There are so many people out there who have a natural fear of the dentist, and that fear is understandable. The dentist is never a pleasant experience for anyone. It brings more pain and discomfort for some than for others, but all in all it is the type of thing that nobody ever wants to have to deal with unless it is absolutely necessary.

Luckily, every little dental problem does not have to send you to the feared dentist. While the dentist is a good idea for every six months, toothaches, persistent bad breath, whitening, and other such dental issues can all be taken care of at home. Here are a few natural dental care remedies that you can employ in the comfort of your own home, to save you the pain and the cost of having to go to the dentist.

Bad Breath
Put one teaspoon of rosemary, one teaspoon of peppermint, and one teaspoon of lavender into a cup. Shake well and place one teaspoon of that concoction into boiling water. About one cup of boiling water should be fine. Strain that mixture and put in the refrigerator for three to four hours. You have just made your own mouthwash, great for killing nasty oral bacteria and bad breath in the process.

Teeth Whitening
There are great deals of home remedies for those who are looking to whiten their teeth without having to invest in some fancy strips or trays. Orange or lemon peels work well for this purpose. Peel the fruit and rub the light side against your teeth to make a brilliant shine! It doesn't taste too bad, either.

Canker Sores
If you have ever had a canker sore, you know how thoroughly irritating and inconvenient they can be, not to mention extremely painful. There are a few ways to ease the discomfort of canker sores from the comfort of your home.

A simple one is to warm a tea bag and hold it on the sore spot for five minutes. It will feel instantly better. It won't cure it, but it can make it feel a great deal better.

A thyme mouthwash can also help to relieve the discomfort of canker sores. Just mix one teaspoon of thyme and a cup of water together and let it warm for ten minutes. It makes a great mouthwash for canker sores!

Toothaches are something that people very commonly experience. They can be caused by poor dental health or just a piece of food stuck in the wrong place for too long. One of the most longstanding remedies for toothaches is to dip a Q-tip in clove oil and hold it on the tooth. Try not to swallow it. It will help ease the pain nearly instantly, and the relief can last for quite a while.

Ammonia also works well for this purpose. Soak a cotton ball in ammonia and hold it over your tooth for a few minutes, and it should feel better soon. Just remember not to swallow it as ammonia can be highly toxic. If your toothache persists for more than a day, you should probably make a dentists appointment as soon as possible.

It is okay to be afraid of the dentist. Whether in secret or not, many people are. For those times when you can't bring yourself to go see a dentist, here are some remedies you can employ at home to bring yourself a little bit of comfort.


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