By Bryant Matthews

Preschool children are evidently vulnerable necessitating essential care provision by various stakeholders. Parents and caregivers as well as teachers are charged with critical and essential role in promoting literacy in children. They are supposed to prevent any reading difficulties and helps in preparation of children for home to school transition. There is a need to ensure effective transition from home to school environment. This can effectively promoted by visiting child care websites. Such sites assist the caregivers and parents with the knowledge on preschool programs, appropriate activities that are significant in future learning as well as advocacy for preschool children for example, in cases of disability or delayed learning. This therefore necessitates;

Research has shown that early years are considered as critical years for literacy and language development. This necessitates a center based approach with distinct curriculum to impart appropriate linguistic skills and the required literacy. Through the centers children will be trained on phonological awareness as well as dialogic reading and interactive.

According to varied researchers, the growth and development of children is essential during early years. This is usually referred to as critical years of child growth and development. Therefore children acquisition of linguistic and intellectual skills is essential at this stage. There is a need to select appropriate childcare centres to effectively provide appropriate services. From such centres they are trained on phonological awareness as well as dialogic reading.

It has been of great concern on what the components of a quality preschool center. With the recent mushrooming of preschool, there have been many preschools with diverse names ranging from unintentional to internationals. Such names and structures sound attractive to the parents and service seekers. However, they might not be able to provide quality services as their names suggests. Therefore service seekers should choose appropriate preschool depending on the service delivered.

Most parents and caregivers believe that children begin their education in preschool or kindergarten. However, it is important to note that this notion is inappropriate as child growth and development in various aspects are dated back from birth. There have been programs developed to cater for their interest at each stage. These programs are significant in imparting literacy in pre-schoolers before their entry into preschool.

Child care providers have a significant role in helping children acquire appropriate reading skills. They are considered as playing a pivotal role in ensuring that children effectively learn. They can make this easy by incorporating literacy into activities like reading everyday with their infants, sharing rhymes, poems and poems, trips to the library with their children, reading stories about the culture of the child to them and more.

Children should be involved in phonetic activities during early years. This includes phonetic awareness. This will significantly promote their learning readiness. It is important to note that reading ability significantly forms the basic foundation of future learning activities.

Advocating for per-schoolers are essential. It is significant to start looking for ways of helping your children at early years. This enhances success in learning. Child care websites enable parents and caregivers seek appropriate services to their children. This entails creation of awareness on children rights as well as referrals to appropriate services providers in cases of disabilities in their children.

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