By Hedrick Lepsch

When your courses you have been studying for months come to a close, the time comes to prove just how much you have learned in those courses by taking a comprehensive exam. It is unfortunate that they all must land within the same week of each other, especially when you are taking a full course load. However, it has become a rite of passage for all college students to come to grips and learn how to endure the "finals week." Here's our comprehensive list of how to survive.

It's true that these career paths can be very profitable but also not as glamorous as expected. Being a doctor or lawyer comes with a lot of difficult baggage. It comes with handfuls of bureaucracy and paper work that seems to have little if anything to do with saving lives. These professions are not for the weak in heart or a self-centered drama queen. Strong, responsible, focused hearts and minds are needed for these professions. But those that are truly fit for the job love their work. The following are some of the best things about being a surgeon.



Some students are dissuaded from taking online courses due to the incorrect notion that they will be left on their own to learn the material. Communication is encouraged, if not required during online classes. Professors who teach courses online are often included in course-relevant chat rooms, which allow them to respond to questions and offer helpful advice to students trying to figure out course concepts. Students within the course can also communicate with each other in this fashion, allowing for a multi-faceted learning experience.

Web Skills

If you are feeling tired, it is also not a bad idea to take a power nap. It has been proven that as long as a nap is under 30 minutes, it can be considered productive. Your brain has more energy and power afterward that is sometimes necessary to continue on studying.

Very similar to satisfaction is accomplishment. Personal accomplishments are encouraging. Especially as technology changes and procedures are become more sophisticated, bigger problems can be solved more easily. Being able to continually improve and change procedures and practices keeps a career interesting and fulfilling. As a surgeon progresses throughout his/her career, it is easy to see the impact he or she has made over the years.



Online classes are often cheaper than tradition college courses, not to mention the savings you'll make by not having to commute or eat out multiple times a week. College courses through the Internet allow you to avoid many additional costs associated with the college experience, while earning the same diploma you'd otherwise be working towards.

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