By Gwen Lowe

Teachers spend long periods alone in the classrooms with their students and they have little time for interaction with other teachers, especially on a professional level. Many teachers do not actually know how they are doing regarding their teaching techniques. Naturally, teachers have a lot to learn from each other but this can only be achieved if there is a system that allows them to do so. Instructional rounds certainly seem to address this need effectively.

It is important to understand that the purpose of this activity is to learn from observing another teacher in action, not to evaluate the teacher being observed. If the exercise is perceived as a test of some sort, it may lose all value to the observers. Of course, feedback may be given if required. However, the main benefit is observe another professional and to find ways in which to learn from the experience.

Setting up an observation schedule is easy to accomplish. Groups of observers should be small and should preferably be led by an experienced teacher or administrator. The observers do not participate in the lesson and students are told that the observers are there to learn. In most cases observed teachers are volunteers, or they are regarded as exceptionally capable. It is even feasible to observe teachers from other schools.

In most cases observers decide beforehand to pay particular attention to a few specific issues. They may decide to pay particular attention to the way in which the observed teacher maintains discipline in the class, or how students are made to participate in the process. By focusing on specific issues the observation session and the subsequent discussion can be more productive.

After each observation session the observers should conduct a debriefing. It is commonly accepted that their thoughts will not be shared outside the group. The purpose of the debriefing is to share observations and to discuss the techniques used by the teacher that was observed. Members of the observation team can also share ideas on how to incorporate new techniques in their own classrooms.

There can be little doubt that everybody benefits from the observation system. The teachers that are observed are motivated by the fact that they are deemed worthy to teach their colleagues new and effective ideas. Those observing can implement new ideas in their own classrooms and the students benefit because they enjoy instruction of a higher quality. IN this way the entire education system is improved.

Great care should be taken to make sure that the observation system remains non threatening, especially to those teachers being observed. If such sessions turn into evaluation sessions all the potential benefits may be lost. Harm can also be caused by observes that discuss sessions outside the observer circle. Similarly, if teachers are pressurized into an observation situation, they may become resentful and this may harm the quality of teaching.

Anything that improves the quality of the education system should be embraced and applauded. When teachers can help each other to improve their own performance everybody wins. After all, the quality of education is and always will be the prime indicator of the quality of the community. Every parent wants his child to receive the best schooling possible.

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