meeting with the judge at the preliminary hearing takes place. Date and time of the beginning of the meeting shall be specified in the summons received by you; the date and time can be specified on the website of the court. Basically, on a preliminary hearing on credit cases can come "empty-handed", without any pre-prepared documents. Afraid of a preliminary hearing is not necessary because there are no major decisions are not taken. In fact, a simple man (not a lawyer) from the preliminary hearing may make only one - on what day and time will be assigned to the main hearing.

The main hearing is significantly different from the pre-both from a legal and from a worldly point of view. Firstly, you can not come "empty-handed", this step is required to prepare an objection to the claim of the bank requirements. Simply put, you have to write legal language, why the bank is wrong, and what you want from the judge. Yet, as a rule, you need to make a detailed table with your version of the calculation of the remaining debt, which corresponds to the law, and you are willing to pay. If for some reason you have not prepared such documents (or prepared them wrong), you can assume that the court lost.

Second, in the main court hearing on the non-payment of the loan you will have to answer "tricky" questions of lawyers of the bank and possibly judge. It is important to remember that into account when it will be accepted only the answers are based on the letter of the law, but not on domestic considerations. Stories about the hard life situation, not supported by legal arguments, often cause a negative reaction on the part of the judge. If a person is trying to soften every day for many years - believe me, sooner or later it starts to irritate him.

Third, the result of the main proceedings is a final decision, binding on all parties. In other words, after a few sessions judge says that a citizen Ivanov to pay the bank "Hrenobank" one million rubles (or three million, if a citizen Ivanov failed to properly protect their interests). And if the debtor does not comply with this decision voluntarily, the money will have to beat the bailiffs. Unlike banks and collectors, bailiffs have have all the necessary tools to not only ruin your life, but at the same time and get the full amount specified in the court decision.

Remember that the court's decision depends entirely on how well the documents will be available on your part and as a clear case you (or your lawyer) will pick up during the meeting. If you do not have legal training, we strongly recommend that you do not even try to do it all on their own. Against you perform specialized bank lawyers who every day are judged in such cases and can easily "knock down" your reference to the credit agreement and the laws. If you do not agree with the bank's requirements, and really want to challenge them, you will inevitably need to contact a lawyer for help in the court of the loan.
If the bank sued for non-payment of the loan in the first place to evaluate the extent of the problem. To do this, you need to come to the office of the court and ask for your case materials for review. As a rule, it is sufficient simply to present a passport, but sometimes even asked to fill in an application - there is nothing wrong with all these details will tell you on the spot. Issued you the documents can be read directly in the office of the court, but it's better just to photograph them at a later date to study in a quiet environment.

The first document to which you should pay attention to the study of the case, it is the claim of the bank. The petition describes the circumstances of the case from the point of view of the bank, but the main thing - it indicates that the bank wants from you. In other words, it is in the statement of claim, you can find the amount that the bank requires you to court. In addition, in the case file you can find other documents provided by the bank to verify their requirements - a credit agreement with the payment schedule, the account statement, the table with the calculation of debt, etc.

After reviewing the materials of the case, you have to decide - are you ready to pay that amount. From this depends, to contact you to credit a lawyer or not. If you do not have legal training, in court, you will not be able to resist their own bank's lawyers who specialize in credit matters. "To put pressure on the pity" and talk about the difficult situation in court is useless, only clear arguments with reference to the laws are taken into account. For this reason, the rejection of a credit lawyer, as a rule, leads to the fact that the judge makes a decision in favor of the bank.
The greater the amount of your debt, the more likely that eventually the bank will sue. If the judge will take the side of the bank and make a decision unfavorable to you, you have almost no chance to rectify the situation. Thus, it is important to clearly plan your actions immediately, as soon as the loan deal has appeared in court. As practice shows, the best option - to immediately consult with a credit lawyer.

How can I check that the bank filed a lawsuit
Typically, the borrower finds that the bank filed a lawsuit for non-payment of the loan, when it detects a summons in the mailbox. Almost certainly is, this document (the bank or the collectors there is no need to fake it), but if you are in doubt, you can easily verify its authenticity. To do this, you need to find on the Internet site of the court from which received a summons, and in the "case management" use the search by last name. If your credit is really the case in this court, you can directly on the site to get basic information on it, as well as the exact date and time of the meeting.

