Recipe for Homemade Avocado Hair Conditioner

Hair Type: Dry Hair, Frizzy Hair, Curly Hair and Fine Hair
You can take fresh avocado fruit, take out the whitish part and blend it to a pulp and apply directly to scalp and hair. Leave for 5 minutes, and wash with cool water or you can try this shampoo cum conditioner recipe, and store it for weeks. Avocado oil for hair is hugely popular and this recipe which contains avocado oil is excellent for people who have dry hair. To make the shampoo, mix ¼ tablespoons of avocado oil, ¼ cup of aloe gel, ¼ cup of liquid Castile soap, and 1 tablespoon of vegetable glycerin. Mix all the ingredients in a bottle, and shake the bottle well before every use. To shampoo and condition your hair, apply the mix to hair and scalp and let it remain for few minutes and rinse your hair with cool water.

Recipe of Homemade Hair Conditioner Using Egg

Hair Type: Curly Hair, Dry Hair, Frizzy Hair and Hair With Split Ends
This is among deep conditioning treatment recipes of hair conditioners made at home, using egg. In a bowl beat up 2 egg yolks. After it becomes frothy, add 1 teaspoon of Castor oil and 1 teaspoon of rum. Again mix the solution well. Dampen your hair with cool water and massage the mixture on the scalp for 5 minutes and apply the rest on the hair. For hair having split ends, use 3 egg yolks and apply generously on the scalp and split ends. Keep this homemade hair conditioner for 2 - 3 minutes and rinse well with cool water. Egg being rich in vitamin A and D, together with rum and Castor oil will give a deep moisturizing and conditioning effect to your hair. This recipe is suitable for people looking for homemade hair conditioner for African-American hair type.

Homemade Olive Oil Hair Conditioner Recipe

Hair Type: Scalp with Dandruff, Hair Lacking Shine, Dry Hair and Frizzy Hair
Olive oil is a light oil, and can be used in its concentrated form which makes it one of the most effective carrier oils. Olive oil is a suitable conditioner for dry hair. Dampen your hair and take 1 tablespoon of olive oil and massage on your scalp in circular motion. Wrap your head with a hot towel, and keep the towel for 45 minutes and wash your hair thoroughly with cool water.

Homemade Hair Conditioner Recipe Using Rosemary

Hair Type: Curly Hair, Dry Hair, Frizzy Hair, Scalp with Dandruff and Fine Hair
Rosemary hair oil stimulates hair growth and is used in many hair care products. Mix 4 - 5 drops of rosemary essential oil with 2 teaspoons of jojoba oil and warm up the solution a bit. Wet your hair, massage the solution on your scalp for 5 minutes, and wrap your head with a warm towel. Keep the towel on for 45 minutes, and rinse your hair and scalp well with cool water. Rosemary oil for hair will give volume and shine to your hair, with a moisturizing effect. This recipe is suitable for the above hair types, people plagued by dandruff and especially suitable for people looking for homemade hair conditioner for black hair, as it makes black hair even more lustrous.

So, try out these homemade hair conditioner recipes. These recipes are made using natural ingredients, so you can try out the recipes and find out which of these suits your hair type best, and enjoy shiny healthy looking hair!
Gingili and Lime Oil:
500 gms Gingili oil
Juice of 1 Lime

Heat the oil in a pan till it froths. Remove.
Strain the limejuice and add gradually to the hot oil.
Strain when it is cool and use.

Coconut and Bottle Gourd Oil:
250 gms Coconut oil
250 gms Bottle Gourd ( Ghia, Doodhi)

Grate the gourd with the peel. Blend in a liquidizer and strain well to extract juice. Heat the Coconut oil in a pan. Gradually add the vegetable juice. Boil till all the water evaporates. Cool and bottle.

Pepper With Coconut Oil:
1 cup Coconut oil
1 tspn rice grains
1 tspn Peppercorns

Heat everything together. When rice grains turn brown, remove and cool.
Warm the oil before use.

Gingili and Castor Oil:
1 cup Gingili oil
1 cup Castor oil
1 Sprig Curry leaves

Heat all three together. Cool and strain. Warm the oil before use.
This is a very natural phenomenon and all of us do loss hair. Too much of hair loss is a matter of concern. This usually happens after a long illness, extreme climates, too much of stress and bad eating or sleeping habits.

Tip 1:
Wash the hair with Tender Coconut water every other day for weeks.

Tip 2:
Add the paste of fresh Curry leaves to Shikakai powder and wash hair with this on a regular basis.

Tip 3:
Wash hair with coconut milk

Tip 4:
Dry some basil leaves and Margosa leaves. Add some Bay leaves and powder all 3 together. Add 1tspn of this powder to 50 ml. of water and apply for ½ an hour Wash.
This is one problem all School going children face in life.

Tip 1:

Take 2tblspns of Vinegar and dilute with 2 tblspns of water. Apply and leave for an hour before washing well.

Tip 2:

Take a cup of Coconut oil and add 1 tspn of crushed Camphor to this. Heat the oil till camphor melts. Apply well on scalp while the oil is still warm. Leave for 1 hour before washing.

Tip 3:

Make a paste of Basil leaves. Drape a towel and leave overnight or at least for 2 hours. Wash.
Healthy glowing hair is a crowning glory for a woman today. To keep it this way is not very simple given to-days living conditions. The heat and dust and also working for long periods in air- conditioned surroundings. The hair treatments like perms, tinting, and hot rollers also affect the healthy luster of your hair.

The best way to atone for this would be to go "Totally Natural" from time to time. Just like plants hair too needs proper nourishment. You need to eat a proper protein rich diet.

The scalp should be clean before oiling the hair. Do brush hair as a daily routine, with firm downward strokes. Wet hair should not be brushed, as hair is weak when it is wet, and breaks easily. Take care and the time to massage the scalp while oiling hair, as this will increase the blood circulation around the roots.

Dandruff is the shedding of dead cells from the scalp. It sometimes leads to boils and pimples too. These are some ways in which we can get rid of dandruff.

Tip 1:
Keep the scalp clean. Oil hair on alternate days and shampoo.

Tip 2:
Mix 2 tspns of Brandy in 1 cup of water. Apply with the fingertips to the roots of hair. Wash after ½ hour with shampoo.

Tip 3:
Mix 1 egg with 1 cup of yogurt and apply on the scalp. Leave for ½ an hour and wash.

Tip 4:
Mix 1 tblspn of Olive oil with 1 tspn of limejuice. Apply well on the scalp and cover the head by tying an old scarf. Keep it on overnight and shampoo the next morning.

Tip 5:
1 tspn of Fenugreek seed powder mixed with an egg. Apply and leave for ½ an hour before shampooing the hair.

Tip 6:
1 tspn fenugreek seed powder mixed with 1 cup of yogurt. Apply and leave for ½ an hour before washing.

Tip 7:
Take 2 tblspns of Beetroot juice and add 1 egg and 1 tspn limejuice to this. Apply and leave for ½ an hour before washing.

Tip 8:
Oil hair well before going to bed. Next morning mix 1 tspn limejuice with ½ tspn salt. Rub this on the scalp with the peel of a lime turned inside out. Leave for 1 hour before shampooing.

Six Great Tips To Have Healthy Eyesight

1. Eat a lot amount of fruit. Fruits like blueberries and strawberry are rich with antioxidant. A study have shown that people who ate sufficient amount of such fruits were at low risk of ARMD (age-related macular degeneration) which may lead to blindness.

2. Eat a lot of bilberries. By eating a lot of bilberries you can sharpen your vision. Bilberries are considered to have high level of antioxidants and contain anthocyanosides that can help reducing eye deterioration.

3. Eat a lot of vegetables and fish. Green vegetables are very important to be included in your daily menu.  Research found that nutrients in spinach may prevent ARMD and cataracts. Spinach and other green veggies are excellent if combined with olive oil for easy absorption. Another nutrious food that can help to restore your poor eyesight are red onions. Red onions contain quercetin that can prevent cataract. In addition to this eat fish at least twice a week. Fish and oil fish contain vitamins A and D that can help to protect blood vessels in the eyes and prevent clots. They are also helpful in producing protective pigments in the eye.

4. Blink often. Blinking often can prevent dry eyes that can cause corneal abrasion and decrease eyesight ability to see sharp.

