If you can not repay the loan, it is better to study in advance the likely impacts and develop a plan of action. If the borrower is behaving correctly, then the non-payment of the loan - this is not a disaster for him. On the other hand, is often more profitable to give up huge monthly payments and wait for the court. During the trial, the amount owed will be fixed, and the interest will no longer accrue. About the repayment schedule of this amount will need to negotiate with the bailiffs, who are almost always willing to compromise (if you properly prepare for this step).
We begin with a refutation of the "horror stories" that the bank's employees and collectors like to talk to borrowers who find themselves in a difficult situation. So, what can not be afraid of what will not be, if you do not pay a loan to the bank:
You do not will break his legs, not cut out a kidney, do not steal your children. At the beginning of 2016 we do not know a single case when the threat of physical violence on the part of banks or collectors were executed (at least for Moscow).
You will not go to jail, do not give a suspended sentence is not sent to public works. Non-payment of the loan to the bank - it is not a crime, and when they talk about "the court for non-payment of credit", we mean not prosecuting.
Social services do not take away your children, your relatives will not be responsible for your debt (if only they were not guarantors). Loan default - it is a matter purely financial and he only concerns you and the bank.
Of course, if you do not pay the loan, there will be unpleasant moments, but everything can be prepared in advance. Our experience shows that the most effective option - it is immediately seek the assistance of a credit lawyer. At a minimum, you need to consult on the phone, but it is better to come to a lawyer for personal reception to bring the loan agreement and other documents. Only familiarized with all the materials, the specialist will be able to objectively evaluate the features of your particular situation. If for some reason you want to protect your own interests, you need to pre-examine every question that will face. All relationships with the bank after the formation of delinquency on the loan can be divided into three stages:
01. Pre-trial stage: you expect the psychological pressure and threats from the bank and collectors. To guard against this, it is necessary to fix in writing a "sneeze" and complain to law enforcement authorities.Pre-trial stage: you expect the psychological pressure and threats from the bank and collectors. To guard against this, it is necessary to fix in writing a "sneeze" and complain to law enforcement authorities.
02. Court on the loan: the bank has the right to demand the money through the courts. In this way you have a trial lasting several months. As a result, the court will make a decision and fix the amount of the debt.
03. Post-trial stage, if you just do not pay the full amount fixed in the court's decision to join the cause of the bailiffs. Usually, this means the removal of valuable property and withholding part of the salary.
Depending on how well you behave in each of these steps can take quite painlessly, or vice versa - to cost you a lot of effort and nerves. Let us consider each step separately and list the basic rules that will greatly facilitate the life of the borrower. It is important to understand that each situation has its own quirks, which are determined by not only the features of the loan agreement, but the specifics of a particular region of Russia. As the behavior of collectors, as well as the position of the judges will be significantly different for Moscow, for example, to Khabarovsk or Grozny. If we are talking about a large amount of money, we strongly recommend not only to read the general advice, but also to appeal to the local lawyer who is familiar with the practice in your area.
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