In some cases, instead of sending summons by mail, you can simply call the office of the court. Of course, under the guise of court staff can call from the bank or collection agency, to put pressure on you. Sometimes borrowers openly call from the bank and told that the court filed a claim, but it is not too late to settle all on good terms. In any case, if the upcoming trial, you will learn on the phone, try to find out the exact name of the court, the date and time on which the meeting is scheduled. Then you can go to the website of the Court and verify all information.

If you do not know the name of the court, it is necessary to check a few options, because each court has its own website. First of all you need to determine which territorial court refers your place of residence, as well as the location of the bank. In addition, you will need to check, not specified whether a particular court in your loan agreement. If on the websites of these vessels is not mentioned your name, it is almost certain the bank did not file a claim on your loan.

By Angela Price

We have a lot of design in mind most of the time, but we are not too sure on where we should go from there. It can be a bit hard we know most of this points though, but it could be a sign that there is something we can settle on things.

Getting into those kind of classes will assist us with what primarily is being checked before you go ahead and dive into it. Floral design classes Colorado is pretty much wonderful whenever we are not too sure about these kind of stuff whenever that is possible. If we can see and work through it, then it is critical and you look into the factors to do that point in many aspects that are possible.

It should be a perfect it will guide you with which is there to get through that. The part that we would go about this will prove that you can see which is there to settle into the direction before we get through that. The common thing that we have to know which is there and decide everything from there. The aspect that we do about this will prove that there are points to seek through that.

In some points, there are some stuff that we should create into. The way we can manage that properly will improve the basis of it as well. The fundamentals we can learn into are just part of the whole concept though. As you go through everything that is there, we can go and move through the very important points into it.

Sometimes, we wanted to ask questions about what think works best for us. This is quite good though because it will improve your basic understanding on what is happening out there. The more we realize that this concept are achieved, we have to at least move through the way we should manage that properly and hope that this will show up too.

Think about the common rules as well. This is a great starting point we seek through them. You might have to notice that this implications are checked though, but it can be a good sign we go ahead and ponder into the right thought at hand. The more we see and understand those common things, it will assist you with that implications too.

Breaking things might sound bad though, but this is great if you know how to bind those rules to your own perspective. This is a critical thing we should always be doing whenever we are provided with some kind of factors to manage that properly. This will improve the very fundamental of those matters we shall find ourselves about.

It can be a creative thing that we know what is there and hope that we go about this before we move through the basics of it before we judge into that concept before we move through those points before we make through it.

Get to the right perfect staff to hold your self into the favor that you should manage that out and make the right implications to seek through that advantages as well.

About the Author:

By Rob Sutter

When you're accepted for an internship position, chances are that you're excited for what's to come. You're ready to work and show what you're capable of, not to mention learn about a potential area of employment. With that said, interns can stand to learn a few things before they get their hands dirty. For those who are in this position, thirsting for knowledge, here are some of the things that Long Island advertising agencies can teach you.

One of the things that interns must know is that punctuality goes a long way. This is especially true on your first day, since it's the opportunity for you to make a good first impression. Needless to say, being on time or a few minutes early will show that you respect the aforementioned opportunity and plan to make the most out of it. Of course, this is just one of the many tips that Long Island advertising agencies can offer interns.

Future interns must also know that the most vocal individuals tend to see the most success. For example, if you have completed your tasks for the day early, you should be vocal about it. Tell whoever you're learning under about your success, before suggesting additional work that might have to be completed. This level of initiative goes a long way and it will ensure that you get the most out of your internship.

Finally, prospective interns should never overlook the importance of connections. As you spend time interning at a particular location, chances are that you will meet different people. You should make it a point to connect to those men and women on social media, seeing as how this has become a steadily growing platform for professionals. As reputable authorities like fishbat will attest, social media goes a long way.