5. Take enough breaks and adjust your computer screen for a proper viewing distance which is about 20 to 24 inches. Eye stress from looking too long at computers screen can bring harm. Eye strain may weaken eye muscles and cause blurred vision.

6. Go out and take walk every morning. Your eyes need fresh air and exercises. There are various eye exercises that you can follow to prevent the rigidity of eye muscles and to train the vision ability to better focus.
Eat enough of Vitamin A and C. Take special care in the choice of eye make-up. Don't use make-up that can irritate and harm the eyes. Avoid spending too much time in smoky rooms and don't neglect a check-up on a regular basis.

Tip 1:  
Soak 1 tspn dry Gooseberry powder in a cup of water overnight. Strain this in the morning and add 1 cup of plain water to this. Splash the eyes with this or wash them with the help of an eyecup.

Tip 2:  
Dip a pad of cotton wool in some Rose water to which 2-3 drops of Castor oil is added. Place these soaked pads on the eyelids and relax for 15-20 minutes.

Tip 3:  
Splash the eyes with a weak tea solution, thoroughly strained and cooled.

Tip 4: Cotton pads dipped in a cold tea solution and placed on the eyelids whilst relaxing.
Tip 1:
Grate 2' piece of cucumber. Squeeze through a muslin cloth and extract the juice. Dip cotton pads in this and place on eyelids. Relax for 15 minutes.

Tip 2: 
Take 1 tspn Tomato pulp,1 pinch of Turmeric powder ½ tspn of limejuice and 1 tspn of gram flour. Make a paste and apply gently. Remove gently with moist cotton pads after ½ an hour.

Tip 3:
Soak 2 Almonds overnight. Peel and grind to a smooth paste. Add a few drops of limejuice to this Apply for 20-25 minutes. This should be followed daily and gradually after 2 weeks, every 3rd day and finally when the difference is visible, to once aeek. A paste of Almonds can be stored in a clean bottle in the 'fridge.

Tip 4:  
Apply a paste made by crushing a handful of Mint leaves.
Besides daily care, you can do more to enhance beauty of eyes.

To make them more vocal, you can add glamour to them by applying the right eye makeup. Makeup should suit your personality and enhance your features.

Applying Eye shadow: Choose an eye shadow according to the color of your hair and shape of your eyes. For large eyes, choose a darker shade while for small eyes choose lighter to medium shade. Application of eye shadow also matters. You can apply a single color to the eyelids. For small eyes, do not use much shadow. For oriental eyes, you can use highlighter just below the brow. For a dramatic look, you can blend two colors of eye shadow. First apply lighter tone to the entire eyelid, followed by a darker tone from lash line to just beyond the crease line, using a proper eye shadow brush. 

Applying Mascara:
Complete all the other eye makeup like eyeliner, eye shadow and shimmer before you apply mascara. Just make sure to use curler on your eyelashes before applying mascara. This make your eyes look bigger and dramatic. You can put false eyelashes also if you are not blessed with those long lashes. It is important beautiful eye tip.

Tip to apply Eyeliner: Eyeliners outline the eyes. They should be applied softly. For small eyes, lighter tones like brown, taupe or navy are recommended. Apply just a little in one time and put just a thin line. You can get different colors of eyeliners and in various forms like liquid, pencils. To keep eyes natural, apply eyeliner with care.

One last tip to keep eyes beautiful; never go to bed without removing the eye makeup.
Sitting in front of the computer, reading books, watching television or simply just walking on the street all make your eyes overworked and look tired. Although you lead a very busy life, you should spare 15-20 minutes every day to take care of your eyes and help them relax. There are several ways to do this which just take so little of your time but give you wonderful results.
Cucumbers, potatoes and salt are usually available and ready to use in your kitchen, so why don't you use those to enhance your eyes' beauty? You can crush cucumbers and potatoes together, then dip a piece of cotton into that mixture and put the cotton piece on your eyelids for about 15 minutes. After that gently wash your eyelids with water and your eyes will become fresh again.
Another tip to maintain pure-looking eyes is using salt. Put a little salt into a water tub and wash your eyes everyday with that liquid. This method will help your eyes look bright and pure.
If your eyes get swollen, a fast way to help reduce the redness is to put a clean spoon into the fridge and then gently press that spoon onto the redness for some minutes. This is a simple but very effective and fast way. However, if you have more time, you can put some crushed potato into the fridge and then put that potato onto the redness.
Dark rings around your eyes can be another problem. If you have some coconut oil, use it to rub around your eyes for about 5 minutes a day. It will help reduce the dark rings gradually. In addition, there is another simpler way to deal with those dark rings. You can dip a piece of cotton into some cold milk and lay that cotton piece over the dark rings. Dark rings cannot disappear overnight, it takes some time to get rid of this problem so please, be patient and you will get your expected results!
These days it can be hard to find tips on how to grow taller free. It seems as if every website out there that offers you free grow taller secrets charges you a small fee prior to view. You should never have to pay for something that you can find for free. Thus, this article is for people who want to know some effective grow taller methods that can truly help you with your height.
Let’s not waste any time; the first height secret is about your nutrition. Your nutrition is an important part of your health. Eating healthily and making a habit out of it can help reduce your chance of combating the most common diseases. A good diet can also help you with your height. Your diet can have a drastic impact on your height – for instance, drinking excessive amounts of caffeine-rich drinks like coffee can cause a stunt in your growth whereas eating foods rich with calcium and protein can improve your growth.
Calcium and protein are the two main nutrients responsible for growth in our bodies.
How exactly do they help you with your growth? Well, calcium helps to strengthen and maintain your bones. For efficient release of calcium, your body requires vitamin D, which you can obtain by having adequate amounts of daily sun exposure, but be careful not to overdo it! Too much exposure to the sun has been shown to cause cancer. You can get most of your daily required calcium from dairy products like milk, cheese and yogurt. As for protein, it is responsible for building and maintaining your muscles and tissues and most dairy and meat products have adequate amounts of this nutrient. Foods like chicken, tuna, eggs, cheese, kidney beans, etc. are all good sources of protein.
Also make sure to drink around 8 glasses of water daily as it helps to keep your system clean. Another height increase secret is to sleep and exercise well. Did you know that your body grows the most when you sleep? This is because your brain releases more growth hormone when your body is calm and relaxed. In addition, you must sleep in a comfortable environment for around 8 hours each night.
As for exercise, you need approximately 30-45 minutes of daily exercise for optimal health. Remember, a proper exercise routine can not only help you with your height but it can also help improve your body in many other aspects. For instance, in a recent study, it was shown that individuals who exercised regularly were likely to reduce their chances of becoming obese or obtaining type 2 diabetes.
Exercise helps to strengthen and build your bones and muscles.  Try to do some yoga, stretching, basketball, jogging and swimming.
Do these grow taller secrets and you will definitely grow taller free—yes, you need not spend anything.

Eight Tips to Increase Height
Here are eight tips to increase your height with a brief review of each height increase methods:

Healthy lifestyle

* Eat healthy foods with a balanced nutrition. Find out more here
    * Exercise a lot especially type of exercise that can lengthen the muscle like swimming, cycling, basket ball, etc.
    * Sleep well at least 8 hours everyday
    * Don't smoke and stay away from people who smoke
    * Don't take illicit drugs and don't drink alcohol

Natural Ways to Grow Taller, Height increase insoles

There's no guarantee that you'll gain height by living healthy since many factors might affect your body height. If you're still on your puberty phase, the successful rate is higher than if you're an adult. But becoming healthful is a great thing, anything you obtain from the process should be considered as an extra bonus, included your body height increase. This is one of the best ways to grow taller naturally.

Exercises to increase height
Try search for "grow taller exercises" or "stretching exercises to increase height" in Google and you'll get plenty of websites that provide free stretching exercises to increase height. The movement in the exercise is specially designed to lengthen human body. The exercise might help in improving your body height. Although the effectiveness of the exercises to increase height is not known yet, it won't hurt to give it a try. You can also learn more about exercises to increase height in these article: (1) Height Increasing Exercises to Make You Taller; (2) Hanging to Increase Height.

Height Increase Shoes
For an instant and temporary increase of body height you can wear height increase shoes (often called elevating shoes). It can add up to 4 inches to your height. You can easily find elevating shoes that suited your need in many shoe stores. Nowadays, the model of elevating shoes has improved so much that most people won't notice the existence of the hidden height increase insoles in your elevating shoes.

