By Tom G. Honeycutt

Any business idea will only be treated with high regards, after putting it into action. This is the main hurdle for most entrepreneurs. However, with application for an Atlanta commercial loan, the business will get on its feet. The lender will only get to go through a number of modalities before granting it. Here is an article that assists with the process of loan application within the city of Atlanta.

The initial activity to be done involves drafting an intent letter. This is a brief description clearly outlining the reasons for application. Since this is a new startup, the area that urgently needs funding should be captured in the letter. These include construction of premises, infrastructure and equipment among other needs.

The other essential documentation is the personal financial records. Supposing it is a joint venture, the information of other significant individuals should also be availed. These include credit histories, tax returns and financial debts. Other lenders within the city of Atlanta may also require other documents such as savings and checking accounts.

Prior to acquisition, the individual is normally required to provide collateral. This is mainly a form of funding used in the process of backing it up. Personal assets, including investment property together with savings, are treated as collateral. The lenders usually term it as recourse loan. This describes any loan backed up using personal assets. In the event of a default, the personal items are seized.

Commercial lenders always want to see a business plan. This is helps them to verify how the new business will function and grow as a result of the funding. An entrepreneur should include financial plans together with both short and long term goals. This helps in justifying why the funding is urgently needed for survival of the business.

New startups are always encouraged to apply for credit from a wide range of lenders. The contemporary world has seen wide embracement of nonbank lenders. The reason for this is that they tend to go easy on newly installed ventures. This is contrary to the statewide banks. As you embark on this quest, be sure to avoid the ones charging exorbitant interest rates.

Loan acquisition is always a rigorous activity since the modalities put in place have to be keenly followed. In this regard, a clear business plan and clean financial records will probably make it less daunting. Therefore, individual seeking to put their business ideas into action need to break from the status quo and start right away. Remember, application is the first step.

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