Smile is the beauty of face. It relieves tensions and enhances confidence of personality. But dirty teeth are a hurdle to beautiful smile. Always keep in mind the following instructions to get healthy teeth.
• Change your tooth brush after two or three months or change the head of electric tooth brush.
• While you are cleaning teeth, don’t rub them hardly. Plaque destroys the enamel of teeth.
• Be careful about your diet as your teeth doesn’t remain clean due to your diet. if you are habitual of black tea, cigarette, coffee, cold drink or juices, it results in stained teeth. If you cant live without taking tea early in the morning or habitual of late lunch, then you should be more conscious of teeth cleanliness.
• When you are on job and don’t have tooth brush on the spot, eat an apple. Apple contains pectin which kills stinky smell of your mouth. It works as a bleaching agent.
• Avoid sweet things or sweet dishes. Include carrots, corn and salad in your food. Use specific diet that contains vitamin c because it maintains healthy teeth and protects gums. Your teeth not only help you to talk but to chew as well and make your personality attractive.
• Brush your teeth with baking powder once in a week. It removes smudges on your teeth . it is a sort of bleaching agent. You can use salt as an alternative toothpaste.
• Use your teeth to eat food not as an opener to open cold drinks.
• Clean teeth inward and outward thoroughly. Take care of your gums too.
• Hold your brush vertically. Move it backward or forward to clean them but not stiffly at all.
• Use apple juice, vinegar or lemon as mouthwash. It will clean your teeth and also kill bacteria of your teeth.
Follow the above mentioned tips and receive appraisal by all for shiny teeth like pearls.


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