Human Growth Hormones
Human growth is affected by human growth hormone (HGH). The hormone is given to children who might or do not grow perfectly. It's given through injection. HGH injection must be prescribed by doctors because of the possible complications.
Mostly, oral products of HGH such as pills, spray, or powders is not effective and have no effect on height since HGH will be broken down by stomach acids before it enter the bloodstream. Think again before buy any of these products.

Alexander Technique

The Alexander Technique was developed by the late F. Matthias Alexander. The technique teaches on how to become more aware about your balance and how you move.

Despite the effectiveness of the technique to increase body height is still questionable, but the fact that it can improve our posture is a positive thing since you often will gain some extra height after you improve your posture.

An Alexander Technique lesson lasts about 30 - 60 minutes and costs from $40 to $100, depends on the location, the duration, and the trainer experiences.

Pilates exercises to increase height
Pilates was developed by the late Joseph Pilates. Pilates help to increase height by improving one's posture and causing him to stand taller. For people who fail to grow to their maximum body height, Pilates will be the right exercise to help them achieve the most out of their body by extending, strengthening, lengthening and stretching their body. Check out this article: Pilates as exercises to grow tall for more information about pilates and height increase.

Yoga exercises to increase height
Yoga is a very old regimen from India that promotes personal health, spirituality and wellness. It has demonstrated to help many people to stay in shape while simultaneously assisting them to live a healthy lifestyle. And when it comes to yoga and height increase, doing yoga does not increase one height, unless you're still in your growth phase. Rather, it helps to stretch and elongate your spine, thus creates space and develops your spinal muscles. You'll then hold yourself up more properly thus most likely look taller. Read further about yoga: Yoga Exercise for Height Increase

Height Increase Surgery
Height increase surgery is a set of procedure which is performed to allow the growth of the limbs. The cost of the surgery is not cheap, the risk is high and the whole process is long and painful. But since the height increase obtained from the surgery is very significant, many people decide to undergo the surgery. Learn more detail about height increase surgery here.
Oily skin is prone to pimples and acne. The over active sebaceous glands secrete excess oil that make the skin more greasy. Synthetic cosmetic skin care products contain chemicals that aggravate the oily skin problem. It could cause rashes, pimples and skin allergies. It is advisable to use natural skin care products to treat oily skin.
Natural oily skin care can include organic cleansers and cosmetics, ayurvedic treatments, raw fruits and herbs or homemade soaps and facial masks. Likewise, organic treatment for oily skin is effective with lavender water and ingredients like chamomile and thyme. All these natural ingredients control the excess oil produced by the sebaceous glands. Treat your oily skin naturally with regular facial and body steam or sauna few times a week or once in a day. Apply a facial mask made of fuller’s earth, sandalwood powder, honey and sit in the sauna or steam bath. After the mask dries, wash away with cold water. Easy natural oily skin care tips would include cleansing the face with milk of magnesia, applying clay masks, fresh fruit masks and lemon juice.
Natural oily skin care need not be expensive and can be treated with fruits and natural herbs found at home. Cucumber, tomatoes, cold water and Aloe Vera also work well to treat oily skin naturally. You can also order natural oily skin care products online for discounted prices. Use soft wipes for gently wiping away dirt from the oily skin to prevent grime and acne. Natural oily skin care is not a complex process and requires few minutes in a day to keep your face fresh and glowing.
Tip 1: Give Yourself a Dry Brush Exfoliation
A dry brush exfoliation can be done in the morning before you shower. It eliminates dead skin cells and allows the skin to detox (skin is the largest organ of elimination). Dry brush exfoliation also improves lymph and blood circulation and decreases puffiness. An added benefit is that the gentle pressure is calming to the nervous system. To give yourself a dry brush exfoliation, you'll need a soft, natural bristle brush.

Tip 2: Rev Up Your Digestion
In alternative medicine, good skin is a reflection of a good digestive system. People with skin disorders such as acne, rosacea, and psoriasis often suffer from constipation, imbalanced "good" vs. "bad" bacteria, leaky gut, and other digestive conditions. The two most common sluggish digestion culprits are:

    * Culprit #1: Not Enough Water Water bathes cells and eliminates waste products, preventing constipation. 5 Ways to Boost Your Water Intake

    * Culprit #2: Not Enough Fiber Most people lack fiber in their diets - the average person eats only 12 g of fiber a day. In 2002, the National Academy of Sciences Food and Nutrition Board established recommended fiber intakes. For men aged 19-50 years, 38 g fiber is recommended, and for men over 50, 31 g fiber is recommended. For women aged 19 to 50 years, 25 g fiber is recommended, and for women over 50, 21 g fiber is recommended.

      Some suggestions:
         1. Add Whole Grains - Choose whole grain products over refined. Have brown rice instead of white or make your own 50:50 combination.
         2. An Apple a Day - Have an apple, skin on, as a snack.
         3. Eat Cauliflower - Try this delicious Roasted Cauliflower recipe!
         4. High-fiber snacks - Snack on nuts, seeds, and dried fruit, such as dates, figs, and prunes.
         5. Try a "Prune Power" Smoothie - Prunes are a great source of fiber. Start your day with this tasty Prune Power smoothie.
         6. Eat Beans and Legumes - Open a can of your favorite beans or legumes. Rinse them well and add them to your meal.
         7. Ground Flaxseeds - For any easy fiber boost, sprinkle ground flaxseeds (available at health food stores) on rice, salads, oatmeal, or any other meal. Store flaxseeds in the fridge.

Tip 3: Invigorate Sluggish Circulation
Do you sit at your desk for hours, only getting up to go to the bathroom? One of the best things you can do for your skin, stress level, and overall health is to get moving! Inactivity may affect skin and promote bloating and puffiness, acne, cellulite, and loss of muscle tone. You'll learn more about exercise in Step 9 of the Wellness Makeover. Here are some quick suggestions:

    * Take a quick break to go outside and walk around the block.
    * Book a massage therapy appointment.
    * Close your door and stretch.
    * Go to the gym.
    * Start each morning by stretching.
    * Get a skipping rope.

Tip #4: Avoid Excess Sugar
Most people do not realize this but excess sugar is considered one of the main causes of premature aging. The more sugar we eat, the more sugar we have entering our bloodstream. Over time, this can result in a process known as glycation, which is when a glucose (sugar) molecule damages a protein molecule by sticking to it. The new molecules formed are called advanced glycation end-products, or AGEs. AGEs damage collagen in skin, cartilage, and ligaments and promote a loss of elasticity. Wrinkles form and skin begins to sag.

    * Try This - It may seem impossible to reduce your sugar intake, but it can be done! A gradual approach works best. In the next week, choose one thing you're going to do to decrease the amount of sugar you consume. For example, start by cutting the amount of sugar in your daily coffee or tea by half. Every week, find another way you can decrease your sugar intake. Pretty soon, you'll be surprised at how far you've come!

Tip #5: Eat Some Good Fats
Essential fatty acids are simply fats your body cannot live without. They are needed to make cell membranes, hormones, and other body chemicals. Essential fats are thought to keep your heart healthy, fight inflammation, and possibly prevent cancer. They are also particularly important to people with inflammatory conditions such as eczema and acne, and also for people with dry skin. People with essential fat deficiency sometimes notice bumps on the backs of their arms. Here are my suggestions on getting more essential fats:

    * Flaxseed and walnut oil - Use flaxeed oil or walnut oil with balsamic vinegar as a salad dressing. Be sure to keep these oils refrigerated. They should not be heated or used for cooking.
    * Cold water fish - Sardines are a good source of essential fats. Salmon is another good source, however these salmon accumulate toxic polychlorinated biphenyls (otherwise known as PCBs) in their body fat during the 95 percent of their lives they spend at sea.
    * Supplements - Consider fish oil supplements.

Quite often the difference between incredible fat loss and no fat loss are the small things, small tweaks here and there make the biggest difference. Below are some small tips that when implemented make the biggest differences.

Use Your Biggest Muscles in Interval Training

The secret to Interval training being so effective is a little process call EPOC(Excess Post Exercise Oxygen Consumption).  It's the process of your body replacing intramuscular energy that gets used up during intense exercise. Bigger muscles have bigger stores of energy that need to be replaced. The more energy needed to be replaced, the more fat will be required for energy. Just think about it this way, what would use more energy, intensely exercising your legs or going balls to the wall on your bicep. So weight loss tip one is use bigger muscles for bigger fat loss.