These are just a few pointers that will, in theory, help you maximize the time spent at your internship. This is one of the best opportunities that a college student can take part in, not only from an educational standpoint but a professional one as well. Seeing as how an internship counts as work experience, it might lead you to a promising job later on down the road. However, you have to be willing to put in the effort beforehand.

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As a student, he wrote notes to the financial law. Do not believe me? - Please proof: "... More Grand Prince Vasily the Dark borrowed from Moscow" guests "and hundreds of cloth merchants in A Time of Troubles period SHUISKI a mortgage of jewelry was trying to get a loan from." Guests ", he took a loan at the Trinity-Sergius Laura and Solovetsky monastery. Later, in May 1613, with a request for money to loan to the Government of famous merchants and industrialists Stroganov addressed recently came to the throne of tsar Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov.

Usurious loan is conservative in its essence: contributing in a traditional society the accumulation of treasures and the concentration in the hands of the means of production, it does not create significant preconditions for the development of capitalist relations. However, unlike previous centuries, influenced the growth of commodity-money relations and expansion proposal, the natural form of usury increasingly gave way to the money. This process was accompanied by some and lowering interest rates, in particular, for loans, which are issued to the monasteries.

Overall loan in Russia was expensive. His most devastating forms are considered "vengeance", ie a loan at 60 percent per annum and above, which are generally used specifically for large landowners "attachment" to their land still formally possessed the personal freedom of the peasants.

It should be said that as a borrower has acted not only to natural persons: a loan resorted parish and settlement, and the suburbs, which the maintenance chiefs and judges, deacons and barmen, huts and prisons, numerous gifts in Moscow's orders and the sent out detectives and magistrates did not have enough conventional means - income from self-taxation.

Aware of the many negative consequences of usurious activities and especially its negative impact on the tax potential tax the population, the authorities have made repeatedly by torture to restrict and even eradicate usury. Thus, Article 255 Council Code generally prohibited, following the Christian dogma, issuing loans at interest. However, this and similar bans is relatively easy to overcome with the help of different tricks. Widely practiced issuance of loans from which the relevant interest deducted in advance. Another common way is that issued by the borrower the loan was interest-free formal, but by agreement of the parties was set very short, almost unreal life of its return. For delay in payment is not prohibited by the law stipulates the high interest rates, which ultimately gave the loan usurious character.

Named article Code is kept valid for over a century, more precisely to the manifesto of the Empress Elizabeth of 13 May 1754 which, inter alia, to establish "ukaznoy percentage", ie the maximum amount of loan rate of 6 per cent. "
Student loans

To pay for training American students can take advantage of credit funds. In the US, for such purposes, there are 3 main types of loans:

student loan - student loan,
parent loan - parent loan,
private loan - private loan.

To simplify loan repayment system is also provided consolidation loan (combined loan), which brings together all the existing loans to one borrower.

Stafford Loans

In turn, Stafford loans are classified on a subsidiary (subsidized), the interest on which shall repay the government, and Default rules (unsubsidized), the interest of which the borrower pays on their own. In this case, the student has the opportunity to obtain a deferral of payment until graduation. Any student can not take advantage of a subsidiary loan. Yet, for a subsidiary loan the student must document that really needs financial support from the state.

Conditions for students, which include parents

Students who comprise parents have the opportunity to obtain a loan in the following amounts: first course - up to 2625 USD, the second year - 3500 USD, and each subsequent course - 5500 USD. Students who have their own income, the opportunity to receive an additional loan of $ 4000 USD for the first two years and USD 5,000 in subsequent years of study. For graduate students provided the opportunity of the annual loan in the amount of USD 18,500, but only 8,500 USD of this amount is subject to subsidizing.

The interest rate on student loans

The interest rate on student loans variable. It is calculated by adding the 91-day rate of return on Treasury bills (T-bill rate) and 1.7% over the course. At the end of the educational institution to the rate added another 0.6%. The interest rate set annually in a range not exceeding 8.25%. All lenders make loans at a flat rate, but, nevertheless, each of them may individually give discounts for repayment by installments and the electronic system.

