By Katrina Wheeler

Traditionally, pregnant women would go to their doctor and have an ultrasound test done. During such a test the doctor uses a machine that uses sound waves to see inside the woman's belly and at the baby inside. The pictures are crude however and hard for anyone except the doctor to make out. A new technology called a 4d sonogram is also available and much better.

The ultrasound works as its name applies, with sound. The machine is very similar to the radar that is used in airplanes and even the radar guns used by the police and baseball scouts who are looking to see how fast a pitcher can throw a baseball. The machine will send sound out towards and into the mothers stomach and when the sound hits something it bounces back.

The machine reads the signals that come back and from that the machine and its software can determine what it is. It uses certain information such as how long it took for the sound to return, the angle at which it was returned, the speed, and the frequency. From all these things and more the software draws a picture that shows exactly what it was bouncing off of.

Even with traditional ultrasound there is a ton of data that a doctor gets from the picture to determine how healthy the mother is and how healthy the baby is. They can even tell the due date (approximately) from various measurements taken during these appointments. The most important thing however is the health of both mother and baby.

There are numerous readings and measurements that doctors take during these viewings. For example, measurements taken of the amniotic sac can tell the doctor how much fluid the baby has, how comfortable it is, and when it will be born. That is one of the main reasons for these appointments aside from checking the baby's health.

Being able to produce an image of the mother's womb that basically looks as if you had a camera inside the stomach gives doctors a way to take accurate measurements of the amniotic sac, as well as various other portions of the womb. The baby's health can be checked more thoroughly than ever before.

These devices take a lot of the guessing out of the equation for the doctors and surgeons. They have even got into the habit of using them before a surgery to make sure that things are ok. Many times a patient will come in a few months post-surgery so the doctor can check the progress of a repaired joint or bone.

The 4d sonogram machines are not yet in all hospitals and clinics but they are very close. The technology itself is not super new, but the machines that are made are still expensive. They are expensive and some places just do not have the funds. In time however, there will be one of these machines everywhere.

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