Include a Longer Interval in your Workout

Intense intervals of longer duration (60 seconds) use up a LOT of calories. Intense exercise triggers very efficient fat loss in your body, longer duration intense exercise triggers  a whole lot more.  Your body needs to work overtime to replace this lost energy. This is a direct form of weight loss. So weight loss tip two is that including one of these longer workouts in your workout will definitely improve your immediate fat loss.

Include a Shorter Interval in your Workout

Intense Intervals of short duration (20 seconds) have body changing affects.  And these effects are not only on the waist line. Your body undergoes a metamorphosis and adapts into a long term fat burning machine. Its start channelling energy to your muscles rather than fat stores, it increases its need for energy stores, it becomes super efficient at channelling energy into your muscles at a rate of knots and your muscles becomes very good at using up a lot more energy before failing. This adds up to a flood of energy being naturally diverted from your fat stores and your muscles becoming super efficient at using all this energy.  So weight loss tip three is include a shorter interval in your workout.

Eat before you Exercise

For a long time it was believed that doing interval training in a fasted state was the best for losing fat as you delayed the insulin surge that occurs when eating (insulin prevents your body from losing fat). Subsequently it has been found that this is not the case, in fact it's seems to be the opposite.  It appears that eating before training gives your body the ability to exercise harder, and as you will see below, the extent and duration of your fat burning is directly related to the intensity of your exercise.  It's also been found that any suppressing of fat loss that may occur directly after training is made up for in the entire fat burning process. And lastly but not least, it seems that when you eat before you train you tend to consume less calories during the day. Weight loss tip four is eat an easily digestable, highly nutritious meal about half an hour before you exercise.

Interval Training without Good Nutrition is Nothing

You can do Interval Training till the cows come home, but if your nutrition is not supporting weight loss, you won't get any fat loss. Interval training works in tandem with good nutrition to lose weight.  Good nutrition involves a low carbohydrate diet and meals times split into six times a day to increase your metabolism. It also involves providing the minerals, vitamins, energy and liquids required to power your body for maximum performance during your exercise. Nutrition shouldn't be a weight loss tip, it's one of the baseline principles, without it no fat loss happens.

Go as Hard as you Can

The secret to EPOC is intensity, Studies have shown that the more intense the exercise, the longer will be in a fat burning stage. They have also shown that the more intense the exercise, the greater the volume of fat burning will be. The body also adapts under intensity, the harder you can push yourself, the more your body adapts at becoming able to function at higher intensities (the one proviso for this is when you are starting out, ease into interval training, don't go full out from the beginning). Weight loss tip six is give it everything you have got.

We accept advised hundreds of diets for quick weight accident and we still acclaim you chase these tips we accept listed beneath for a fast weight accident diet!
* Drink plenty of water evenly through the day, eight or more glasses total. As soon as you wake up try and drink 16 ounces of cold water. Drinking water is one of the most rapid weight loss tips that dieticians suggest to people and leads to 100+ calories extra burned a day.
* Eat six small meals a day. Typical times are 7:30am, 10am, 12:30pm, 4pm, 6pm, 9pm. Lunch should be the largest, other meals consist only of one 1/2 palm sized piece of protein and one fist size organic carbohydrate food. Your Palm and Fist.
* A great tip for how to lose weight fast, easy and safe is that you should have your last large meal about three hours before you go to sleep. It is ok to have a very small snack after that.
* Eat organic vegetables and fruits for breakfast like apples, no-fat yogurt (I like Yoplait lite no fat), tomatoes, carrots, and peppers.
* Don’t depend upon on only fat burning diet supplements. Fat Burners are a great way to lose weight fast, but you should compliment this with a good diet program and exercise to maximize results!
* Soft drinks contain 150 empty calories, you must substitute one can of soft drink (soda) with water each day. Every twenty soft drinks you skip from your normal intake equates to about one pound of weight loss.
* Diet Drinks can stop you from losing weight, therefore drink an equal amount of water immediately after a diet drink to help flush your system or better yet, avoid diet drinks every other day or if you have the will power all days except your “cheat day” (see below).
* Being bored at home, especially in the evening becomes a cause of overeating, so keep yourself busy by meeting friends or new people, joining clubs, going to free public events. Do not just sit on the couch all the time.
* As important as it is to pay attention to the fact that we eat the right food, equally vital is to keep a watch on the quantity. A good rule of thumb is: protein fits in palm of your hand, carbohydrate fist size, no fatty add ons (butter, dressing,etc). But dark greens eat as much as you want (brocoli is one of the best for this, I recommend steamed).
* Eat your food slowly with each mouthful taking 30 seconds. Pause your eating half way through for 5 minutes. Your body needs ten minutes to tell your mind it is full. Remember….eat slow.
* Go for a one hour walk five days a week. This does not need to be a power walk but a faster pace will help. If possible, carry some light 2 pound dumb bells.
* The ultimate tip to eventual success: regular exercise and a balanced diet.
Approximately 90 percent of the daily calorie expenditures of most people occur as a result of the resting metabolic rate (RMR). The RMR is slightly higher than the BMR; it includes the BMR plus any additional energy expended through daily sedentary activities, such as food digestion, sitting, studying, or standing. The exercise metabolic rate (EMR) accounts for the remaining 10 percent of all daily calorie expenditures; it refers to the energy expenditure that occurs during physical exercise. For most of us, these calories come from light daily activities, such as walking, climbing stairs, and mowing the lawn. If we increase the level and intensity of our physical activity to moderate or heavy, however, our EMR may be 10 to 20 times greater than typical resting metabolic rates and can contribute substantially to weight loss.The Zumba dance workout has become very popular recently ... One of the primary reasons is because of its ability to help you lose weight. In this article I will reveal to you the #1 "Secret" of why many individuals lose weight rapidly by taking Zumba dance classes.

? These are just some of the many health benefits of cycling. Not have much to begin acquiring the valuable benefits of cycling. ? Even a small amount of cycling can improve your well-being and physical fitness.

They are more beneficial to take meals. It sea may be one effective tips to lose weight effortlessly. - In order to lose weight without diet and exercise, should live a healthy life and take up meditation.

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If you can not go out and participate in class because it is unable to obtain a regular babysitter, and then test things you can do at home. Yoga and Pilates are good areas to start and if you find the stress get to them will help with that too easily (reducing the risk of overeating when stressed! I mean all the comfort eating). Try to enjoy every aspect of your weight loss. Get your exercise, you want to try new recipes and maybe this is not motivation enough, think about these new components of healthy living is taking your life will be so beneficial for your child.

Only thing that will be most useful to remind you that how you eat now will affect your health New Baby for many years to come. Many people find that they have difficulty losing weight, until they realize their eating habits may affect their children. Do something for you may feel uncomfortable and hard work (especially if it means cooking a real meal instead of picking up a pizza), but to do so for the people you love is fun and feels very much penalty.

Kosher 2 - are fed organic feed and rigid rules rather than time is available to the kosher al. This use of steroids and antibiotics in the meat sector to see these animals generally. These dangerous substances, and no way to lose weight unnecessarily. 3 Pure water - this is an important part of our diet.

Cereals and unnecessary food waste system that flushes help you build support for the heart healthy diet feeder fiber, full. If you can lose inches and we maintain a healthy weight comes thousands of little things.

Will live longer, feel better and be very happy if you eat healthy. What are the foods that should stay away? Fast Food Sugar Food Processed What are the foods you should eat? foods Veggies grains whole Lean Chicken What you need to take supplements to lose weight? protein powder A multi - vitamins Fish / linseed oil What should you take? water, stay away from soft drinks and fruit juice concentrates high, contain large amounts of sugar and could pack extra pounds added in the abdomen and waist.

1st Obesity is not a disease. Quite a number of possible emotional, biological, environmental and geographic reasons are overweight, which has been identified, but the main reason why people are obese because they lack the physical, economic and socio-psychological factors and genetics.

Although both works, you must specify if you need to lose bulge. If you need a good and supplements. If you need to build muscle mass, resveratrol may be a better choice.

people think it is serious about losing weight because I eat what I want to eat. You know what is worse than men boobs? Jiggly boobs man.

