It is known that in 2015 in our country has begun routine "cleaning" the insurance market, which has led to the loss of the 70th insurers (17% of insurance companies) licenses. But stop in thinning "population insurers" The Bank of Russia does not intend to: according to experts, before the end of the year remaining on the market of insurance companies to 40% can lose the license. More precisely, of the 334 licensed as of January 1, 2016 135 companies are in the risk zone.
The main reason for revocation of licenses of insurance - the poor quality of assets. There is an overestimation of the real estate and other illiquid assets, showed a lot of assets was a sham. Not to mention the not dried up the flow of complaints from citizens, which raises the question about the quality of customer service.
The objective reality is that the next year should be expected to reduce insurers up to two hundred.
At the same time serious complaints the regulator there is a large system of insurance companies.
Withdrawal of license: Theory and Practice
Theoretically, a review of the license makes it impossible to conclude contracts, but is not a reason for the complete termination of the obligations of the insurance company to its customers. Moreover, the insurer under the law is given six months is for execution of earlier commitments.
But the practice is what it says: usually the time of withdrawal of the license of no fulfillment of the obligations it does not go as money for the insurer simply do not have accounts. Do not correct the situation and appeal to the court: an official bankruptcy proceedings the plaintiff brings the winner only a tiny fraction of the required amount (usually - of a percent).
The same fate awaits those who remain in the hands of the cumulative investment policy of life insurance: the accumulated return of the bank on the deposit amount according to the law, he can not, but can only take their place in the queue of creditors. A prime location just at the policy holders of compulsory insurance. Thus, the victims of the bankrupt company clients in CTP eligible for compensation from the PCA.
Something about the insurer's selection criteria
Needless to say, to choose the insurance company today is not easy. And no single recipe right there is no choice. But the idea is - though contradictory.
For example, in very different ways you can interpret indicators such as the ratio of fees and disbursements: a large gap can be regarded as evidence of underpayments and insurers - and a responsible attitude to business, taking into account the need to build reserves. Experts, however, are inclined to believe that a small gap between fees and payments always indicates the poor condition of the insurer Affairs.
More can be considered indicative of the size of the authorized capital (preferably more than 1 billion. Rub.), As well as the presence in the largest and most famous of shareholders, which is not likely to withdraw for a few weeks, all of the assets, leaving insurers with nothing.
Enough reliable indicator - ranking national and international rating agencies (NRA, "Expert RA�, Moody's, Standard & Poor's). Finally, the problem of insurers you can always learn from disgruntled customers on relevant forums.
Stricter requirements for insurers - for the benefit of policyholders
With this hard to argue: Purified insurance market will become more friendly to the customers. But while the situation is even worse than the bankers - because you can not rely even today on the five market leaders.
Because insurers must keep your finger on the pulse of events and react already at the first manifestations of instability - for example, in mass communications about insurance payments delayed. These are the realities of the day.
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