All of my first five children threw temper tantrums. When my fifth baby turned fourteen months old, I found out what I needed to in order to change my parenting style and prevent any more temper tantrums from him. He was forever free of temper tantrums within a week or so of my implementing the changes. After this I used my newly found techniques with each additional baby I had, all eight of them from birth on, effectively preventing tantrums. Not one of them ever had a temper tantrum, not even the two that had ADHD, or the one of them that had very strong Oppositional Defiant Disorder. This daughter, as a young adult, stated, "I was an extremely defiant child, yet, through all the years my mother and I struggled over who was going to be in charge, I simply loved how she responded to my anger."
When I assist other parents to totally eliminate and totally prevent tantrums in their children, I first let them know the difference there is temper tantrums. Some are Type-One, and some Type-Two. It's important to know the difference between the two because in preventing and eliminating them, Type-Two tantrums require additional parenting techniques over and above what is basically needed for both of them.
Type-One temper tantrums are true expressions of children's anger that have escalated to states of rage, sometimes to the extreme, or even to the maximum. These expressions of anger are ones that are out-of-control or nearly so. These types of temper tantrums happen naturally as things occur to make children angry.
Type-Two tantrums are expressions of anger (that could be genuine, unexaggerated, exaggerated, or potentially even totally fake) combined with conscious and deliberate attempts at intimidating or manipulating. These kinds of temper tantrums occur when children don't get what they want.
"Expert" temper tantrum advice has historically included a healthy amount of "ignore the tantrums." Actually, I should say an unhealthy amount, because that is faulty advice that I steadfastly followed when I was initially parenting my first five children. I did learn, ultimately, by eliminating the temper tantrums of my fifth child, that the process of ignoring tantrums was partly what was causing them. In fact, I believe that ignoring tantrums almost guarantees they will recur. Certainly, there are additional factors in the total prevention and total elimination of tantrums from the behavioral repertoires of children. These are elaborated on in my discussion of my methods, which I call, "Infant Anger Management." But it all begins with parents ending their ignoring-the-tantrums behaviors.
When I assist other parents to totally eliminate and totally prevent tantrums in their children, I first let them know the difference there is temper tantrums. Some are Type-One, and some Type-Two. It's important to know the difference between the two because in preventing and eliminating them, Type-Two tantrums require additional parenting techniques over and above what is basically needed for both of them.
Type-One temper tantrums are true expressions of children's anger that have escalated to states of rage, sometimes to the extreme, or even to the maximum. These expressions of anger are ones that are out-of-control or nearly so. These types of temper tantrums happen naturally as things occur to make children angry.
Type-Two tantrums are expressions of anger (that could be genuine, unexaggerated, exaggerated, or potentially even totally fake) combined with conscious and deliberate attempts at intimidating or manipulating. These kinds of temper tantrums occur when children don't get what they want.
"Expert" temper tantrum advice has historically included a healthy amount of "ignore the tantrums." Actually, I should say an unhealthy amount, because that is faulty advice that I steadfastly followed when I was initially parenting my first five children. I did learn, ultimately, by eliminating the temper tantrums of my fifth child, that the process of ignoring tantrums was partly what was causing them. In fact, I believe that ignoring tantrums almost guarantees they will recur. Certainly, there are additional factors in the total prevention and total elimination of tantrums from the behavioral repertoires of children. These are elaborated on in my discussion of my methods, which I call, "Infant Anger Management." But it all begins with parents ending their ignoring-the-tantrums behaviors.
About the Author:
Learn more about the two types of temper tantrums.Eliminate tantrums . Visit Leanna Rae Scott's site to learn how to prevent temper tantrums.
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