Grace Perkins Loan (Perkins Loan)

Undergraduate and graduate students with the difficult financial situation can get a soft loan Perkins (Perkins Loan). In this case, the lender is the institution that manages the funds allocated for these purposes from the federal treasury. Since this loan subsidiary, the interest thereon shall be paid by the federal government during the period of study. The interest rate on this loan is 5%, maturity - 10 years. Also, the delay of payments on the loan for 9 months. Loan Amount sets the financial aid office of the institution. For students there are restrictions in the range of 3000 USD per course for graduate students - 5000 USD. The total amount of restrictions for students - 15,000 USD, so for graduate students - 30 000 USD. Expanded Lending Option (ELO), institutions that are in the program for the expansion of credit, have the right to change the limit of restriction. In this case, the loan amount is increased to 1000 USD per year, the total amount for the students - to USD 5,000 for graduate students - to 10,000 USD. In addition, the simplified cancellation conditions apply for the loan Perkins.

Credit for the education of children (Parent Loan)

Parents of dependent students have the opportunity to receive credit for the training of children (Parent Loan). The federal Parent Loan for Undergraduate Student (PLUS) - parent of the federal credit, allowing to take the amount of cavity covers the cost of training, as opposed to student loan. PLUS Loans can be issued by both private organizations and government agencies. The interest rate on this type of loan is made up of 52-week treasury bills yield rate T-bill rate and 3.1%. It can vary in a range not exceeding 9% threshold. Payments on the loan starting from the 60th day after the receipt of the loan, the term of full repayment - 10 years. Parents are fully benefit obligations 

Private loan (Private Loans)

Private loan (Private Loans) also called alternative (Alternative Loans). This type of loan allows you to get the remaining amount of money for full payment of the training, as the loan amount under the program of the government at times is not enough. Alternative loans are given different types of private entities. For their preparation is not required to fill out a federal form.

The combined loan (Loan Consolidation)

Loan Consolidation - combined loan. This type of loan allows you to combine several loans granted to one creditor (eg, student and parent). This greatly simplifies the process of repayment. The combined loan reduces the monthly amount of payments by extending the loan full repayment. Unlike federal loans, which are issued for 10 years, provide alternative repayment period from 12 to 30 years. The interest rate as an average of interest rates of loans combined. The rate is rounded to 1/8 in a big way, but does not exceed 8.25% strength threshold
By Michael Robinson

The subject of beauty is really a big factor to think about. People are quite aware of how cosmetics can enhance them. It is not just hype among women but other genders are now embracing this area. There is nothing wrong in enhancing ones physical attribute because everyone has the right to look good and feel good.

Thus, it needs professionals to attend the growing number of needs. The programs of cosmetology colleges in Texas are just right for you. There are various areas to get familiar with and all these are in a concrete and effective curriculum. Do not worry because the instructors will guide you in reaching this dream and be the best in this field.

Its length depends on the program you enroll. The length of time you should be staying in a particular school depends on a certain program. So better be there and ask all of these so that everything will be clarified. It gives you an idea on what to do as you may balance it if ever you have other concerns as of the moment.

You can do it as part time. If ever you must attend some other responsibilities while you get this certification, it is totally fine at all. There is no problem regarding this one. The school authorities will help you with this one so that your goal will be reached and in no time you may use it as a career. Be responsible as well in attending your classes.

Be responsible for completing the hours of training. The hours of training is already given to all enrollees. Always remind yourself to be there on time as the instructions are given. It will not be good to know that you missed some of the important events and learning. There are so many ways in order to prevent you from getting absent.

It does not only talk about makeup. If you think you will only learn the art of makeup, then you get it all wrong after all. The program will teach you how to do massage therapy, skin and face care and other kinds beauty regimen. All these are necessary for there are lots of services offered in a salon.

It involves fashion design. To complete the perfect look of your soon to be client, it is necessary that you get to understand the world of fashion. Yes, it will direct you to challenges but just receive it and for sure everything will just go fine just as you wish it to be.

Get the motivation to earn more. You are going to meet instructors who will guide everyone to get the goal. But, you must do your best to acquire everything while you stay in school. The outside world is very much different. You would get criticism from your clients and co workers. But, that is fine as long as you know for yourself you deserve to be in this career.

