By Darrel Jefferson

You know the feeling you get when you make the realization that soda can tops are made that way so you can fit your straw into it and it won't float out? I remember when I did and I wished I had been using it that way my whole life. There are a million other "life hacks" like this that when implemented into our daily lives, we can become a lot more effective while we are studying for school.

The importance of taking a Break If you have been working too long and with too little success, it's time to take a break. No matter how time-crunched you seem to be, you will work slower and less efficiently (thus wasting valuable time and internal strength) if you don't give yourself a break. Sometimes all it takes is five minutes talking to a friend on the phone. Other times, it might require a night out on the town. Remember that you are a human being with needs, not a robot. So treat yourself like a person and take good care of yourself.

Here are some suggestions of ways you can take a break and let out some of the stress: Exercise is essential for your body and mind. If you can't go out for daily, regular exercise (which will decrease overall levels of stress) power exercising can be a good thing for you too. When you are about to lose it, go out for a quick run. Do some sit-ups or push-ups. Ride your bike. Hold a short, spontaneous dance party with your roommates. Do what you can to relax your body, energize your mind, and shed that stress.

Cook, As convenient delicious as instant food is, take some time to cook for yourself. Not only will real, healthy food increase your physical well-being (which is directly related to handling stress) but it will give you a nice, methodical break.

Your mind will be at peace because you know you are not wasting time, but rather doing something productive and good for your body.

Social Interaction, Interacting with other people is another great way to relieve stress. Talk with your roommates. Call your mom. Visit a neighbor. Take ten minutes and join the party down the hall. Getting your mind off your problems and building social relationships is always encouraging and enriching.

Microwave, The microwave truly is a gift from the College gods. It can sometimes seem like there is not enough room in that small oven to fit everything you want to microwave. Instead of doing two separate trips of radioactivity you can put a second bowl on top of a mug and microwave two bowls at the same time.

Meditate, Simply stopping everything - movement, thought, worrying etc. can help you relax. Choose whatever method you want. Yoga, meditation, prayer, or simply lying on the floor with the lights out can help you regain perspective, self-confidence, and relieve that stress.

So no matter if you are a busy working on your business degree, computer science degree, or property management degree, you should always take time to take care of yourself. De-stress by trying out these simple tips and enjoy a great college experience!

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