By Maryl Joop

Anyone who is in a college town where there are students galore knows that renting can be a major hassle. This isn't necessarily because of the high prices that managers and owners inflict on poor unsuspecting students, as much as it is because of the neglect. More and more students are finding that their owners and managers really don't have their best interests at heart.

The worst part of this is that when you go to complain somewhere you will find that, by law, most of these land lords can get away with a lot more than they ever should be able to. Here are some things to keep in mind when you are looking to rent.

Workplace violence can be defined as any instance of harassment, assault, intimidation, or threat that takes place in or around the workplace. As employees in American companies, and companies around the world, we have the right to a safe workplace, but that does not ensure that others will respect that right.

Everyone has the right to feel safe in their workplace, but part of this right includes a responsibility to first act in a manner that increases the safety of the workplace, and second, to report any actions that make you feel uncomfortable and especially unsafe at work.

Another month and a half later, Philadelphia was hit with its first major snow storm of the year. It was a particularly severe storm, dropping two feet of snow across the city. The night before, rather than walking the mile home as he usually did, Billy had chosen to drive one of the company cars. The cold winter air usually drove an unusually large number of hot-sandwich-seeking customers to his shop and Billy did not want to catch cold during this critical time.

You really need to know what your options are. Too many people wait till the last second to choose a place and they end up getting stuck in the crummiest apartment in town because of it. Make sure that you give yourself the time and research you need to make a good decision in the end.

There are also a lot of options available on contracts. You may be looking for more flexibility so you can leave when you need to. Once you have signed the contract, you will find it hard to get out of.

When you finally make the choice on where you are going to stay, make sure that you stick with it and find a way to be a good tenant. While we often hear about horrible managers and landlords, we often don't think about the poor tenants they have to fight every day. By being a great tenant, you will find that land owners are much more willing to work with you.

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