By Katrina Wheeler

3D ultrasound Topeka is one of the most exhilarating options for families and mothers to be to consider.This amazing technology will enable parents to see and monitor their baby's growth and development even before the bay is born. You will even be bale to hear your babies heart beat.

3D ultrasound is a technique used by medical professionals to view and monitor an unborn fetus during pregnancy. Obstetric ultrasonography is the term used to describe the medical sonogram used to monitor this unborn fetus. A three dimensional image is projected onto a monitor for viewing.

It was first developed in 1987 and technology has advanced a lot since then. When an sonogram is taken, sound waves are bounced onto the fetus and straight back. In a 3D ultrasound these sound waves are projected at different angles and reflect back. These returning echoes are then processed by advanced computer technology and an image is constructed of what the fetus looks like internally and externally. These reconstructed images allow height, width and depth to be seen.

With a mere success rate of 50% at 15 weeks it is inevitable that expectant mothers then need to return at 20 weeks to repeat the procedure. This can be a costly affair and seems unnecessary. It is best advised to wait until 20 weeks to have the first scan.

Visually the best imagery is obtained at 26 to 28 weeks before the baby descends into the pelvis. It is advised that the expectant mother consumes as much fluids as possible up to two weeks before the scan. This ensures that there is enough amniotic fluid around the fetus to produce a clear image and that the fluid is clear, providing good clarity. Drinking excessive fluids right before the scan will however not result in better imagery.

It is a much debated topic that there are no direct benefits for the mother or unborn child when 3D scanning occurs. There has been research that indicates a stronger mother child bond could result but the research was mostly inconclusive. There is however several indirect benefits that parents to be could reap the rewards of, including being aware of developmental problems before the child is born.

The future holds many possibilities in the field of 3D ultrasound. Professionals are now already using this technology to determine heart anomalies in fetus. There is also ground breaking research being done on determining cerebral palsy through these sonograms.

The scans are usually visualized onto screens at the consultation while the imagery is explained. Most centers also offer their customers a photo of the scan. DVDs and internet links of entire scans are often offered. 3D ultrasound Topeka has some of the most advanced technology in the field and are trusted to offer a professional sonogram service.

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