The idea is to develop the habit of wanting good food bad food that makes you feel lethargic and bloated. This is a situation common to many people may or may not be a real problem. The problem with such an article tries to explain why there are so many variables that can contribute to the results of the exercises and / or weight loss program.

More so stop dieting. Why can not we just so we can not continue with this attitude from day 1? It's just a part of human nature.

For example, Acai Berry is a great supplement to weight loss. Containing inhibitors of appetite, which will facilitate the transition to eating more healthy, as tends to feel hungry, as usual Youd. It also increases your energy levels, which will use the roads without fatigue at all times. Remember, this supplement, this supplement should not be a substitute for the first two points.

By taking a pause between each mouthful you will feel fuller on less food. A good way to accomplish this is to place your fork down in between mouthfuls.

10 Common Make Up Mistakes:
1: Dark lip liner and light lipstick
2: Lip liner that extends beyond the lip line
3: Drawn-in eyebrows
4: Eyeliner drawn way past the outer corner of the top eyelid
5: Clumpy Mascara
6: Obvious line of blush
7: Bright blue mascara
8: Caking on foundation over bad skin
9: Foundation line on jaw
10: Lining eyes only halfway


For Bad Breath

  • Any sweet tasting herbs can be used to freshen the breath, so choose the taste you like the best.
  • For a ‘quick fix’ keep cardamom seeds handy. When required chew them for a while. You can also add cardamom seeds to herbal teas.
  • Make a mixture of fresh mint, lemon juice, rosemary or coriander, and a little cinnamon in a cup of boiling water. This tea can be drunk at the end of a meal or used as a mouthwash when cool.
  • Herbal Mouth-Wash
    1 tbsp. vinegar Warm water- 1 cup Honey – 2 tbsp.. Cloves (laung)(Powdered) – 1/2 tsp. Method – Mix together all above ingredients and use as a mouth wash.

For Body Odor

  • In a bucket of water, add a piece of alum (phitkari) and a few drops of rosewater. Take a bath with this water everyday.
  • Use deodorants or anti-per spirants regularly especially in your underarms immediately after a bath or apply talcum powder in under-arms, feet and the pubic area.
  • Take regular baths.
  • Take coriander, cinnamon, rosemary, cumin and fennel. Boil then leave to cool and use as a wash. Or tie them into a muslin (malmal) cloth and add to your bath water.

For Dark Circles

  • Apply potato juice to the dark circles with a cotton ball. Leave till it dries.
  • Close your eyes and put big round slices of cucumber over your eye-lids in such a manner that it covers the dark circles. Leave them there for at least half an hour
  • Wear sunglasses before going out in the sun.
  • Drink lots of water and lukewarm milk with a pinch of turmeric powder in it.
  • Crush one plum or cheeko, add half tsp. glycerin and half tsp. pearl powder. Mix and apply on dark circles for 15 minutes regularly.

For Moles

  • Take a pinch of baking soda and mix it with some drops of castor oil. Apply this paste on moles and leave it overnight. Repeat this continuously for a few days. This is one of the effective home remedies for moles.
  • Honey is also used to remove moles. Apply honey onto the moles every morning. Within just a couple of days, the moles will diminish and fade out.
Once your bones stop growing, there's a limit to what you can do to increase your height. Girls experience their peak height growth at 11.5 years and boys at 13.5 years. Boys tend to grow taller than girls due to having two years longer to grow before bone closure, Dr. Lawrence S. Neinstein says on the University of Southern California's website. Increasing height in adults involves the idea that stretching can reduce compression in the spine. Stretching can improve your posture and increase your range of motion, according to the American Council on Exercise.

Step 1
Practice tadasana, the mountain pose. As you stand, focus on lengthening your spine, feeling your feet on the floor and keeping your chest open. Learn to stand with your shoulders relaxed and balanced -- not thrown back or hunched forward. Keep your leg muscles strong and avoid tensing your face or jaw. This stance teaches you to lengthen and support your spine, according to the "Yoga Journal" website. Standing tall helps you to resist the influence of gravity and increase your height after age 30. If you've tended to slouch, stretching can make a noticeable difference.

Step 2
Perform bhujanga, the cobra. Stretch out face down on the floor. Spread your fingers below your shoulders and tuck your elbows to your sides. Press your lower body firmly against the floor. Inhale and raise your upper body by straightening your arms, keeping your lower body in contact with the floor. Raise up only as far as you're comfortable. Keep your buttocks firm without tensing. Feel your spine lengthening. Hold the pose for a slow count of 15. Lower your upper body on an exhalation. Repeating the pose regularly helps you to increase your height by teaching you to maintain a longer spine as you stand, sit and move.

Step 3
Stretch every day after your shower while your muscles are warm. Walk in place for five minutes and then gently shake each arm and each leg to loosen up and release tension. Reach for the sky with one hand at a time. Stretch the entire side of your body from fingertips through your shoulder and hip all the way to your toes. Alternate sides, repeating the sequence three to five times.

Step 4
Take a class or work with a home exercise video in a form of exercise that stretches the entire body, such as yoga or Pilates. Practicing yoga or Pilates regularly helps make good posture a habit and strengthens the muscles that keep your spine and limbs in proper alignment. Stretching regularly may reduce compression in the spine to help you increase your height after age 30, although there is no scientific evidence of this.

Tips and Warnings
    * Seek out a qualified yoga instructor to learn correct form for yoga poses. Many fitness centers, yoga centers and community colleges provide yoga instruction. Take time to research products that claim to increase height. There's no scientific evidence that taking supplements, hanging from chin-up bars or using inversion equipment can cause a permanent height increase in an adult.
    * Perform stretches on a carpet or nonslip mat. Wearing socks or performing stretches on a surface that can slip, such as a rug, could result in a serious injury. If you have difficulty balancing, stand near a strong surface you can hold onto, such as a counter. Never use a towel rack or other item that could pull out from the wall as support.
Have you been thinking about how you may be able to grow taller? There are some exercises you can do that would help you. The spine, thighs and shine have the capability to stretch allowing you to be able to grow a little more. You should try the following exercises to lengthen the legs. I must say if there is any medical reason that may prevent you from doing these you should consult your doctor first.
An easy exercise is kicking. When you kick it exerts pressure to the thigh bone which gives it the ability to lengthen. Try doing front snap kicks by extending your leg and "snapping" out a kick. Try to keep your leg level or parallel to the ground and make the kick as fast as is appropriate for you.
Jumping is another exercise you can do but not just jumping up and down. You need to jump up on something. Depending on your strength level you can find something about 12 inches tall and work up to something higher. Whatever you use to jump onto, make sure it is sturdy enough. You basically just jump up on this and jump back down. Do some repetitions of these, rest between each jump if needed.
Riding a bike is a great way to strengthen the legs and lengthen them. If you like bike riding then this is something you would enjoy. Raise the bike seat a little higher than normal for you so you must reach out further with your legs as you pedal. A stationary bike would be just as beneficial.
The added benefit of doing these is that you would be getting a good workout along with lengthening the legs. You can do these exercises a few times a week to start and can combine them for a complete workout. Riding a bike is a low impact workout so you should be able to do this as much as you want.
If you have a desire to increase your height or to look taller go to Get Tall Now. There are indeed ways you can achieve your goal.
We got the beauty veterans to spill their best tricks for skin, hair and makeup to celebrate womanhood.

It's fun being a woman. We get more options when it comes to looking good - great set of clothes, lovely beauty potions, and amazing colours. We can wear makeup, lingerie, apply sensually textured creams and feel a sensorial pleasure that is tough for a man to feel. It is in fact a celebration of womanhood. While 8th of March marks the day for that, but you could rejoice over it for the day, month, or the year. We asked the experts and aestheticians who make a difference to the way women perceive themselves to give us points on
feeling good, and looking great all the time.

Please do not, I repeat, please do not go to unqualified or less qualified hair dressers. Be confident, be happy and take pride in yourself.

Suparna Trikha

With the changing weather a wonderful way to keep skin well toned is to freeze rose water in an ice tray. When you come from outdoors use this on the skin to soothe and tone your skin. For combination skin mix a pinch of camphor into two teaspoon of honey and massage your skin daily with this mix. Your skin will not feel stretched and will moisturise it. Take the gel
of aloe vera and massage into the scalp twice a week, shampoo hair after an hour. You will see that this promotes hair growth and conditions your hair naturally.