Get the information now. Go to a college in the city Winnsboro TX and have the information on how to be a part of this program. Be haste because the time is running and the chance is never a stationary one.

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By Eric Thomas

When you wanted to get some review going, we have to know what are the implications we can go about it. While there are many aspects we should handle about there, it would be great we can come up with new things as much as possible.

Keeping up with the whole crowd will settled into the whole point and get to where we can do what is there. Best NCLEX RN review in California is pretty much the whole point we have to go what is basically there. It would be a better thing that we can come up with new shots that are possible and do what are the results of it as much as you can.

You can gather relevant data before you do about this and it will be a vital way to see where s there to manage that properly. The decision that you do will give us some few ideas, before we go right off and peek for relevant manner to manage you with where s being utilized enough on your end too. For sure, this would be a great thing too.

Allowing yourself to comprehend what are the common points to create the right decision from there will see what is there to move into things. Keeping up with the vast point and see what is there to give us some easy advantage and where to go from that point to the next. This is a point where it is quite crucial though and the implications are rather valid.

It proudly be great that we seek those notions will make the right decision that is necessary to consider about. The relevant point there is to know what seem the proper stuff that we can do where s being utilized on your end as much as you could handle them out. No matter what seem the crazy aspects to hold on with the implications too.

The wrong point that we do around will give you the concept that will see what primarily is basically there. There are many ways to see and manage what primarily is basically there, but it can be a great point that we go ahead and look for the points that we should maintain into. Getting into the way will guide you into what are the points will assist you with it.

Changes will come along the way and hope that it would show up in the long shot. There are many ways to manage what primarily is there and look for the best part of it. For sure, it would be enough we go ahead and come up with what primarily is there too. It might be as difficult as you think this would be, but it can be a good manner to seek through things.

The pricing will begin to show up in the long shot as possible, it would guide you with what are the factors to assist you with what primarily is there. It will be a critical manner to see what primarily is there to make the right attitude in factors to look into it.

You should see what are the proper details to hope that this would show up before we shall come up with what are the proper point to see what is there too.

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By David Gibson

Cosmetology is the branch and field that helps study the art of beauty. Different processes for beautifying a person and guaranteeing that you could be the best you could be through the various processes using different products for the face and the hair. To this day, this is something that has become something that is considered a necessity for many individuals and for most women.

Attending schools could be a good way for you especially when it comes to the need to learn the skills that are necessary to do the processes. The entire thing also allows everyone to actually learn the more important things and the actual processes that could be used for these types of stuff. Texas cosmetology school can be a good choice for your current needs and in order to learn more about these thing.

There are those who feel that going with this particular thing and learning a new course could be a good move for them. You can equip yourself with the knowledge and the skills necessary. If you ever want to make a career out of these things, then you should guarantee that you are doing it the right way and through training, this can be achieved.

There are several choices out there for the cosmetology school you could go to. If this is the case, then you must remember that there should be the right standards for these things. Choosing would be easier when you have something that you can utilize especially if you have decided that you want to learn more.

There are other factors that can be utilized particularly if you like to make the right choice. The reputation is a good way for you to take note of these types of stuff. Knowing the current image that is present for the institution could be a good thing. You would not want to be involved in an establishment that really has a bad reputation.

You can try to think about the various types of courses to offer. The courses can be very necessary especially when you want to learn a specific skill. It allows people to have the chance to actually go for the more important skills and have the basic processes when it comes to these stuff.

You have the option to choose among the various types of courses. For instance, there is the full training course or not. This would take a longer time because you would go for the longer course. The good thing about these things is the comprehensiveness that it has. It would be very helpful for those who wish to learn more.

Some do not have the capacity to actually go for the full course. Because of that, it is better to decide through the use of the shorter course types. It covers the necessary basics. And if you do not have the basics when it comes to the more important types of stuff.

You should remember that there are a lot of things that you must take note of in the entire institution. For instance, the staff and the equipment being used. There is also a must to consider the types of services being offered. As you know, there are always new things that are being introduced so the institute need to keep up with these things.

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