Bharti Taneja 

It is important to take care of your skin and hair, and this has to be done both internally and externally. Internally, you can take care of your skin by doing yoga, exercise and by drinking a lot of water, externally use cream and moisturizer to nourish your skin.

Dr. Jamuna Pai 

Apply a very thin coat of cinnamon oil half an hour before going for a party to give a sensual, plumped look to your lips and erase the wrinkles and creases.

Shahnaz Husain 

Facial scrubs remove dead skin cells, help deep pore cleansing and brighten the skin. Here is a facial scrub for all skin types. For oily skin, use it two or three times a week. For dry skin, use it once a week. For very dry, sensitive skin, pimples, acne or rash, avoid scrubs. Take one teaspoon dried and ground orange and lemon peels, one teaspoon oats and one teaspoon ground almond or almond meal. Add two teaspoons yogurt. Apply on the skin and leave on for a few minutes. Then rub gently with circular movements. Wash off with

Blossom Kochhar 

Do not step out of your house without putting on lipstick even if it is a neutral shade, and apply kajal off course.

Vandana Luthra 

Be yourself! Eat healthy and do not go on crash diets.

Nalini Naegamvala

If you wish you to have a healthy, undamaged, well cut and coloured hair.

Dr. Rekha Sheth 
Protect your skin and use a sunscreen no matter whether the sun is shining or not. Dr Chiranjiv Chabbra You should start a suitable skin care routine from by the time you enter your teens - do regular cleansing, toning, and moisturizing. You can opt for a cosmetic treatment any time in your life. It is never too late. After you reach the age of 25 seek the help of a dermatologist to start on simple skin enhancing cosmetic treatment.

Vimi Joshi

Makeup makes a very personal statement. Each woman is different and has her own unique take on makeup. For woman's day let's celebrate our individuality and do make up that makes you feel good and special. Have fun with makeup and colours. Keep your skin fresh and hydrated and use a creamy compact foundation to even out your skin tone. Blues and greens look stunning on Indian skin tones. Try substituting your black kajal for a deep blue or
green kajal. It will make a subtle difference to your eyes and look amazing in the process. Try using blue mascara too - simple yet stunning. Be confident and work your look. Smokey eye's with a nude glossy lip looks great on strong minded women. Also, try wearing a deep red lip to show that that you are confident and powerful. Add mascara and kajal to really make a statement. Finish off the look with some blush as a contour to define your cheek bones.

Vidya Tikari 

Start by evolving your sense of style. Understand what makes you feel comfortable and confident when wearing a look. How you feel within will reflect on your face, and attitude. Be calm and with a positive, happy state of mind when applying makeup. That gets the best look out. For women's day ensure that your skin looks healthy, and supple. Blend a shimmer gel to your foundation to get a natural glow. You can use a pink blush with shimmer to enhance the glow. Apply a soft, creamy coral hue to your lips, and do up the eyes with soft, neutral hues, and loads of mascara for happy, open face.

Namita Jain 
Schedule a fitness regime in your daily planner. Even if it is only for a short duration, just get started with it. Start with a routine you are comfortable with. Work on making exercise a hard-to-break-habit.

Our desire to look healthy and attractive has given way to a whole host of facial skin care products, more in fact than all the other skin care preparations put together. Of all these products, it is those that are used as part of a daily care regime that are the most popular. Things like cleansers, skin toners, daily moisturizers even exfoliation creams and peels.
The number of facial skin care products continues to grow and for the sake of convenience it has become necessary to split the products up into smaller sub-categories to make searching for a particular product easier. Gender, so there are facial skin care products for men and there are facial skin care products for women.
The skin type; as there are facial skin products for oily skin, dry skin, normal skin, combination skin and sensitive skin. Your age is also important and facial skin care products are available for older and facial skin and for the young.
There are also special skin care ranges for people with skin complaints and conditions like psoriasis, eczema and acne for instance. Perhaps you are able to see why this is such a large area of skin care now and the information here might give you a better idea of where you need to look once you have recognized what type of kin you have.
As with many things in life, ages changes many things and even though you may need different facial skin care products as you get older, your skin type can change as well. Facial skin care products are available in various forms i.e. creams, lotions, gels, masks etc, and a lot of people have difficulty making up their minds which to use.
Whilst it’s important to note that these products work differently for different people, the best thing is to try the facial skin care product on a small patch of skin (e.g. ear lobes) before actually going ahead and using it.
The only time when this may not be a good idea is if you have a skin complaint, when the best course of action is seek professional advise first before you try a new product. Once you have selected the facial skin care product for yourself, you also need to ensure that you use the it in the right way i.e. follow correct procedures for application, use the correct quantity and make the facial product a part of your skin care routine. Pampering your face with preparations that condition and tone is a good idea with the type of atmosphere most of us live in nowadays whether you’re a man or woman.
I’m one of those women who whats to keep the sun tan for as long as it is possible.
What’s been interesting for me to know is that tan duration depends on the place we’ve got it at: weather it was a beach shore, in the country or somewhere else. Southern tan has a tendency to paling much faster than the northern one. In any case, there are ways to make it remain on your skin longer!

Vitamin A
As the skin becomes dry under the sun rays, it badly needs vitamin A nourishment both from outside (in kind of body oil or body lotion used after the shower or bath), and inside (there are plenty of vitamin pills in the drugstores).
Take the right meals
Include into your every day ration beef liver, milk, eggs, apricots, spinach, carrot and probably all the red and yellow vegetables and fruit. Accept it as a rule to have one glass of carrot juice every morning.

Moisten and protect your skin
It’s an obligation to moisten the skin with creams before and afteryou sunbathe. Usually the skin gets dry after the sun baths and it unfortunately means – Bye-bye tanning! Moistened skin keeps the tan much longer than the dry one.
Taboo to sauna
If you’re a constant sauna visitor, you have no other choices but to wait a little with washing yourself as tan peels off much faster from the steamed-out skin. And steer clear of the scrubs. They affect the skin the same way as sauna does.

Use folk remedies
  • Add several tbsp tea or coffee into the bath.
  • Or make ice cubes with tea or coffee.
  • Besides, you can apply the following mask onto the skin to keep your fabulous summer tan: Peel off 2-3 tomatoes, smash them and mix with 2 tbsp curds, 1 tea spoon vegetable oil and 1 tbsp milk. Put the mixture onto the face for 15-20 minutes and then rinse it off with warm and cold water in turns.
As for me, I practice these simple tips all the time. It helps me to enjoy my tan longer!

Makeup is a wonder, but sometimes you get tired of all the applying/removing makeup routine. Enhancing natural beauty can really save you some money on expensive cosmetics and makeup products. So if you wondered how to look beautiful without makeup read our tips.

First and foremost thing that can help you look beautiful without makeup is a good sleep. Eight hours of sound, uninterrupted sleep will eliminate any dark circles or puffiness under your eyes.

Cool water,  cooled moisturizer or simply a cool compress can really help in getting rid of dark circles and puffiness as well. Besides if you want to wake up in the morning or refresh during the day a splash of cool water can be a good way of doing it.

Skin care. Exfoliate and moisturize. In order to look beautiful without makeup your skin should glow and radiate. For that exfoliate your skin once a week and always use cleanser before applying moisturizer. Otherwise you may end up having clogged pores and dull skin.
If you do wear makeup do not sleep without removing it. Your skin will become dull and unhealthy.

Drink water to keep your skin moisturized and smooth. Not only celebrities think water can keep your young and beautiful but experts also recommend to drink clean water every day to remove toxins from the organism and it’s sure a good thing. Here also comes a healthy diet, which has a direct impact on your skin.

Sunscreen should be worn everyday in summer and winter, with or without makeup. Harsh environmental impact, especially from the sun on our skin makes it old. It is also a good idea to wear sunglasses in summer and winter to avoid tiny wrinkles around your eyes.

To look beautiful without makeup your facial features should be well cared for. Well-shaped eyebrows should be always groomed, if you don’t like the color or intensity of your eyebrows you may dye them with a special dye in the salon. Also using curler just to give shape to your eyelashes is not a crime.

Beautiful hair and stylish ‘do can also help in looking beautiful without any makeup. Your lips should be smooth and healthy-looking and your will not need any gloss or lipstick, just a hygienic lip balm.
As you know bad habits have a bad impact on your health and your skin, so getting rid of those is a huge step to looking beautiful without makeup.

This is the collection of Shahnaz Hussain beauty tips. All these tips are safe and can be tried at home.

Home Hair Cleanser:
Take a handful each of dried reetha, amla and shikakai. Soak them in one litre water overnight.
Next day, simmer the herbs on a low fire till the water reduces by half.
Allow the mixture to cool and then strain it with a clean cloth. Use the liquid to wash hair. This quantity should be enough for four to five washes. Refrigerate it.
Make small quantities at a time.

Pimples occur on the oily areas of the skin.

Therefore, applying cold cream can lead to further pimples. Mix one part of pure glycerine with four parts of rosewater and keep it in the fridge. Apply it on the face after washing and before applying it, add a few drops of lemon juice to it. Once daily, apply curd mixed with a little turmeric on the entire face, and wash it off with plenty of water after 20 minutes. Apply sandalwood paste on the pimples.

Twice a week, heat pure coconut oil and apply it on the scalp at night, using cotton wool. Leave it on overnight. Next morning, apply the juice of a lemon on the scalp and wash your hair after half an hour. Apply henna once a week.

Lifeless Hair:
Once or twice a week, heat pure coconut oil and apply it on the scalp and hair. Then dip a towel in hot water, squeeze out the water and wrap the towel around your head like a turban. Keep it on for five minutes. Repeat the hot towel wrap three or four times. This helps the hair and the scalp absorb the oil better.
Use a mild herbal shampoo.
After each shampoo, apply a conditioner, massaging it lightly into the hair. Leave it on for two minutes before washing it off with water.
You can have henna treatment thrice a month, adding four teaspoons each of lemon juice and coffee, two raw eggs, two teaspoons of oil and enough curd to the henna powder.
It will make your hair look healthy and lustrous.

Grey Hair:
Amla is said to check greying. Have the juice of one raw amla after adding it to a glass of water. Also try adding amla to the henna powder.
Henna turns white hair reddish brown. It will not colour dark hair.
Soak a handful of dry amla in about two cups of water overnight. Next morning, strain the water, but do not throw the water away. Grind the amla. To the henna powder, add the ground amla, four teaspoons each of lemon juice and coffee, two raw eggs and enough amla water, so that the henna can be mixed into a thick paste. Apply it on the hair, covering the entire head. Keep it on for two hours and wash it off with water. It will also add shine and substance to the hair. Ask your doctor to prescribe Vitamins B-Complex and C.

Oily Hair, Hair Loss:
Excessive oiliness of the scalp can lead to hair loss. Wash your hair daily, using very little shampoo � one teaspoon for long hair and half teaspoon for short hair. Dilute it with a little water and use it.
After washing, add the juice of a lemon to half a mug of water and use it as a last rinse.
Have henna treatment once a week.
Add four teaspoons each of lemon juice and coffee, two raw eggs and enough tea water to the henna powder and mix it into a thick paste. Apply it on the hair and wash it off after an hour. If you do not wish to use egg, add more tea water.
For tea water, boil used tealeaves in water. Cool and strain before using. Include fresh fruits, raw salads and sprouts in your daily diet. Drink 6 to 8 glasses of water. Add the juice of a lemon to a glass of water and have it first thing in the morning.

Dry, Lifeless Skin:
Use a facial scrub once a week.
For very dry skin, avoid soap and use a cleansing gel or cream.
For the body, use a mild, glycerine soap. Apply sesame seed (til) oil on the body before your bath.
Mix honey with egg yolk and a little milk and apply it daily on the face, washing it off with plain water after 20 minutes.
At night, apply a good nourishing cream and massage it on the face with a few drops of water. Wipe it off with moist cotton wool.
Apply sunscreen 20 minutes before going out in the sun. Til oil actually has sunscreen properties, but it is better to use a sunscreen lotion for proper protection.
Aloe Vera is a powerful moisturiser and an anti-oxidant. It helps keep the skin soft and healthy. It is better to use moisturisers and creams containing aloe vera.

Double Chin: exercises:
� open your mouth as wide as you can. Hold this position for about 10 seconds, then relax your mouth, and repeat the exercise a few more times. For faster results, add resistance by placing a tennis ball underneath your chin, while testing your jaw span. Sleeping without a pillow is said to help. Also, you can massage the area daily with a cream. Start from the chin and go downwards using both hands, one hand following the other.

Oily T-Zone:
Either buy a facial scrub or mix rice powder with curd and use it as a scrub. You may add a little turmeric if you wish. Apply the scrub on the face, rubbing gently with small circular movements. Leave it on for five minutes and then wash it off. This will keep the pores free of clogged oil. Once daily, at any time, mix one teaspoon of honey with one teaspoon of lemon juice and egg white and apply it on the oily areas, washing it off after 20 minutes.

Glowing Skin:
After cleansing, wipe the face with rose water, using cotton wool and then pat it briskly. Use a face mask once or twice a week. You can make a mask at home with two teaspoons of choker, one teaspoon of oatmeal or ground almonds and one teaspoon each of curd, honey and egg white. Apply it on the face and wash it off after 20-30 minutes.

Thin Waist:
Join a gym or health club and lose weight under professional guidance. Or, practise yoga daily. You can also do the following exercises after seeking your doctor�s advice. First, lie on the floor on your back, feet together and arms at the sides. Lift your legs about six inches above the ground and hold this position for a count of ten. Then lower your legs to the floor. Repeat this exercise 3 to 4 times and increase gradually. Then, keep lying on the floor, the same way. Bend your knees and keep your feet flat on the floor. Raise your body to a half-sitting position, holding your arms stretched out before you. Lower your body to the floor and repeat 3 or 4 times. Take a look at your eating habits. Avoid eating desserts after meals and stick to fresh fruits. Take clear soups (without butter) and salads before the main dish. Avoid rich gravies. Cut down on your intake of cereals. For example, if you have been eating three chapatis, eat only two. Or, eat only one cup of cooked rice. Eat fresh fruits, salads, sprouts, curd and paneer made from skimmed milk and lightly cooked vegetables. If you feel like a snack, eat fruit, carrot or cucumber.

Combination Skin, Pimples:
In combination skins, usually the T-zone (forehead, nose and chin) is oily, while the rest of the face is dry. Pimples on the forehead can occur due to oiliness of the skin. You should wash the face only twice a day with a medicated soap. After washing, wipe the oily areas with rose water mixed with an astringent lotion in equal quantities. Use this two or three times a day. Avoid applying besan or multani mitti as they can sometimes clog the pores and cause pimples, blackheads or whiteheads, especially in pimple-prone skin. Add a little turmeric to curd and apply daily on the face, washing it off well with water after 20 minutes. Add a few drops of rose water to sandalwood paste and apply on the forehead and areas with spots. Keep it on for at least one hour.

Dry Skin:
If you wish to use soap, you can try a mild glycerine soap and see if it suits your skin. You should keep your skin well moisturised during the day, or if you are going out in the sun, apply a sunscreen. At night, use a nourishing cream, massaging it on the skin for two to three minutes. Massage the forehead too, starting from the bridge of the nose and using both hands. Go upwards and then in an arc on either side, go towards the temples. Wipe off with moist cotton wool. Once daily, mix one teaspoon honey with egg white and apply on the skin, washing off with plain water after 20 minutes.

the daily use of a facial scrub will help. You can either buy a facial scrub, or you can mix rice powder with curd or rose water and use as a facial scrub. Apply on the face and rub gently on the skin using small circular movements. Concentrate on the blackhead prone areas. Leave on for five minutes and then wash off with water. Once daily, mix honey and lemon juice in equal quantities with egg white and apply on the face, washing it off after 20 minutes.
When summer comes many people go to the seaside but often take only a pair of sunglasses, a fashionable hat and a beach umbrella with them forgetting about the fact their skin also needs protection.

Doctors have been warning us about the harm of UV rays exposure and the development of cancer or some skin diseases as a possible result. Besides, if you stay in the sun for too long you’ll get sunburnt.
No one can deny that UV rays are useful, for they promote metabolism and improve blood circulation in skin. But to get that positive sun effect you can stay in the sun no longer than 15 minutes.
So, if you wish to sunbathe on the beach you need additional protection. Sunscreens are perfect for that but you should know what type of it you need.

In search of the most effective sunblock you can purchase dozens and then get disappointed in over the half of them. According to the recent survey now customers prefer sunscreens with natural ingredients.
Doctors claim natural ingredients are not only useful for skin but have an ability to reflect harmful UV rays like a mirror.
Here is a short characteristic of natural ingredients coming in a sunblock which can provide good
sunscreen protection from harmful rays:
Edelweiss extract - a good antioxidant, reduces harmful impact of the sun and protects from UV radiation.
Green tea - a strong antioxidant, prevents skin cancer development and protects skin from harmful sun rays during sunbathing.
Hibiscus - promotes generation of melanin, a substance that works to protect skin from UV rays.
Vitamin E and betakarotin - antioxidants, protect skin from free radicals.
Aloe - an antioxidant, protects skin from UV rays.
Among other natural substances to protect skin from the sun negative influence can be: calendula and chamomile extracts, avocado, sesame oil, etc.
So, as you have already understood natural ingredients are great… but only for women under 30 with olive complexion. But if you have fair complexion and are older than the aforementioned age you just cannot do without
with chemical ingredients as these provide more intensive protection.

How to apply Mascara:
Here I share 15 tricks and tips on how to apply mascara correctly. If you suffer from thick, clumpy, spider-like lashes, you may be applying mascara incorrectly.
· Tip #1: How to properly apply mascara. Ace your mascara application with a three-step process:
Step 1: Wiggle the wand left to right at the base of lashes. It's the mascara placed near the roots -- not the tips -- that gives the illusion of length.
Step 2: Pull the wand up and through lashes, wiggling as you go. The wiggling part is key: Wiggling separates lashes.
Step 3: In this final step (which I always skip), close the eye and place the mascara wand on top of lashes at the base and pull through to remove any clumps.
Tip #2: Keep lashes from clumping. For some, lash combs are simply too fussy. But for some makeup artists, they're a great invention and keep lashes glob-free and perfectly separated.
Tip #3: Try a spoolie (a disposable mascara wand). Sweep a clean, fresh mascara wand through lashes when they're wet.
Tip #4: Mix mascaras. A trick makeup artists use to make lashes pop is apply one coat of lengthening mascara, followed by one coat of thickening mascara.
Tip #5: Don't shy away from colored mascara. Basic mascara rules are simple: Black works for everyone but can be harsh on light-skinned blondes. Blondes should opt for brown/black by day and reserve black for night.
Blue mascara brightens blue eyes while purple mascara makes brown eyes pop.
·Tip #6: Use an eyelash curler Curling lashes gives eyes the appearance of being wider and brighter. Shoot warm air from your blowdryer on the mascara curler for 3-5 seconds to warm it up before curling lashes. Touch it first to make sure it's not too hot. It's a myth that you have to curl lashes before you apply mascara. You can curl lashes after mascara application, just make sure the mascara is dry first.
Tip #7: Give a few coats to the edges by blinking. Blink onto the brush to give ends an extra coat.
Tip #8: Powder under the eye before applying mascara. Sometimes mascara smudges because it's attracted to oily concealer or eye creams.
Tip #9: Zig-zag the wand. Zig-zagging the wand back and forth during application helps cut down clumps.
Tip #10: For a dramatic look, apply mascara only to the upper lashes. To make eyes seem wider, apply to the bottom, too. But make sure you give lashes a light touch. Not great at getting those bottom lashes? Try putting a tissue under them before application.
Tip #11: Use a mascara primer. Primers coat lashes and separate them before you apply mascara. Makeup artists swear by mascara primer.
Tip #12: Want that 2nd coat? Just make sure to do it before the first coat dries, otherwise you'll get clumps.
Tip #13: Do NOT pump wand in and out of the tube. This only introduces air into the tube, which will cause your mascara to dry out sooner than it should.
Tip #14: Another smudge-proof tip -- bend the wand. A top makeup artist once gave his secret to his steady hand: he always bends his wand at a right angle.
Tip #15: Wait five seconds before blinking. You don't want to paint your lids, do you?
.................AND here u go with perfect mascara on your eyes.
Eyeliner can make even the smallest eyes appear larger. Applying it correctly is key, you don't want the line to be too dark, harsh and obvious or you risk looking overdone. Here we share our favorite tried-but-true eyeliner tips and then give instruction on how to apply a basic eye, a smoky eye, a bold eye and a cat eye.
Three ways to apply liquid eyelinerA typical way to apply liquid eyeliner is to line eye from the inside of the lashes outward in one big sweep. You can also line the eye from the middle of the lashline outward.

Then finish the line from the inner corner of the eye to the middle.

My third liquid eyeliner trick requires a steady hand. The results are supposed to be wider eyes.
Step 1: Start with a completely bare eye, no shadow or mascara.

Step 2: Apply liquid liner in the upper lashes. Dot the liner into lashes, pushing them aside if need be. The result is not supposed to be a line. It's supposed to look as if the lashes themselves are super thick at the root.

Step 3: Apply mascara.

Step 4: Compare eye to other naked eye and see if you love the results.

Keep repeating applying mascara, practice would make u perfect gradually.

Most people think that body gives odor due to sweat. But this is not true as weat does not possess any smell. It is the growth of bacteria in the presence of sweat that gives the unpleasant smell. All people have different body odour. The strength of odor depends on gender, personal hygiene, health, diet, eating habits, some illness and medication.
The body odor developes at underarms, feet, anus, vegina, pubic hair, groin and skin.

Causes of Body Odor
The body odor may be due to following reasons.
1. Poor hygiene, excessive underarm and pubic hair
2. Excessive sweating may be due to a medical problem. Some illness like kidney disease, fungal infections and liver disease can cause bad odor.
3. Drinking alcohol
4. Cigarette smoking
5. Zinc or magnesium deficiency
6. Cavities in teeth
7. Some foods such as too much garlic and onion
8. Women going through menopause and perimenopause may experience terrible body odor due to lots of sweating.

How To Prevent Body Odor?
1. Always wear washed undergarments, during summer and winter as well. Body odor always lingers on clothes. During prolonged rain periods, the clothes often don't dry properly and bacteria grow in them, giving odor. Don't wear such clothes.
2. Shave or wax your armpits and pubic hair regularly.
3. Have a warm shower twice a day with antibacterial soap.
4. Antiperspirants clog sweat glands so don't use them. You can use alum.
5. Use cotton socks to prevent excessive sweating of feet. This will prevent foot odor. Wear sandals in summer.

Home Remedies of Body Odor
As body odor is caused by the presence of bacteria in sweat, the best cure to get rid of odor is to pay attention to both of these causes. The preventive measures given above should be followed to fight body odor.
1. Avoid Some foods such as refined sugar, white flour, red meat, hydrogenated oils (vanaspati), too much garlic, pickles and processed foods. Eat foods with fiber. Eat mint.
2. Dilute some vinegar in water. Soak a clothe in it and apply on underarms.
3. Baking soda is a good deodorant. Take some baking soda in your palm and add some water to make a paste. Rub it on dry armpits after every bath.
4. Rub a lime under arms in the morning. It will keep you odorless throughout the day. You can also use lemon for private parts, and in between thighs.
5. Rub a slice of potato under each arm a few times and let it to dry.
6. Apply some ginger juice under each arm.
7. Wipe the underarms with hydrogen peroxide and then apply talcum powder. Mix 1 teaspoon in a glass of water and wash the armpits. You can increase the amount of hydrogen peroxide if the odor persists.

1.Keep some cotton pads soaked in rubbing alcohol. Wipe your underarms 3-4 times a day with these pads to kill the bacteria.
2.Add a few drops of tea tree oil in coconut oil or any other oil and rub on armspits to kill the bacteria. this will also improve odor.
3.Every night, apply peanut butter on your under arms before going to bed.
4.Soak yourself for 15 minutes in bath water with couple of cups of tomato juice or turnip juice in it.
5.Add some powdered sage into boiling water and drink slowly to reduce perspiration.
6.Take two 50mg tablets twice a day for a week. This will relieve you from odor.
7.Drink 1 can of tomato juice per day for 1 week. The next week reduce to 1 can every 2 days. Your body odor should go.
8.Remedy for Foot Odor
o Soak your feet in warm water with few drops of apple cider vinegar 2-3 times a day
o Sprinkle baking soda in the shoes and socks.
o Reddish is a good remedy to avoid foot odor. Make a juice of radishes and add ¼ tspn glycerin. Use it as a spray on the foot.

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